Thinking of such a situation, Xu Ling could not help pulling the corners of her mouth and laughing.

"Xu Ling, although this program has no room for development, it's also a good iron rice bowl, and you don't need to use any brain. Anyway, there are models for your reference, and you don't have to be so excited!" Looking at Xu Ling laughing for no reason, Jiang Shan thought that he couldn't bear the stimulation, so he immediately comforted him.

"Jiangshan, please show me the script of the previous program." Xu Ling is not the kind of person who likes to talk about everything. It's better to do more than say more, so Xu Ling immediately told Jiang Shan.

"Oh, well, I'll find it for you." Looking at Xu Ling's appearance, Jiang Shan also thinks that the other party should have accepted his fate. He immediately doesn't ask any more questions and turns to a cabinet where documents are stored.

"And this one?" For Jiangshan's words, Xu Ling was a little strange. This program had not been broadcast for three days at most. Why did she put the manuscript in the warehouse directly?

"The original model I found for you, and the following manuscripts are all modified according to the above. It seems that Zhao Xiao has taken away the manuscripts of recent programs." Jiang Shan explained to Xu Ling as he walked.

According to what Jiangshan said, Xu Ling couldn't help looking at Zhao Xiao's desk.

Sure enough, there was nothing left on the table!

See this, Xu Ling even a little regret just went to send this guy, people have gone, still don't forget to help a group of new people!

But at this time, all Xu Ling can do is complain a few words, then go to Jiangshan side, quietly looking at him, constantly looking at the name of the folder.

While watching, I piled up what I didn't need.

So it lasted five or six minutes, while the folder picked out even piled up half a person high, the fat man jumped up abruptly, holding a folder covered with dust on the cover in his hand, and exclaimed excitedly, "finally found it for me!"

With that, he dusted the dust slightly, breathed hard, and handed it to Xu Ling.

Solemnly sharing hands, Xu Ling took over the treasure like document, opened the cover and looked at it, then exclaimed, "isn't this the document three years ago?"

"Yes, this program was revised in these manuscripts three years ago. Don't underestimate these manuscripts. They are all the most popular stories in previous programs!" Jiangshan nodded, and then immediately very seriously emphasized to Xu Ling.

"For three years, the program has been adapted from these stories?"

Jiang Shan nodded.

"There's a show every day?"

Jiangshan nodded again.

"All right." Xu Ling answered helplessly.

It's no wonder that this program hasn't been broadcast for three days and hasn't received any complaint letter from the audience. People have already given up on this program!

A little look at the manuscript collection in hand, Xu Ling silently touched in the heart.

A day's program time is two hours, with their own speed, this manuscript can speak for at most a week.

That means that the story has to be turned over in a week.

Such a night column, the audience in the mood of all kinds of expectations, tune to "Midnight", the result is actually heard a week ago just heard the story!

Once or twice, people may still think that the program team has made a mistake, but three times, four times, and even countless times of repetition, this disappointment, even Xu Ling who has not heard this program can feel.

Jiangshan watched Xu Ling carefully read the manuscript and knew that he needed time to prepare the program, so he did not disturb him any more. He went to one side and talked about the plot of the TV play with the colleague just now.

And Xu Ling is those manuscripts, back to the seat, in just sit on the seat, he put the whole document closed on the side.

It's not about how fast Xu Ling looks at things, but after he has turned over a few pages, he really doesn't want to go on reading any more.

In the first five pages alone, Xu Ling has already found that the three stories use the same routine.

Even in the description of some thrilling links, they are just mechanically copied, even the rhetorical devices are the same.

As for the creation of the atmosphere of terror, almost all of them use the form of multiple exclamation marks to project into the program, which depends entirely on the tone of the anchor to render.

It's no wonder that Zhao Xiao would give advice to the leaders regardless of his identity. This kind of anchor experience is suffering!

There is no sense of freshness and satisfaction, just like the repeater repeats the story every day.

After putting the folder aside, Xu Ling began to recall the horror stories in her original world.

This kind of story, his original world of excellent works but countless!

But to fully understand the plot, Xu Ling has to ask for the help of Xiaoya.

In fact, in general, Xu Ling does not rely on Xiaoya as long as he can solve it by himself.

It's really because Xiaoya's fees are too abnormal. A little search will cost more than 100 yuan.

Now I don't have the support of the column of "tasting the Three Kingdoms", and the increase of reputation value can be one tenth of that before. Thank God.

So, before the development of new programs, use less prestige value.

But then again, if you don't ask Xiaoya for help, with the manuscripts on hand, Xu Ling can be very sure that the reputation of her live broadcast for a day can't be increased a little!

No investment, no return! Xu Ling also understands this truth.

Helpless, Xu Ling had to wake up Xiaoya in her mind and began to choose works for her new program.

Cai Jun's "the 19th floor of hell", "Tianji" and so on, Zhou Dedong's "door", "Qimen dunjia" and so on.

Countless excellent works flicker in Xu Ling's mind, and finally, after ten minutes of careful selection, he finally decides his own direction -- the story of tomb robbery!

The choice of this kind of story is not a whim of Xu Ling, but a combination of the current situation of the world.

First of all, this kind of story in this world, not to mention the radio, even the novel has not been involved, this kind of new thing, always more attractive to the audience.

After all, the horror stories are much better than the original ones, but as far as the reputation of this program is concerned, the audience will not wait for you to talk about the wonderful part.

Secondly, the stories of tomb robberies include the horror and supernatural part, the exploration of the unknown and the intrigue of the human heart.

Xu Ling believes that he can use this to make a good turn for the "midnight fright" column!

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