Time has come to midnight, from the schedule inside, Xu Ling clearly remember, this point should be fast to their own program.

Sure enough, when he took out his manuscript again, editor in chief he came over quickly.

"How about Xu Ling? Is that all right? " He is really worried about his health today. After all, he has just come out of the hospital.

Xu Ling is out than an OK gesture, patted chest said, "don't worry, there is no problem!"

After getting Xu Ling's assurance, editor in chief he took a breath of relief, and then told him, "this time we start a new story, which is a challenge for the whole program and even the column group. Your program has always been the signboard of our column group, but it has never been popular. I think your change has great development potential. Come on!"

In the end, editor in chief he changed his tone of encouragement and patted Xu Lingdi on the shoulder.

Generally speaking, Xu Ling can't say such words as "I will live up to your expectations". He is a realist. All the guarantees before the beginning are just empty words, and there is no gold in them.

What we really need to care about is the listening rate and the audience's reaction after the program is over

"Well, it's almost time. Go to the studio." After another chat, editor in chief he looked at his watch and finally informed Xu Ling.

Nodding without ink, holding the printed manuscript, Xu Ling went straight to her studio.

Not to mention, this "midnight fright" column has a bad performance, but the treatment is good. Even the studio is specialized.

Last time, editor in chief he took himself around, but he didn't come in. When he came inside, Xu Ling found that there were still terror posters hanging on the walls of the house, which was like a haunted house.

Although Xu Ling doesn't know what this practice is for

Is it to set off the atmosphere? But the story is told to the audience, in the studio paste these things, there is a kind of feeling.

"You... Hello! Sorry to be late, I forgot what's going on today's program! " When Xu Ling looked at the studio carefully, a voice came from behind.

Looking around, a little girl with a ponytail was standing in front of her, panting and apologizing.

Why is it a little girl? It's really because this face is so like a child. It's round with a little baby fat, just like a doll.

However, judging from her development, it can be concluded that she should be an adult. Such a match made Xu Ling immediately think of an adjective in her mind. What about Tong Yan

"Who are you?" Want to return to think, this Xu Ling can't dare to talk nonsense, drew back the vision, he then doubted of ask a way.

"Ah! I forgot to say that my name is Qin Yan, the telephone editor of this program. Are you the new anchor here? " In the face of Xu Ling's inquiry, the other party quickly introduced himself, and then asked again.

Xu Ling nodded and held out a hand. "Hello, I'm Xu Ling. I just came to take over this program today. Nice to meet you!"

Qin Yan didn't seem to expect Xu Ling to be like this. Several previous anchors just nodded after they said hello. Originally, the telephone editor just helped the anchor deal with the audience's calls, and the more important ones were transferred to the anchor.

Qin Yan came to the radio station almost a year ago.

At that time, there was almost no phone call for this program, let alone transferred to the anchor.

As a result, the cooperation between the anchor and the telephone editor is equivalent to zero, and the people who took over the program also know this.

To put it bluntly, in addition to Zhao Xiao, who was an angry youth last time, almost all came here to muddle along and wait for job hopping.

Working in such an abnormal environment, Qin Yan didn't even know that this was the right way to meet between the anchor and the telephone editor.

Originally, the live program was a collaboration between two people.

In the program, it is inevitable that all kinds of people will call, if these are given to the anchor to pick up, then the program will not be broadcast!

These naturally need to be solved by telephone editing.

The telephone editor is a person who directly contacts the audience. If he doesn't have a good relationship with them, he will either go slow or maliciously slander the audience during your program.

Although all these are done by telephone editors, the audience blames the whole program!

Therefore, Xu Ling has maintained a good relationship with telephone editors from the past to the present.

Qin Yan Leng after a while, immediately also happy to extend his hand and Xu Ling heavy grip, "I am also very happy!"

"After that, please give me more advice. Let's make this program beautiful together!" Xu Ling then cheered up her program with a smile.

Affected by Xu Ling's emotion, Qin Yan immediately turned her eyes into crescent shape and nodded, "good!"

But just for a moment, she recalled that although she was just a telephone editor, she had been here for more than a year, so she knew this program very well.

