Xu Ling stared at Liu Xia in disbelief, breathing a little shortness of breath, "brother Liu, this is specially to help me?"

Liu Xia nodded, "yes, I'm here for this."

Xu Ling joked with a smile: "in that case, I should invite you to this meal today."

Liu Xia waved his hand with a smile. "I can't say that. The poems I wrote to you the last time had a good response in the program, and the listening rate of the program also went up a big step. So the main purpose of inviting this meal is to thank brother Xu for his selfless help and help you. It's just a matter of convenience."

Xu Lingdao is not an affectation. Seeing that Liu Xia said so, he didn't have any more manners. He just asked curiously, "I'm trapped in the youth group and can't get away. What's brother Liu going to do to rescue me?"

Liu Xia said with a smile: "you can rest assured that since I come to you, there must be a sure way."

Xu Ling: "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Liu Xia: "I have a good relationship with another deputy director of the TV station. If I want to say hello to him, it's easy to transfer you to my column. Although our program group has nothing to lose now, it's better than staying in the original group and watching Zhu Xu's face every day."

"Ha ha, of course. As long as I don't face such disgusting leaders every day, I can work anywhere." Xu Ling asked uneasily, "but can Zhu Xu release people?"

Liu Xia assured: "certainly, the deputy director behind me has more real power than Wang Hui. Many people in the stage are passing on. When this director leaves, he will take over the position of director. As for Wang Hui, he has too little qualification and no ability, so this generation can only take a deputy."

"Brother Liu, this is reasonable." After a second thought, Xu Ling said with a dry smile, "however, I used to have a bad atmosphere in Taiwan. After all, you know, I was young and ignorant before. I've done something wrong in Taiwan. Won't this deputy director have a bad impression on me?"

"Ha ha, now I know I'm afraid. When I did that, why didn't I remember the consequences today?" Liu Xia said with a smile.

Xu Ling awkwardly took a head, "at the beginning is not young, the idea is too simple, just out of that kind of thing."

"You..." Liu Xia shook her head helplessly.

"Hey, hey, what a burden." Xu Ling said cheekily.

Liu Xia changed his face and said, "however, deputy director Guo is not a suspicious person. Besides, your recent performance in the youth group is particularly excellent. It shows that you are a strong newcomer. Yesterday, deputy director Guo told me that you are talented and can be cultivated. As for the removal of your program, It was the result of Wang Hui's insistence on going his own way. After deputy director Guo knew about it, the announcement of the stage had been issued, so... "

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ling interrupted, "it's a foregone conclusion. I don't want anyone to do it, and I don't feel reluctant to give up. After all, I've done what I should do, and I'm very satisfied with the result. The rest is not important."

"Well, that's to the point. It can be seen that you have really improved your mind and nature in the past year." Liu Xia nodded with admiration, "in this way, the last trace of concern that you came to my program does not exist."

With that, Liu Xia suddenly stretched out a hand and looked at Xu Ling sincerely, "Mr. Xu, welcome to my program."

With a smile, Xu Ling shook hands with Liu Xia solemnly, "thank you, Mr. Liu Xia. I will live up to your hope."

After the business talk, they talked about some things while eating.

Today's Xu Ling is no longer the young man in the past. His life experience in his previous life enables him to talk freely no matter who he meets.

Liu Xia is in charge of the storytelling column. Naturally, what she likes is history and literature. It happens that Xu Ling used to work in Himalaya FM, and he dabbled in more literature.

Therefore, when we talk about it, we are just like Xu Ling and Zhao Jingjing, who hate to see each other too late.

After they had enough to eat and drink, they stayed in Xiaonan for a while.

After eating big fish and meat, you have to drink some tea and scrape oil.

At this time, before the two ushered in the waitress came over, will be a small ticket respectfully on the table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a small ticket after consumption."

"Well?" Liu Xia slightly frowned, "didn't we say we could eat and drink for free before, how did we give a small ticket?"

On hearing that he misunderstood, the waitress quickly explained, "no, sir, that's not what I mean. Didn't I say before that today is the anniversary of the store. The 200th customer's free meal is just one of the benefits. Another is that after dinner, he can go to the front desk to draw a lottery with a small ticket. The highest prize is 10000 yuan in cash. "

RMB ten thousand yuan?

When he learned that he could draw a lottery with a small ticket, the amount of reward was still a big number, Xu Ling's eyes were as green as a wolf.

With my luck today, it seems that I am likely to win this award.

So, Xu Ling said to Liu Xia with a smile: "brother Liu, you sit here for a while, I'll try my luck?"

"Well, yes, the tea here is good. I just want to have another pot." Liu Xia nodded and handed the ticket to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling took the ticket and followed the waitress to the front desk.

"Sir, you'll stay here for a while, and the prize will be drawn in three minutes."

The waitress explained that she was going back to her job.

Xu Ling found a place to sit down and played with her mobile phone for a while.

Before long, a chubby, fleshy and black stockings waitress came over.

It's a bit eye-catching.

Xu Ling did not dare to look.

However, when the bulky waitress opened her mouth, she had to look at her.

"Good evening, dear customers. Now we are going to pay out the second benefit of our store. Please hold your tickets. After a while, I will take out a few ping-pong balls from the carton beside me. If the number marked on it is the same as the last two digits of the tickets in your hands, congratulations and you will be the lucky one in this activity. Well, now please be quiet. I'm going to start the lottery

As soon as she said that, a hot but poor looking waitress came into the center of the market with a large carton.

My God, the owner of this restaurant has bad taste.

Don't you mean to be disgusting to let these two goods come out and give you benefits.

If it wasn't for the first prize, Xu Ling would have left the ticket on the ground and turned around.

The picture is too beautiful to watch

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