Xia Xinyu took Xu Ling to the column group this time, and she left peacefully when she took Xu Ling to the office seat arranged for him.

This kind of feeling is just like the parents who send their children to Xu. Ling felt quite helpless, but it was also the other side's good intention, so it was not easy to interrupt.

Fortunately, there are not many colleagues in the column group, which is not too embarrassing for Xu Ling.

All his things have been taken over, and after looking around at his "new home", Xu Ling is quite moved.

At night, the staff of the column group really have no position. Even the office space is smaller than that of other column groups. It turns out that they can stretch their limbs when they comment on the column group.

Now it's hard to hold up!

Besides the working environment, the working atmosphere is not flattering.

The current time is five minutes to eight, but Xu Ling can't see any colleagues in the empty office except aunt sweeping the floor.

Moreover, except for colleagues, even the leadership's office is closed. Xu Ling knocked on the door for a long time, but no one responded.

Even the column director has such a working attitude. It's strange that the staff under him can be positive.

No way, the leader did not come, Xu Ling could not even report, let alone understand his work direction.

Bored Xu Ling can only walk around two times in the column group, which is probably familiar with the working environment.

It's already past eight o'clock, so Xu Ling learned that the earliest program in the night column should be the nine o'clock evening news.

Just about ten minutes away from this point, a fat man yawned and walked in from the outside.

He didn't wake up. He walked directly from Xu Ling and came to the innermost desk. After a little packing, he had to go out.

When passing by Xu Ling again, I still didn't notice that there was a second person in the office besides him.

"Hello Looking at the other side from his side to walk, also did not find himself, Xu Ling helpless himself first to say hello.

The fat man was obviously frightened by Xu Ling's voice. All the documents in his hand almost fell to the ground. He quickly turned around and finally saw Xu Ling sitting on one side.

"Xu Ling!" Unexpectedly, the fat man seemed to know the face in front of him. Without hesitation, he cried out.

For this kind of situation, Xu Ling can only smile awkwardly, but the person in front of him has no impression at all!

"That... You know me?" After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Ling decided to ask first. After all, they are all colleagues. They always need to know each other.

"Xu Ling, you won't forget me. Although I didn't find out to help you, you can't be so vengeful!" Fat man looks at Xu Ling like this, immediately complains, although his face is that kind of extremely embarrassed appearance.

"Well, I had an accident not long ago, which led to the disappearance of some memories, so give me some tips first to let me know you." In this case, Xu Ling has already thought of a good speech. This is what he said to everyone he knew before.

Just ask them anything about why they don't remember each other.

"Oh, so it is. I don't think you're such a revenged person." Fat man showed an expression of sudden realization. Then, he changed into an excited expression after seeing an old friend. He was preparing to come to Xu Ling to have a good reminiscence. But after two steps, he suddenly realized a more important thing.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, the fat man clapped his forehead and said apologetically to Xu Ling, "my program will start soon. Ha, I'll come back to you after the program is over!"

With that, he walked to the studio.

Looking at the figure of the fat man leaving, Xu Ling is also slightly surprised that such a careless person is actually the anchor of news programs. It's true that people can't be ugly.

After the fat man went into the studio, the anchor colleagues of successive night programs also came to the program group. They were surprised at the beginning when they saw Xu Ling, but what Xu Ling didn't expect was that most of them had a friendly call with themselves after they were surprised.

It's not necessary to think about what happened to Xu Ling in the past. It must have a bad influence on the whole column group. However, these people seem to have no intention of complaining about Xu Ling. On the contrary, they are very glad that he can come back to the column group.

Wang Chuqian said to herself that in addition to her own help, she seems to have been helped by other colleagues.

In this way, these people should also know the real reason why Xu Ling did something stupid. No wonder they didn't mean to blame Xu Ling.

After greeting, they also hissed and asked about Xu Ling. Of course, Xu Ling didn't remember many things he said before, so he had to use the same excuse to explain them.

After knowing the reason, everyone showed their understanding and sympathy one after another, and then they went back to their seats one after another to prepare the program.

For a moment, the whole column group fell into a busy atmosphere.

Xu Ling's arrival is just a small episode, work, or have to continue.

And in the time of chatting with the public, fat man has already finished his program and come back.

He ran to Xu Ling nonstop, and then went on saying before he left, "Xu Ling, I'm Jiangshan, your former best friend!"

The fat man's words directly caused other people's boos, straight to the fat man's face to suppress the red, "go, you people, just can't see my good brother back!"

"Fat man, as a good brother, why didn't you come out and say a word then?" In the crowd, a voice suddenly rang out and asked jokingly to Jiangshan.

Jiangshan has no resistance to this problem at all. Even if he is madly yelled by the other party, his face is even more red and he can't say a word.

It seems that he himself felt that it was too meaningless not to speak for Xu Ling.

Xu Ling just looked at the crowd with a smile. How long has it been since she made fun of each other.

In this radio station, Xu Ling is also mixed with three column groups. There has never been an atmosphere as harmonious as that of the night column group.

At this time, in Xu Ling's heart, you ran up a sense of comfort, as if this is the place you are destined to come to.

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