Looking at Xu Ling's expression of generosity, editor in chief he was slightly surprised. Xu Ling would not have said that before!

Amnesia once even changed people's character, but editor in chief he was surprised and didn't think much about it. He immediately patted each other on the shoulder and said with a smile, "you are still a little aware, but this time, the other party didn't bother us, so you don't have to bear any responsibility!"

Editor in chief he doesn't look like he has something on his face. Seeing this, Xu Ling can't help but feel a little relieved. Naturally, this kind of thing is not the best, and he is not a masochist. He has to be punished by others.

"Lao he, I think you have been on the phone for a long time. What did the other party say?" At this time, Wu Qinglian came forward and asked with concern that she, as the deputy editor in chief of the column group, should have understood these things.

"Ha ha..." speaking of this, editor in chief he burst out laughing and made several people confused. After a while, he continued to say, "although the other company found that there was no advertising, it was because of this that he had to continue to listen to the program. Later, he was directly attracted by Xu Ling's story."

Chief editor he didn't tell them about Liu feiran's investment proposal. After all, it hasn't been decided yet, so he decided to keep it in his mind before he understood it.

"Editor in chief he, do you mean that because Mr. Xu's story is too wonderful, we are not held responsible?" Qin Yan was the first to jump out and ask after hearing the narration of editor he.

Xu Ling can't laugh or cry. This is what he wants to ask.

Naturally, the response was affirmative, which made Xu Ling a little surprised.

How broad-minded is it that an enterprise should put aside the issue of interests to appreciate its own story?

However, it's strange. The result is very happy. Her favorite novel can also be affirmed by others, and her program can be appreciated by the audience. This is a great success for Xu Ling.

"By the way, Xiao Qin, has the overall listening rate come out yet?" After the announcement, chief editor he put his thoughts on the program and asked Qin Yan.

This time, Qin Yan won't be as careless as before. After hearing the speech, he immediately took out the statistical table from behind, with a slightly excited expression, and told others, "the listening rate of teacher Xu's program has been increasing since the beginning, reaching the maximum of 0.88% at one o'clock, and then the data has almost been stable there!"

"Show me." Xu Ling didn't expect that her listening rate would be counted so quickly. She couldn't believe it immediately. She started to look like it after passing the watch. Let alone, the date is really today!

But for the data of 0.88%, to be honest, Xu Ling is not very satisfied. After all, he is such an excellent novel as notes on Tomb raiding.

When I read it by myself, eight out of ten people could know the book.

Unlike Xu Ling, other people don't know how much history this book has. They only know that Xu Ling conceived the story.

As for such achievements

Editor in chief he patted the table and yelled, "beautiful!"

The rest of the people also clapped their hands one after another, and the fat man Jiangshan rushed directly to give Xu Ling a bear hug, "OK, brother, it's amazing! The listening rate of the best programs in our late night program group is no more than 0.8%. You broke the record just after you broadcast one episode

In his tone, all of them showed admiration.

"What was the 0.8% program before that?" Jiang Shan's words aroused Xu Ling's interest.

"Ha ha, it's Xiaojiang's evening news." Jiangshan has not yet opened his mouth, but chief editor he smiles and says to Xu Ling.

Ooh! You can't judge by appearance! Xu Ling in the heart secretly surprised, how also did not expect before the column group leader program is Jiangshan.

But if you think about it, you can almost figure it out

Jiangshan's program is a news type. This program itself is an evergreen type. People are always interested in fresh news. Moreover, Jiangshan's news program is not a serious international national news, but a relaxed and lively regional news, which makes his program more attractive.

Jiang Shan also maintained a very modest attitude towards the fact that he had been able to take the first place in the column group before his program. He scratched his head and explained, "Oh, my program itself is not too late, and it's news. I'm a little ashamed of that achievement."

"Smelly boy, you still know that you always thought your program was in a good place before. Now Xiao Xu is here, just to suppress your arrogance!" As soon as the fat man's voice fell, editor in chief he spoke sternly, as if he had wanted to criticize for a long time, but could not find the opportunity.

Jiang Shan wanted to be polite. Unexpectedly, he was scolded by the editor in chief. He was very embarrassed, but he didn't know how to answer with a smile.

