"It's also strange. When Xiao Lian was at school, she had a high vision of finding a boyfriend. How could she marry such a person now?" He Jianhua mumbled in bewilderment.

"Maybe it's just that she has too high a vision. As a result, she turns into an older leftover girl. Her family only arranged a blind date for her." Xu Ling is also guessing.

"Well, it's possible," he Jianhua nodded, and then showed a regretful expression. "It's just a pity for a girl like Xiao Lian, alas ~"

He Jianhua's expression of regret, is from the heart of the kind, look has become lonely.

"I said..." Xu Ling looked at he Jianhua's appearance, suddenly a little smile, some secret said, "editor in chief he, do you have a little interest in sister Wu?"

"What do you mean? What do you mean Xu Ling's first question confused he Jianhua and immediately asked him.

"That is, do you like sister Wu?" Xu Ling doesn't know if he Jianhua knows how to pretend. Anyway, he directly picked out the words and said.

Suddenly asked, He Jianhua was very old and a little shaking. "What are you talking about, Xu Ling?" How can I have such feelings for Xiao Lian? Other people... They all have families. Don't talk nonsense! "

"Editor in chief he, don't get excited. That's what I guess." Looking at he Jianhua's incoherent appearance, Xu Ling secretly felt funny, but he didn't show it, but cleared his throat, "I mean, if sister Wu hasn't got married yet."

"Not even that!" He Jianhua quickly waved his hand, "she is my sister, as the eldest brother, how can I have such an idea?"

"Oh, yes!" Xu Ling didn't reveal he Jianhua's idea either. She just shook her head and sighed, "Alas, poor sister Wu, if you want to get out of the misery, you are afraid that no one will take care of you. You can only live so hard. What a pity."

With that, he shook his head to leave here.

"Wait a minute!" When Xu Ling just stepped out for two steps, he Jianhua's voice suddenly rang.

"Chief editor he, what's the matter?" Xu Ling turned his head in doubt and asked he Jianhua.

"Just now," he Jianhua hesitated, but finally made up his mind, "what you said was true?"

"What do you mean?" This time, Xu Ling asked.

"You are teasing me. No, that's what you just said!" He Jianhua seems to be a little hard to say. He looks hard at Xu Ling.

Since the other side didn't want to make it clear, Xu Ling didn't mean to make things difficult for others. He nodded and affirmed the other side's statement.

Get Xu Ling's confirmation, he Jianhua did not say too much, just sit quietly in the seat, do not know what to think.

"Chief editor he?" After waiting for a long time, editor in chief he didn't respond. Xu Ling couldn't help but whisper a reminder.

"Ah! Huh? What's the matter? " A word was called back to God, he Jianhua immediately some panic back.

"What do you think?" Xu Ling and he Jianhua seem to be playing a riddle with each other. At this time, they ask the past again.

"This..." he Jianhua had never thought about this problem, and was suddenly told by Xu Ling that he had no idea.

"What are you hesitating about?" At this time, Xu Ling can probably be sure of he Jianhua's idea. At this time, he is worried about he Jianhua.

"I know that my performance can't hide from you who already know my relationship with Xiao Lian," he said with a sigh. "I'm so old, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. The reason why I haven't found a daughter-in-law up to now is because I've been worried about Xiao Lian."

After a deep breath, before Xu Ling could speak, he Jianhua continued, "when I heard the news of Xiao Lian's marriage, I didn't even get the invitation. I'm afraid! As a senior, I was moved as soon as she entered the school. Since then, I have been secretly in love for several years. Only after graduation can I relax a little bit.... "

"So sister Wu came here because Xu Ling then asked.

"Well, I really let her in. At that time, she had just graduated and had no job, so I was selfish and transferred her in." He Jianhua recalled the situation at that time and explained it to Xu Ling.

"She didn't get married when she came here. I thought I would have a chance, but out of ethics, I hesitated all the time. I didn't regret until she got married two years later!" With these words, he Jianhua's eyes flashed with tears.

"And now? Do you still love sister Wu? " Xu Lingke, no matter what kind of past he Jianhua had, the most important issue is the one that is now in front of him.

"Alas, it's not easy to love a married woman. On the one hand, I accept ethical questions, on the other hand, I suffer from inner suffering. That's why I took the initiative to be the editor in chief of the late night column group. I just wanted to meet Xiao Lian less often, but I didn't expect that God would make fun of me and arrange Xiao Lian as well." He Jianhua's face is full of joy or pain, or he doesn't know what kind of mood he is at this time.

"Editor in chief he, sister Wu is not happy now!" Xu Ling continued to persuade.

"Of course, I can see that," chief editor he nodded. "Not long after she got married, I seldom saw a smile on her face. But what can I do? I can't manage other people's family affairs by an outsider."

"What she needs most now is someone who really loves her, otherwise she will collapse sooner or later when she is with Li Qijun all the time!" Xu Ling's tone was a little worried.

"But that's not quite right!" He Jianhua has a tangled face.

"What's wrong? As long as editor in chief he really treats sister Wu well, even after some hardships, what's the matter?" Xu Ling continued to do psychological counseling for he Jianhua.

"But even if it's said that, if I'm alone, Xiao Lian doesn't think much of me, it's not a bit embarrassing." Chief editor he said with some worries.

"Editor in chief he, don't worry. I'll take care of this matter. As long as you promise me, you will treat sister Wu sincerely and don't dislike that she has been divorced. I will certainly persuade her." Xu Ling patted his chest and gave him a ticket.

"Are you... Are you telling the truth?" He Jianhua still can't believe it.

"When did I cheat you? Editor in chief he, you have to believe that a lover will get married! " Xu Ling continued to talk to he Jianhua with a smile.

"Good! Xu Ling, this time, I'll trust you again. I don't want to see Xiao Lian like that again! " He Jianhua clapped the table and stood up, feeling quite excited.

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