Wang Hui glanced at Xu Ling and said with a smile: "Xu Ling, selling copyright is a big deal. How can you not say hello to the audience?"

Xu Ling said with a smile, "I just got the news. I haven't started talking about it yet. You and chief editor Zhu came in a hurry."

"Oh, no talk, no talk." Wang Hui is really happy to smile this time, "you are still young, and you don't understand the tortuous aspects of copyright. With me and chief editor Zhu on the side, at least you won't suffer a big loss."

Xu Ling took a look at him, and then at Zhu Xu, a pair of thief's eyes. He laughed noncommittally, but he didn't say anything against it.

Zhao Jingjing said with a smile: "deputy director Wang joked. It's not the first time that we have cooperated with your Taiwan. We are familiar with each other's rules and regulations. How can we make small hands pit you?"

"You have to be defensive." Wang Hui pointed to the sofa, "let's sit and talk?"


They nodded and took their seats.

When the other three were seated, Wang Hui coughed and immediately became the master of the situation.

"Comrade Zhao, I don't know how much your publishing house is willing to spend on these two fairy tales?"

"Well, let's just talk about money?"

Zhao Jingjing was stunned at first, then took out a stack of documents from her bag and handed them to Wang Hui and Xu Ling.

"Our publishing house has drawn up two plans this time. The first plan is full copyright buyout, including the two stories that have been broadcast before. Mr. Xu has to provide us with 15 fairy tales of the same quality and unlimited length. At the same time, we will get a publishing fee of 10000 yuan. "

Zhao Jingjing pause, and said: "however, teacher Xu these two days did not broadcast the story, I do not know whether we can meet the conditions?"

Xu Ling does not care to smile, "I have a lot of stories. It's no problem to write more than ten more. You can talk about the second plan first."

"Good!" Zhao Jingjing nodded, "the second plan is to sign an exclusive contract. There is a well-known magazine under our publishing house, and there is a shortage of writers who are good at fairy tales at present. So, we mean to sign a contract with Mr. Xu to contribute to the magazine. The price of each fairy tale is between 100 and 120 thousand words, of course, The main thing is to pay for the quality of the manuscript. "

After that, Zhao Jingjing took a look at Xu Ling and Wang Hui, who was frowning. She asked softly, "I don't know what you mean?"

"Actually, I..."

As soon as Xu Ling spoke, he was interrupted by Wang Hui.

"Listen to me first." Wang Hui brushed off the contract in Shan's hand and said: "Xu Ling is the broadcasting host of our station. During his tenure, the manuscripts created by Xu Ling can only be used by our radio station. Therefore, this second plan will definitely not work. As for full buy-out, it's a good way, but the price is a little less. "

"The price is negotiable." Zhao Jingjing smiles, "as long as the price is reasonable, it can be discussed. After all, we came here with sincerity, and our editor in chief liked and appreciated the story of Mr. Xu very much. "

"The price, let me see..." Wang Hui secretly exchanged eyes with Zhu Xu, and then said: "it's one hundred thousand yuan."


Zhao Jingjing opened a cherry mouth, stayed for a long time, Leng didn't say a word.

Wang Hui said with a smile: "Comrade Zhao, does this offer make you a bit embarrassed?"

Zhao Jingjing said with an embarrassed smile: "deputy director Wang, this quotation is beyond the scope of the index given by the editor in chief. Shall I call back and ask?"

"Help yourself." With a faint smile, Wang Hui tilted his legs and began to taste tea.

Zhao Jingjing stands up, takes a look at Xu Ling, and then goes straight out of the reception hall.

After Zhao Jingjing left, Xu Ling took the opportunity to say, "deputy director Wang, do you want too much?"

Wang Hui didn't glare at him angrily. "You're stupid. How can you elbow out?"

"I just think your price is unrealistic." Xu Ling had no choice but to smile, "I know something about the copyright fee. Fairy tales like me sell for twenty or thirty thousand. As for 100000, it's a joke. I know you are good for me, deputy director Wang, but you have to be down-to-earth. "

Zhu Xu, standing aside, stood up at the right time and cheered coldly: "Xu Ling, do you want to interrupt the leader? Stay away. "

Xu Ling sneered and said, "what I sell is my copyright. Why don't I speak?"

Zhu Xu also said impolitely: "you are a member of the radio station, and the manuscripts you write are also from the radio station. Of course, the radio station is the leader of everything. Mr. Wang also has his reason for asking for a high price. Do you think the 100000 yuan is for you? We radio stations are busy. Don't we have any hard money? "

"Ha ha, now I think of the people who are from my radio station. What have you been doing?" Xu Ling sneered, "before taking off my program, why don't you think I'm from the radio? The copyright belongs to me. It has nothing to do with you. I want to pay for it. It's beautiful for you. "

Wang Hui then said: "Xu Ling, what you said hurt people. It's a decision made by the leaders of the stage, including me, to take off the children's story column. I didn't mean to embarrass you. As for the issue of copyright fees, what editor in chief Zhu said is very reasonable. No matter how much we talk about in the end, we must share some of them in the station. At least we have to open them three or seven times, you three or seven times. "

"Me three? Ha ha, deputy director Wang, are you going too far? " Xu Ling said discontentedly, "this manuscript is completely my own creation. Does it have anything to do with the radio station? What's more, we don't have this treaty in our work contract. Are you buying and selling by force? "

Wang Hui raised his eyelids and said, "Xu Ling, if you still want to be the anchor, you'd better follow my arrangement. Otherwise, before the contract expires, you will always be a helper

"Well, that's a good idea!" Xu Lingpai said, "you can't get involved in copyright."

When they quarrel, Zhao Jingjing calls and comes back.

She didn't give any reply to Wang Hui's offer. She just faced Xu Ling with a trembling smile. "Mr. Xu, since the copyright is in your hands, the matter discussed is naturally a private matter between you and me. It has nothing to do with Mingqi radio station. What do you say?"

Xu Ling nodded with a smile and said, "that's the truth."

Zhao Jingjing blinked, "let's go out and find a quiet place to have a good talk?"

Xu Ling: "yes, the coffee shop downstairs is a good choice."

"OK, let's go." Zhao Jingjing put away all the two documents and laughed apologetically at Wang Hui and Zhu Xu. "I'm sorry, you two. I'll go out with Mr. Xu and have a talk. We'll meet again later."

Xu Ling went out without saying hello. He didn't pay attention to the two leaders on the stage.

Zhu Xu looked at the back of the two men and asked, "director, what shall we do now?"

"Well, what else can we do?" Wang Hui snorted heavily, "you shouldn't have recruited him at the beginning!"

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