As a native, Xu Ling could not help feeling proud to hear the exclamations from foreigners.

After feeling the admiration of the Japanese for the auditorium, Xu Ling began to chat with several members of the other party.

At this time, Xu Ling also really felt the other party's studious habits. Instead of talking with them, she used poor Chinese all the time. From this point alone, the other party asked many questions about history, which surprised Xu Ling.

This chat is just like a class. If Xu Ling had not accumulated a lot of literature, he would not have been able to withstand it.

While Xu Ling was chatting with the little members, not far away, Weitian and Tanaka came all the way to Xu Ling's year ago and stopped.

"Mr. Takeda, Mr. Tanaka, Hello These two suddenly come over, let Xu lingpo some surprise, slightly a Leng then said hello.

"Mr. Xu, I've heard all about you from Professor Shen. You are really a rare talent." Without waiting for Xu Ling to introduce himself, Weitian praised him directly.

Needless to say, his information must have been revealed by Mr. Shen.

"I don't know if Mr. Xu and my senior apprentice will make a different spark together?" Without waiting for Xu Ling to respond, Weitian continued to talk and pushed Tanaka, who was beside him, a little bit in front of Xu Ling.

At this time, Xu lingcai took a good look at the young man in front of him. He should be about the same age as himself, with a look of flattery and disgrace.

Even if he was pushed up by his master, he just pulled out a little smile at the corner of his mouth and nodded to Xu Ling.

However, the other side's appearance in Xu Ling's view, only two words in his mind: Gao Leng!

To tell the truth, Xu Ling didn't like such a person very much. Taking a Sima face from the other party made him lose the interest of continuing to talk.

After a few words, he found an excuse to leave here.

And just after Xu Linggang left, a staff member with a microphone went to the front of the podium and said it out loud.

"Please find the right place to sit. The seminar will begin soon." After saying it in Chinese, I repeated it in Oriental.

Silence is the intersection of the two countries, and it is not appropriate to use their own needs alone.

These seats were arranged early in the morning. Although there were more than 100 people on the other side, they all reported their names in advance, so everyone had corresponding seats. After the staff's instructions, they quickly found their own seats and sat down one after another.

With Shen Wenzhi on the stage, the seminar officially began.

This situation is really different from that held in the city. In the whole venue, there are even special tea masters.

Because Xu Ling was waiting to speak, he was arranged in the front row by Shen Wenzhi. Next to him was Tanaka.

I don't know why, Xu Ling always feels that this Tanaka is a little strange.

At this time, after Shen Wenzhi's speech of welcome, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

In this way, Shen Wenzhi's position in this party is still very high.

After Shen Wenzhi finished speaking, Mr. OTA, who is also the chairman, walked slowly onto the stage, took the microphone from Shen Wenzhi with a smile, and gave a speech to everyone in his native language.

Although I don't understand it, it probably means thanks to China and expectations for this seminar.

To Xu Ling's surprise, it seems that apart from himself, most of the Chinese present can understand what Ota said.

So let Xu Ling feel a burst of shame, but also in the heart quietly determined to have time to learn a foreign language.

Finally, there was another round of applause.

When Xu lingzheng felt as if he had nothing to do with himself, Shen Wenzhi looked at him.

Shen Wenzhi, who took over the microphone again, then talked about the theme of the seminar to the people present.

And with each other's eye contact, Xu Ling suddenly felt a burst of tension.

Won't you let me play so soon? As soon as Xu Linggang thought of this, Shen Wenzhi's voice began to ring.

"About the history of this period, I have found a scholar who has a deep study here. Let's listen to his opinions first. Let's welcome Xu Ling!" After explaining the theme, Shen Wenzhi smoothly invited Xu Ling.

In such an environment, Xu Ling had no choice but to go to the stage with the knowledge she had just inquired about yesterday.

However, although she was a little nervous, Xu Ling felt that she had prepared enough to deal with the current situation. After all, all these contents were obtained from Xiaoya. I think many scholars who have been studying this field probably don't know.

In addition, through Xu Ling's collation, the content is just like that of the Three Kingdoms.

Every sentence is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and every paragraph is exciting. It was originally an old-fashioned historical fact. When Xu Ling said it, it was like a novel.

The most important thing is that under such wonderful remarks, many historical facts are the same as what they understand, which makes people have no place to ask questions.

As Xu Ling finished, the people present were still immersed in the lingering charm just now, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

It seems that he is still digesting what Xu Ling said and matching what he knows.

"Pa pa..."

After a moment of silence, Shen Wenzhi took the lead and clapped his hands.

There was a leader. After a while, all the people responded, so a wave of applause rang directly in the whole hall.


Xu Ling also bowed politely to the bottom to express her thanks.

After all, as a preacher, it's very gratifying to get everyone's approval.

After Xu Ling finished speaking, she did not stay, so she gave the microphone to the emcee. She said something to Shen Wenzhi, and went out of the meeting.

No way, in the way of his speech, the mobile phone in his pocket has been shaking, until now has not stopped.

As he walked outside the meeting hall, he took out his cell phone.

Yu Wenwen three words will be introduced into the eye.

When I called in the morning, no one answered. I guess I've finished my work now.

Also think of her morning is so to call himself, Xu Ling did not walk out of the meeting immediately connected the phone.

"Brother, where are you? Nothing wrong? Why didn't you go home these two days? " Just pick up, opposite Yu Wenwen immediately came some nervous and concerned voice.

Hearing Yu Wenwen's tone, Xu Ling's heart can't help getting warm. This little girl has a little conscience and knows how to care about her brother.

"It's OK. I'm on a business trip." After some gratification, Xu Ling gave the other party a peace.

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