Qin Yan doesn't understand how Xu Ling, who is full of positive energy, can come to this program. She can only think that Xu Ling is actually a new anchor, or even a trainee.

"Well, you try the tone first and get ready. I'll go outside." Qin Yan told a, then went straight outside.

"By the way, Qin Yan," seeing that the other party was going to leave, Xu Ling suddenly remembered that he had accomplished nothing and quickly stopped him. When she turned around, he pointed to the wall and asked, "do you know what these posters are?"

Being watched by a group of ghosts and snakes, Xu Ling is really a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, yes," Qin Yan seems to have been used to such an environment. After Xu Ling finished her reaction, she explained with a wry smile, "this is left by Mr. Zhao. He said it is to increase the effect of the program and let himself experience the feeling of being on the scene, but the result doesn't seem to have any effect."

Xu Ling naturally knows that the teacher Zhao in Qin Yan's mouth is Zhao Xiao.

This guy is really a great inventor in the anchor industry. He can even think of this way to improve the program effect.

Although the result is not satisfactory, Xu Ling is still some praise, but also some heartache.

Because since Zhao Xiao can achieve this point, it just proves that he attaches great importance to this program and is determined to save it.

After getting Qin Yan's answer, Xu Ling suddenly feels that these posters are not so terrible.

"Do you want to uncover it?" Since asked, that must be to have an opinion to this, Qin Yan after explaining, then asked to Xu Ling.

"It's OK, no, I think it's very interesting." Xu Ling quickly waved to deny, looked around and nodded in appreciation.

Qin Yan looks at Xu Ling strangely and doesn't understand what he means, but how to arrange here is the freedom of the anchor, and he has nothing to say.

"Any questions?" Qin Yan then asked, so as not to be called back when she was about to leave.

After getting Xu Ling's no other response, she went on to her seat.

As usual, sitting in her seat, she took out books from her backpack and began to read them.

The program is so cold that she hasn't received a call from any audience for half a year, and the radio station stipulates that she can't sleep during working hours.

Bored, she can only develop the habit of reading.

If she's allowed to sit for two hours without doing anything, she's going to be driven crazy.

However, today's situation is different

When Qin Yan just looked at less than one side of the content, the door of the studio was suddenly opened.

Editor in chief he and Wu Qinglian came in one after another.

Although Qin Yan came late, she knew that there was a new leader in the column group today.

At this time, they came in together, and she immediately judged that the woman who looked younger than the editor in chief was the new deputy editor in chief Wu Qinglian.

It's been a long time since editor he came in, let alone with new leaders.

Seeing such a grand scene, Qin Yan quickly put the book away, stood up and welcomed it.

"Chief editor he, deputy chief editor Wu, what can I do for you?" As soon as the new anchor took over the program, he was inspected by the two leaders. This kind of treatment is absolutely unprecedented.

"It's OK. We'll come and have a look. You can do what you want." Editor in chief he waved his hand to explain his intention.

Although the other party said so, they were leaders after all, and Qin Yan was not so blind. He immediately went to one side and brought two stools, "editor in chief he, deputy editor in chief Wu, the program will start later, you sit first."

"Thank you!" Editor in chief he didn't speak, but Wu Qinglian looked at Qin Yan with a smile and said thanks.

"It's OK, it's right." Qin Yan quickly replied.

The so-called "three fires" when a new official takes office. Generally, the new leaders will try their best to find trouble for their employees, or to prove that they are acting vigorously, or to establish their own dignity first.

However, Qin Yan was flattered by Wu Qinglian's kindness to her employees.

Of course, this also makes Qin Yan feel good for the new deputy editor.

"By the way, Xiao Qin, what's the listening rate of the last issue of this program?" With two leaders in charge, Qin Yan could not continue to read there, and immediately began to be busy. While she was sorting out the documents, editor in chief he suddenly asked.

Unfortunately, Qin Yan just sorted out the documents about this, so she immediately looked at them and answered, "in this city, the highest time is from 1:00 to 1:30, and the listening rate can reach 0.15%, fluctuating by 0.1%. The lowest time is from 12:30 to 1:00, reaching 0.02%, fluctuating by 0.01%. The rest of the time, They all fluctuate between these values. "

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