"Ah, Lao Jiang, have something to say!" See Jiangshan toward himself, Xu Ling quickly a dodge past, "what can help you, you say, don't get excited!"

I'm kidding. How can I get a bear hug from Jiangshan? You'll lose half your life if you don't die!

Jiangshan saw that he didn't hold it, and he was also very witty. He sat down on Xu Ling's stool.

"Well, the chief editor told me that tomorrow's program must increase by two percentage points!" Jiang Shan covered his face with his hands and said the warning he had received.

"Hiss -" after hearing what Jiang Shan said, everyone took a breath of cool air, two percentage points. What's the concept? One night's program needs 20000 more people to listen!

Not to mention the late night program, I'm afraid even the golden program can't achieve such results!

"Fatty, the chief editor is joking with you A colleague laughed twice to comfort Jiang Shan.

"The editor in chief said that if we can't do it, the year-end bonus of next year will be gone!" Jiangshan continued to cry.

"That can't be done the day after tomorrow?" All of a sudden, a voice came out and gave a god mending sword.

A word straight poke in Jiangshan's heart nest, he said a Leng, then lying on the table to wail.

The maker was soon coaxed away, and everyone came forward to comfort the country.

While listening, Xu Ling was also secretly frightened. Editor in chief he was too cruel to Jiangshan. Even he didn't dare to be sure that the program's listening rate was so high.

But all of a sudden, he cried on his desk, which made Xu Ling puzzled, "well, Lao Jiang, even if you say so, how can I help you?"

On hearing Xu Ling's meaning, Jiang Shan thought that he didn't want to help himself. His eyes immediately turned red, and he had to cry. Fortunately, Xu Ling was stopped, "get it, don't cry. Can't I help you?"

With Xu Ling's affirmation, Jiangshan's eyes flashed, and he immediately began to smile, "I knew you wouldn't abandon me like this, Lao Xu! Brother enough

"Well... Although you say so, how can I help you?" Xu Ling began to speak in a tearful way.

"Look at you, Lao Xu. Are you modest? I've heard from brother Sato that his program has increased by one percentage point under your guidance! " As soon as Jiangshan patted the table, his eyebrows stood up.

"So much?" Xu Ling really just heard about this. Although Sato told him that his program was getting better, he didn't hear that the listening rate had risen so much.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that it's almost the same. With the way Sato just came out of the studio, you should be able to guess that his program is better than a little bit.

"Why, you don't know, Sato? Come quickly! Tell Lao Xu how much your program is listening to today Jiangshan was surrounded by a crowd, but there was no one there. Anyway, he started to shout.

Just after shouting, someone at the back reminded Jiang Shan that Sato had left.

"Bang, this boy, as soon as the program got better, people ran away. I haven't seen him slip away so early!" Jiangshan seems to have a lot of opinions on Sato's way of doing things. When he speaks, he shows his anger.

"Fat man, you are envious Li Shengxian began to make fun of him.

I thought Jiang Shan would be annoyed, but unexpectedly, he just turned his eyes, "yes, I just envy it. It's related to my year-end bonus. How can I not envy it? My year-end bonus

With these words, Jiangshan complains in a low voice and reads his year-end bonus heartily.

"Ha ha ha..." Jiang Shan's words made all the people present laugh.

"Go! What are you laughing at? Don't you envy me? Jiangshan directly is a broken pot broken attitude, said after himself, and questioned other people.

When asked by Jiangshan, all the people who had laughed were quiet, their eyes were wavering, and they did not dare to drink. Jiangshan looked at each other.

make fun of! How can it be that you are not envious of such things as rising listening rate? After all, the year-end bonus is very important.

As the moonlight clan, they are all looking forward to the year-end bonus to go home for the New Year!

Now, being questioned by Jiangshan's soul, they all turn their attention to Xu Ling.

"What are you doing?" Xu Ling was staring at the ground, some scalp numb, helpless voice asked.

"Lao Xu! We all depend on you Quiet for a while, suddenly from all sides of Xu Ling, all sounded the same voice.

"Wait! wait! Slow down, all of you Xu Ling quickly jumped back a few steps, "let's come one by one, and I'm not omnipotent, I can't make some programs!"

Xu Ling cried helplessly, "Sister Liu, you don't want to talk to me about sex, OK?"

"Oh, Xiao Xu, don't be modest. Brother Sato's program is so good for you. You can certainly handle my program!" Liu Jie is completely a pair of the fate of the program to Xu Ling body attitude, forthright began to say.

At the time of the uproar, everyone didn't find that he Jianhua was standing at the door of the office, looking at Xu Ling's situation with a smile on his face, nodding slightly with satisfaction.

Fortunately, when Xu Ling is being besieged by the public, the telephone editor Qin Yan suddenly rushes in and loudly reminds Xu Ling of the news that the program is about to start.

Hearing the news, Xu Ling ran away without hesitation. He never felt that he wanted to live his program so much.

After a short period of two hours, Xu Ling came back to the office tremblingly, although he wanted to refuse.

Ten people in the office are still waiting for themselves like zombies!

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Linggang opened the door of the office, he stepped in with one foot, and the people inside immediately swarmed up and surrounded Xu Ling.

"Well, one by one, don't worry!" Xu Ling's scream directly disappeared in the support of the public, and even no echo came back.

After that, there was a five or six hour battle. Xu Ling hollowed out all the excellent cases of all the programs.

Of course, Xu Ling alone certainly does not have such ability. Xiaoya helps Xu Ling a lot at this time, although it needs to be paid for.

A few hundred points of reputation expenditure really hurt Xu Ling.

Sure enough, when his income was not high, he was reluctant to give up even a little prestige.

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