At this time, there is a good customer, directly cried out: "young man, people this is after you."


As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden echo.

"Hey hey, Qian Qingcheng's eyes can be taken care of. Young man, you can be admired by her, but it's a blessing you've been cultivated for several generations."

"Don't pretend to be silly, young man, just go straight from the others."

"Yes, you can follow others. Qian Qingcheng is a good girl. She is more than enough for you."


There are so many troughs in the whole situation that Xu Ling doesn't know where to start.

However, he knew that if he didn't find a way to get out of the difficulty, the fat girl in front of him was not sure. He immediately took him down.

That would be a lot of fun.

I just came to have a meal and get a prize. As for such a toss?

"I hate it." Qian Qingcheng suddenly said, "people are here to give awards to everyone, not for blind date. Don't coax me, or my father will come out and beat me."

Listen to her say so, Xu Ling immediately relief, thank elder sister don't marry grace.

But before he finished, he just heard Qian Qingcheng smile: "however, after the award is over, I can talk about my life with this handsome boy. After all, they are old enough to get married."


Just quiet crowd, again burst out of laughter and noise.

"Ha ha, sister Qingcheng, we support you."

"Young man, dare to love and hate. If you can hold this young man home, your father won't beat you."

"It's true that your father is too happy to beat you."


Xu Ling was completely flustered.

Peat, said good just receive a prize, how to become a blind date scene?

Is this the admission site of if you are the one?

But he m this younger sister also... Also too does not conform to my three outlooks?

You don't think it's too big to watch. It's hard for me.

Xu Ling took a deep breath and said with a bitter smile, "thank you for your kindness, but I already have a wife. She and I have been married for three years and have been loving each other. I'm sorry."

After that, Xu Ling couldn't think of anything else and ran away to hide in the crowd.

That's close. I almost lost my virginity.

Xu Ling hid in the corner, secretly wiped a sweat.

It's really exciting to get a prize.

"Ah, Mr. Xu, why are you hiding here and not going out to receive the prize?"

Wang Chuqian came out of nowhere and patted Xu Ling on the shoulder.

Xu Ling see is her, a heart hanging in the throat, quietly put down.

I thought it was money chasing us.

Xu Ling embarrassed smile, "well, I want to find a quiet place to wait."

Wang Chuqian looked at Xu Ling's forehead full of cold sweat, and chuckled, "Mr. Xu, isn't sister Qingcheng in love with you?"


Xu Ling is startled, "how do you know?"

Wang Chuqian covered her mouth and said with a smile, "I guess."

Xu Ling

Wang Chuqian took a look at Qian Qingcheng not far away and explained: "sister Qingcheng is old and old. Because of her appearance, she has never found a boyfriend. Her family is very anxious. In fact, regardless of appearance, sister Qingcheng's character and disposition are excellent. If you want to, you can get along with her. "

Xu Ling waved his hand, "don't, I can't afford it."

Wang Chuqian wrinkled her pretty eyebrows. "Is Mr. Xu also a person who pays attention to appearance and doesn't care about the inside?"

Xu Ling was stunned, then nodded with a bitter smile, "everyone has a love for beauty."


Wang Chuqian answered softly, and a trace of disappointment flashed in her bright eyes.

However, Xu Ling spoke again.

"I don't like her. Her beauty is the second. It's mainly decided by her personality, experience and a lot of other factors."

"What do you mean?" Wang Chuqian blinked curiously.

Xu Ling said: "I always feel that love between men and women is a very troublesome thing. I never think that men and women who fall in love at first sight will stay together forever. After all, at first sight, it's one-sided. Many people are pretty good-looking dogs. They fall in love quickly when they see that their sister is good-looking or that young man is handsome. In my opinion, it's bullshit. "

Wang Chuqian carefully looked at Xu Ling, speechless, but her beautiful eyelashes flickered.

Xu Ling organized the language and continued: "no matter what other people do, I don't like a girl just by the first sight. What's worse, I hate or even alienate her because she doesn't have enough face value. What I think about is the girl's family background, work, what kind of people she interacts with and what kind of environment she lives in, I will take these factors into consideration before I think about whether or not to talk to her about friends. "

Wang Chuqian blinked. Although she didn't speak, her face was muddled and forced to show the problem.

Xu Ling had no choice but to smile, "in a word, as long as you know, if I fall in love, it's very harsh, at least it's not only about face value."


Wang Chuqian nodded, suddenly blushed, rubbed the corner of her clothes with her hands, and asked softly, "Mr. Xu, what do you think of me, can you..."

"Ha, I won again."

Before Wang Chuqian had finished speaking, Xu Ling cried out cheerfully.

He won the third prize.

Brother, this luck, no solution.

Wait, it seems that this girl has said something to me.

So, later, Xu Ling asked curiously, "girl, what did you say before? I didn't hear you clearly."

"Er..." Wang Chuqian stealthily glanced at Xu Ling, shaking her head like a rattle, "no, I didn't say anything."

"Well? No, I heard something just now

"Oh, that's your illusion. Hurry up and accept the prize."

Wang Chuqian, blushing, detours behind Xu Ling and pushes him to the place where he receives the prize.

Xu Ling had no choice but to trot to receive the prize.

When he came to Qian Qingcheng, the whole crowd exploded.

"Oh, young man, is this the girl who came back to marry us?"

"Don't you have a wife? Why do you still think about the girl in the city?"

"Young man, the heart is weak, the snake swallows the elephant."

Xu Ling's sudden appearance makes a person very happy.

Qian Qingcheng couldn't close her mouth with a smile. She said shyly, "handsome boy, as long as you like, I will accompany you to find your wife. Oh no, it's my ex-wife. I'll persuade her to divorce you."


Xu Ling said awkwardly, "Miss Qingcheng, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean anything else when I came here. I just want to get a prize."

To receive the prize?

What's the prize?

Qian Qingcheng's face was muddled. "Didn't you receive two awards before? How can you still receive them?"

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