"Laugh! Just laugh? " Editor in chief he was unreasonable and unforgiving. When he saw Jiangshan, he said nothing. He only knew how to laugh there. He thought he was dismissive of his words, so he became even more angry immediately. He directly set a goal for Jiangshan, "I'll give you a week to make the performance of the program the same as Xiaoxu, otherwise, you won't want the year-end bonus!"

There is no room for negotiation in editor he's tone.

Jiang Shan's heart was broken at this time. He was really shot when he was lying down, so he made a polite noise and got into trouble.

But fortunately, Xu Ling's performance is not much higher than his own, a week's time, as long as efforts should be able to achieve the goal.

Xu Ling patted Jiang Shan on the shoulder sympathetically. Unexpectedly, he just asked casually and let him suffer this disaster.

In his opinion, the goal set by editor in chief he for Jiangshan is almost impossible to achieve. Although today's achievement is only 0.08 percentage point higher than Jiangshan's, Xu Ling believes that in a week's time, he can definitely make this program a late night program that has never been before and never came after!

"Well, now that Xiaoxu's success is complete, I'm relieved," he told Jiangshan. Editor in chief he regained his pleasant attitude and told Xu Ling, "but in the days after that, we must keep such achievements and not relax. Do you hear me?"

Xu Ling naturally nodded, but he thought in his heart: keep it? That doesn't exist!

Several people exchanged greetings in the live broadcast hall for a while, and Xu Ling was escorted back to the office.

Editor in chief he walked ahead, and the first thing he came to the office was to announce Xu Ling's achievements.

What happened in the studio was unknown to the outside. At this time, when I received the notice from editor in chief he, there was an instant uproar. Some people didn't even believe their ears!

Of course, editor in chief he said it himself, which made everyone believe it. After being surprised, everyone congratulated Xu Ling.

Xu Ling, on the other hand, expressed his thanks one by one. Everyone was so polite that he was a little embarrassed.

Before, when I was in other departments, the atmosphere was much worse than here. If my program had an unprecedented good result, I would congratulate you, but there would be sour people.

Although Xu Ling always pretends not to see that kind of person, he always makes people feel sick when he is wandering in front of his eyes.

In contrast, the atmosphere of this late night column group is really good.

However, just as everyone was smiling and warmly celebrating the new record of the column group, editor in chief he, who announced the news at the beginning, brought a surprise to everyone.

"In view of the excellent performance of Xiao Xu today, I decided to..." as if on purpose, editor in chief he said that he had to take a big breath.

The most representative program of the column group is finally elated. It must be a memorable day!

Looking at editor in chief he's happy face, everyone seems to have guessed what he said behind, and they are holding their excitement, waiting for some kind of welfare that editor in chief he said.

Editor in chief he is very satisfied with the state of the public. Seeing that everyone is about to be happy, he gives a sly smile, but he doesn't want to arouse people's appetite. He announces in a loud voice, "I want to raise the overall listening rate of the column group to a higher level. First, set a small goal. In the next week's statistics, the average listening rate of the column group will increase by one percentage point!"

Although there was some noise at the scene, editor he's voice was clearly heard by the public.

Then, the news just like a blockbuster exploded in people's heads!

What about good welfare?

As soon as I read heaven and hell, the excitement on people's faces did not even disappear. When I heard what he said, it immediately petrified.

"I found that the potential of our column group is still very huge. As long as we all work together, I believe it will not be too difficult to achieve this goal!" Looking at the people in a daze, editor in chief he then gave them a way.

It's a matter of opening one's mouth to say, but if we really want to do it, how can we succeed so easily?

The average listening rate is increased by one percentage point, which requires almost all members of the column group to increase the listening rate within one week!

Let alone the staff, Wu Qinglian was a little surprised after hearing this. She could not help whispering behind editor he, "Lao he, is this too harsh? One percentage point is not a joke!"

Editor in chief he didn't like it at all. With a wave of his hand, he denied what Wu Qinglian said. Then he told everyone, "this goal has been achieved, and I will certainly give you the benefits you deserve, but --"

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