The most important thing is that the other party is still on the phone, which can force Xu Ling to such a degree.

"Where do I put my old things?" Xu Ling asked a key question.

The whole room is so big, and there is no warehouse in Xuling. It's impossible to put two pieces of furniture in at the same time.

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll keep it safe!" Miss Li over there had already figured out a solution. After Xu Ling finished asking, she replied directly. Then, she seemed to be a little impatient, "OK! Hurry up, I'll be right there! "

Finish saying, don't wait for Xu Ling to respond again, hang up the phone directly.

At the same time, Xiao Chen's phone rang. Although he didn't know what was said inside, from the expression of Xiao Chen, it should be someone like his superior.

After receiving the phone call, Xiao Chen greets the people and sweeps Xu Ling's house.

And Xu Ling is still in the other side so decisive shock, and others in the kitchen, want to stop, it is too late.

When Xiao Chen appeared in front of him again, he had already changed a document and asked him to sign it again.

Looking at the file desk: Regulations on the custody of personal belongings.

Up to now, Xu Ling has no choice but to silently take over the document from Xiao Chen, find the blank position on the last page and sign his name.

In order to rent out the three spare rooms, Xu Ling has given up now.

Fortunately, I don't have a deep relationship with the furniture, otherwise I would be reluctant to part with it.

However, Xu Ling's idea was abandoned after he saw the new room layout.

Now inside the room, as if for a place in general, everywhere reflects the elegant temperament.

Four in one leather sofa in the living room, 60 Inch LCD TV

The new four door refrigerator in the kitchen, all intelligent cooking appliances

All these things give off the smell of money! Let Xu Ling's eyes see some slightly straight.

"Well, Mr. Xu, everything has been changed and our task is over. See you next time!" After Xu Ling looked around, Xiao Chen bowed slightly to Xu Ling and called a large group of people to leave here.

Now Xu Ling can only nod her head in a daze, and her eyes never leave her new home.

With the sudden departure of the truck, Xu lingcai reacts, and his eyes are full of gorgeous colors.

This is a big profit!

A rough look at these furniture appliances, the value of each one may be more than Xu Ling's monthly salary!

This kind of thing, with Xu Ling's strength now, is completely out of reach. Lying comfortably on the sofa, the feeling of this leather sofa is really different from that of her own cheap thing.

Although the time of enjoying is not too long, you can enjoy it for at least six months.

Thinking about this, Xu Ling giggled.

"Click!" Just when Xu Ling was still lying on the sofa with satisfaction and giggling, suddenly the door lock opened at the gate.

This voice made Xu Ling think of Yu Wenwen for the first time, because no one should have the key to his own home except her.

This little girl, just changed a layout to come over, the nose is quite smart!

With a smile, Xu Ling got up and was about to meet her sister, whom she had not seen for a long time. However, as soon as the door opened, there stood a girl who was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Wearing a pair of ponytails, wearing a Lolita style skirt, face makeup like a porcelain doll in general.

"You... Hello!" This strange girl appeared in front of her eyes. For a moment, Xu Ling was attracted to say something bad.

"Hello The girl didn't recognize her, so she put out a hand and told Xu Ling.

See the moment of the hand, Xu Ling is still a little stunned, but then reaction came over, called quickly to hold up.

Rouruo Wugu could be used to describe the feeling. When Xu Ling grasped it, she only felt like holding a handful of pudding. It was cool, soft and elastic.

This kind of feeling let Xu Ling have a touch of enjoyment feeling again, but only lasted for a while, he responded, immediately shook off the girl, "no, who are you? How can I have my key

I'm joking. Is it something to be happy that a stranger opens the door of his own house at will?

"Are you Xu Ling?" After the girl's hand was thrown away, she frowned slightly, then looked up and asked.

"Yes, it's me. Who are you?" Xu Ling is not a beautiful girl. If she knows herself, she will lose her mind.

"I'm not satisfied with your attitude, though. This vigilance is commendable! " The girl's expression changed, and then she reached out again, "let's get to know each other again. I'm Miss Li, Li Ziqian!"

"Hiss ~" Xu Ling couldn't help but take a cold breath. What did she do just now? Unexpectedly, he turned his face to his gold master. It seemed that he didn't mean to blame the other party. Xu Ling immediately held his hand back. "Oh, it's Miss Li. It's impolite. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Then, thinking of another thing, he immediately asked, "that... Miss Li, my key..."

"Oh, you say this. I asked the moving company to copy a master key for me. You can open the door lock naturally." Li Ziqian shakes the key in her hand and explains it to Xu Ling.

"Oh, well, good!" Xu Ling nodded quickly.

"Well, you know that. Can you let go of my hand? I'll go in and see what's going on in the room! " Looking at Xu Ling Lengshen's appearance, Li Ziqian immediately reminded.

"Oh, come on in! Come in, please Xu Ling was said to face a red, quickly put each other's hand to send away, let out a position for her to go in.

After Li Ziqian went in, she first looked around the living room, nodded with satisfaction, then went to the kitchen, bedroom and the three rental rooms, and finally returned to the sofa to sit down.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied? " Xu Ling immediately met Li Ziqian and asked with a smile.

"Have all your things been taken away by the moving company?" Li Ziqian glanced at me and asked with a smile.

"Yes... Yes." Xu Ling slightly a Leng, don't know why the other party will appear such expression.

"Well, it was a good performance, very obedient!" After receiving Xu Ling's response, Li Ziqian nodded again with satisfaction.

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