In the warm reception of the waiter, Xu Ling orders a good meal. While waiting, Xu Ling plays with her mobile phone bored.

However, as soon as he turned on the screen of his mobile phone, he was not calm.

On the mobile phone, there is a prompt: "Huaxia Bank" your tail number is 5176 account. At 18:49 on September 23, the transfer transaction of RMB 35000 was completed

I'm surprised!

Really surprised!

Seeing the news, Xu Ling's hand with the mobile phone began to shake.

This... Actually beat the money, and it's not the lower bid at the beginning, but the higher price at the back.

wait! Excited, Xu Ling's brain whirled rapidly, and immediately thought: this money may not be the one from the phone just now.

Although he thought so, it was a coincidence after all. After hesitating for a long time, Xu Ling opened the call record, found the phone he had just hung up and called back.

This matter must be made clear!

Dial out the phone, connect the prompt sound for a long time, the sweet voice just rang up, "now believe it?"

"That money... You called?" Xu Ling still did not recover from the surprise.

"What? You still don't believe that? " The tone there was obviously angry, "or are you a liar?"

"No, no, it's not like that. I just didn't think of it!" This was in turn questioned, Xu Ling quickly denied.

"Well, are you willing to rent the house to me?" Asked the other side sternly.

"Yes," said Xu Ling, who was able to throw out all of his rooms at once. Of course, Xu Ling agreed. At this time, he reflected that he had talked so much and didn't seem to know each other's name. It didn't seem very good to call other people's Ladies so often, so he quickly asked, "well... Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Li. You can call me Miss Li later!" Miss Li gave a cold reply.

"Oh, yes, Miss Li." Since the other party didn't want to reveal his name, Xu Ling didn't continue to ask, and then turned the topic to the room, "Miss Li, do you need to come here to see the room?"

"No, give me these three rooms, and you can cancel the rental information." Miss Li is very urgent to Xu Ling to complete this matter.

Strange as it is, it's a big client who rents all three rooms. The other party should have such a request.

However, at present, I can't do what Miss Li said, so I have to change the topic carefully, "Miss Li, can I know what you are doing with three rooms at a time?"

"No!" As expected, Miss Li refused the request directly, and then arranged, "I'll come to you at noon tomorrow. I'd better clean up all three rooms!"

"Yes, to your satisfaction!" Xu Ling agreed as if he had received the task.

In response, Miss Li ended the conversation and hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy voice on the phone, Xu Ling hasn't recovered from the excitement. He made a net profit of 70000 so quickly, which is much faster than he planned!

At this time, the beef noodles he ordered were also served. When the waiter just came to Xu Ling's table, the latter suddenly slapped the table and laughed loudly.

Such a crazy look really scared the waiters on one side. Thanks to his professional training, he didn't throw out the dishes on his hands.

At this time, Xu Ling also realized that she was too excited, and there was a person standing beside her. She sat down awkwardly and coughed twice with a fist in her hand.

However, no matter how upright he was, he couldn't change his neurotic action just now. The waiter quickly put his face in front of him and left as if he had met the God of plague.

See this, Xu Ling is also a burst of wry smile, no way, who let just oneself didn't control own mood?

But fortunately, there are not many people coming to eat at this point, so there are not many people to see Xu Ling's embarrassment.

Speed to eat a bowl of noodles, Xu Ling gave up the plan to go directly to the radio station, and then went to his home.

The first thing to get home, of course, is to come to the study and delete the rental broadcast. But even so, after the deletion, Xu Ling's mobile phone rings again.

A strange number, and then it is the person who wants to rent a house, and just not the same, this person seems to be a lot of normal, only rent a room for review.

As a last resort, Xu Ling had no choice but to tell the other party that the rooms here had been rented out.

"None of them?" After listening, the other side was a little surprised, because he just saw it and saved the number, ready to choose another circle. If it's not good, he came to find Xu Ling.

However, in such an hour, all the three vacant rooms were rented out.

This efficiency... Is too fast!

But now that they have been rented out, the other party is helpless, revealing some regret between the words and hung up the phone.

Listening to the tone of the other party before hanging up, Xu Ling also smiles bitterly.

If I hadn't met Miss Li, I might have been able to give him a room.

However, the rent is not as high as Miss Li's.

In this way, Xu Ling's apology to the person who wanted to rent a house just now disappeared.

Put down the mobile phone of Xu Ling, directly rushed into the room for a long time.

First of all, it's natural to sort out the things that belong to you.

Next, we need to clean the whole room together, so as to satisfy Miss Li.

After working out the plan, Xu Ling took action and found many of her personal belongings.

Even a lot of things Xu Ling thought he had lost it.

At the moment, Xu Ling is just like a housewife and a man. He runs around and cleans up the room. Even the place where he lives is not so tidy.

Sweating to see their own results, whether it is the ground, wall, completely can not find any defects!

In this way, it should be able to satisfy Miss Li! Xu Ling thought confidently.

And so a set of labor down, time also passed quickly, have come to work time.

Without stopping, Xu Ling didn't even take a bath again. With all his sweat, he went out to take a taxi to the radio station.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the road at night. Xu Ling was soon brought by the driver, paid the money and got off the bus. Xu Ling quickly ran to the late night column group.

As the elevator door opened, the time was just eight o'clock.

Xu Ling, who has been in the column group, can't help but feel relieved that he is not late any more.

He doesn't want to be late twice for three days, which is not only not enough for his own requirements, but also disrespect for the whole column.

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