Seeing that Xu Ling's attitude was good, Li Ziqian didn't make trouble for him any more. "Forget it, I understand you are a first offender. I won't care about you. Pay attention next time!"

Hearing these words, Xu Ling nodded again and again, then immediately changed the topic, "yes, I won't ask any more. By the way, my studio is here. Come inside and have a look!"

Xu Ling, who wants to change the topic, completely forgets the layout of his studio. Maybe for a newcomer, he can't accept it!

What's more, the other party is still a little girl

"Ah, ah --" As soon as Xu Ling opened the door, Li Ziqian ran to one side, squatting on the wall and pointing to Xu Ling's studio in horror, "do you... Do you see those things?"

Xu Ling scratched his head awkwardly. He already knew the reason when the other party screamed.

"See, see, that's some posters. Don't be afraid." Xu Ling quickly pulled up Li Ziqian and explained carefully, "I forgot to tell you before that I was broadcasting a horror show, so the studio was arranged like this."

At this time, Qin Yan in the studio was scared out by the scream. Looking at Li Ziqian, she was still a little confused and asked, "Mr. Xu, who is this? Your sister? "

She was probably judged by her age at first sight.

"No, no, she's my sister. She's here today." Qin Yan's words just come out, Xu Ling only feel a pain in the thigh, he quickly made a voice to introduce.

"Oh, sister, Hello, I'm Mr. Xu's telephone editor, Qin Yan. Just call me Xiao Qin." Hearing Xu Ling's introduction, Qin Yan was slightly stunned. Obviously, it's unacceptable that this little girl can be a sister, but it's Xu Ling's own introduction, so there should be no deception.

"Well, Hello!" Li Ziqian also nodded.

This time, she didn't talk as much as before. She was obviously scared by the poster just now.

"Mr. Xu, your program will start for a while. Do you want to come here to prepare now?" After receiving a brief response from Li Ziqian, Qin Yan thinks that this "elder sister" is the kind of person who doesn't like to talk much, so she doesn't talk to her any more and turns to inform Xu Ling.

"Well, my sister wanted to see where I worked, so she came ahead of time." Xu Ling explained immediately.

"Well, come on in!" Qin Yan nodded and invited two people to the studio.

In order to show her majesty as a sister, Li Ziqian gritted her teeth and overcame her fear of those posters. She went in with Xu Ling.

"Xu Ling, what does telephone editor do?" Although barely overcome, but those scary faces really make people very uneasy, Li Ziqian has no way, he whispered with Xu Ling.

"It's to help me answer the phone calls of some enthusiastic listeners, count the listening rate and so on." Xu Ling explained roughly once, anyway said thin this wench also not necessarily can understand.

"And to receive letters for Mr. Xu!" Qin Yan heard the discussion between the latter two people, and immediately came to the table, took out a few letters, handed them to Xu Ling and added.

"Letter? When was it Things, it's really a strange thing. After all, most of the people listening are middle-aged drivers and so on.

"It's just been distributed this afternoon, and it's very rare for people to send letters! They've never been here to deliver a letter. " Qin Yan joked.

It's sad to say that, but it's a fact.

"Wow, that's the letter! I'll see, I'll see! " When Xu Linggang finished sighing and was ready to take the letter for a look, Li Ziqian came to pick it up and snatch it in her hand. She looked up curiously.

Since she is Xu Ling's sister, Qin Yan can't say anything. She just looks at Xu Ling awkwardly.

Xu Ling was also speechless for a while. Originally, she pretended to be very good. How could she be so nervous when she saw something new? Now she looks like an adult.

"Ha ha, my sister has been living in a relatively remote foreign country all the time, so she is still curious about things like letters!" Xu Ling can only dry smile twice, forced to explain.

I don't know whether Qin Yanxiang believed it or not. Anyway, she nodded.

"I didn't expect that I didn't call. I got the letter first." Xu Ling also made fun of himself. Of course, the letter is a good omen. At least this program is now being listened to.

While talking, Xu Ling quietly pulled Li Ziqian back to avoid her being too noticeable.

"Indeed! Mr. Xu, you really saved this program this time. " Qin Yan was very excited when she spoke. It seemed that she had never seen such a situation before.

"Ha ha, it's not only me, but also all of you Xu Ling didn't want to be proud of himself, so he spoke modestly and shared the results with everyone.

After cooperating with Xu Ling for a few days, Qin Yan can almost know what kind of person he is. When he hears the speech, he doesn't say much and turns his eyes to Li Ziqian in the rear.

With a look in the past and Xu Ling, this is not a look.

Li Ziqian did not know why, holding the letter in one hand, and her tears were dancing.

"Are you all right? What's the matter? " As soon as I was surprised to see this situation, I ran to the place where I went to work to express my sympathy. Don't get hurt. That would be embarrassing.

"Look at this letter," Li Ziqian heard Xu Ling's inquiry. She immediately handed the letter to Xu Ling. She sobbed and said, "it's very touching!"

I think it's your tears. It's touching! Xu Ling couldn't help but feel bad. He had never seen such a person who could shed tears.

I used to cry when I read my own novels, but now it's better. I'll be moved to cry when I read a stranger's letter. Xu Ling really has nothing to say.

"My sister is more emotional. This is normal. Don't worry." Xu Ling took the envelope and explained to the same anxious person who came to check the situation.

Qin Yan was relieved when he heard the words.

And Xu Ling this just scrutinizes the letter that Li Ziqian handed over, this under seeing, just understand Li Ziqian why so moved.

It turned out that the letter was written to Xu Ling by the mother of a critically ill patient.

The general meaning is that his son suffered from an incurable disease and had already lost the hope of survival, but after hearing Xu Ling's program, he was suddenly full of motivation to live.

That is to stay in front of the radio every day and listen to Xu Ling's story!

Xu Ling never thought that her program could reach such a high level and become the driving force for others to live!

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