"He went for a drink. Every time he had a fight, he would go out for a drink and stay up all night!" When it comes to Li Qijun, Wu Qinglian's tone is full of sorrow.

Maybe she also regards Xu Ling as a person she knows quite well. Wu Qinglian shows a very different side from before. She is so weak, and no longer looks like a strong woman on the radio.

Hearing this answer, Xu Ling clenched his fist and held back his anger.

Originally, I thought Li Qijun was just a scoundrel who didn't know how to learn. I didn't expect that he was so cowardly. The man who only knew how to escape after quarreling was not a man at all.

Needless to say, Li Qijun can't go out to reflect on himself. There's a 70% or 80% chance that he's going to have a good time!

"Do you know where he will go, sister Wu?" After a long silence, Xu Ling felt that she could not help her anger, even when she asked.

"I only know one bar he often goes to, but I don't know if he will be there." Wu Qinglian felt a little strange about Xu Ling's question, but then she answered it completely.

"I'll get that bastard back!" Xu Ling stood up and yelled at Wu Qinglian. He had heard Wang Chuqian say that Wu Qinglian suffered miserably. The last time he saw Li Qijun, he was saddened by Wu Qinglian's situation. In today's visit, he saw Wu Qinglian's haggard look, which made Xu Ling even more angry. The direction of this anger was toward Li Qijun!

"Xu Ling, what are you doing?" Xu Ling suddenly startled Wu Qinglian. She quickly got up and stopped Xu Ling who wanted to leave.

"Sister Wu, do you still have to tolerate that bastard? I've heard all about you from Wang Chuqian. That bastard is not worthy of you at all! " Xu Ling is not polite at all, and he is just a jerk to Li Qijun.

"Ah ~" as Xu Ling said, Wu Qinglian sighed heavily, and then said, "Xu Ling, marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog, stand up Li Qijun, I may be this life!"

"Sister Wu, what's life or not? Does marriage have anything to do with life?" Wu Qinglian's explanation made Xu Ling speechless. He immediately persuaded him, "you regard him as your husband, but does that bastard regard you as his wife?"

A word choked Wu Qinglian, and all the previous things appeared in front of her eyes.

Because it's a blind date, Wu Qinglian is also a flash marriage. Both sides don't know much about it, and her life after marriage is in a quarrel. In retrospect, Wu Qinglian feels as if she has never felt the happiness and happiness after marriage.

"But no matter what, he is also Xiaobao's father?" Wu Qinglian, who had no other obsession, suddenly thought of such a bond. It seemed that this was the key factor for Wu Qinglian to endure so far.

"If he knew that he was already a father, he would not be able to loaf about any more. I'm afraid only sister Wu, you are still thinking about the identity of that bastard's father!" Xu Ling said it with disdain.

"Don't say it, even if he does too much, I won't let Xiaobao become a child without a father!" Wu Qinglian knew that she couldn't argue with Xu Ling, so she immediately opened her mouth and said it decisively.

"Sister Wu, even if she continues to live with Li Qijun, Xiaobao will not feel a trace of paternal love! Li Qijun, he has no human nature at all Although it's not suitable to say that in front of Wu Qinglian, Xu Ling can't help it because he really wants to help Wu Qinglian.

Although her husband was so abused by Xu Ling, Wu Qinglian had no room to refute, because in her heart, she had already agreed with what Xu Ling said.

"Good! Sister Wu, now let's go to the bar you said. If he is in the bar to reflect on his or your problems, I will take back what he said today. But if he still does something too much, I will do it at that time. Don't stop me! " Seeing that Wu Qinglian was still so indecisive, Xu Ling immediately made a final offer.

Although the old saying goes: better tear down a temple than destroy a marriage.

But today, Xu Ling must do the opposite, because Wu Qinglian's marriage is not marriage at all, that is to say, she came to hell with her children!

After hearing Xu Ling's last suggestion, Wu Qinglian pondered for a while. Finally, she bit her lip and nodded her approval.

This compromise is Wu Qinglian's last chance for her husband Li Qijun.

Li Ziqian doesn't know when she has played with Xiaobao from the living room to the inner room. After Xu Ling instructs Li Ziqian to take care of Xiaobao, she decides to take Wu Qinglian to the bar she said.

As for Li Ziqian, because of Xiaobao's relationship, she has no idea of following Xu Ling. Without waiting for Xu Ling to finish, she waves her hand to let Xu Ling leave to show that she has understood, and then she throws herself into the play with Xiaobao.

And Wu Qinglian is also to go to the bedroom, probably and Xiaobao told what, after coming out with Xu Ling left the room.

"Xu Ling hasn't seen you for a day. Why are you driving such a powerful car?" Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Wu Qinglian suddenly commented on Xu Ling's car at this time.

Although she doesn't know about cars, the two seat sports car doesn't look like something she can get for a little money.

"Hey, sister Wu, don't laugh at me. How can I afford to drive this car? It's all my cousin's! " Xu Ling is very frank about Wu Qinglian, and immediately tells the origin of the car.

After chatting with Wu Qinglian in the car, the atmosphere between them was slightly relaxed, but it didn't last long. With the arrival of the destination bar, Xu Ling's anger rose again.

"Sister Wu, no matter what you see, don't be sad. It's not worth it to be sad for that bastard!" Standing at the door of the bar, Xu Lingxian gives Wu Qinglian a wake-up call.

Wu Qinglian naturally nodded her head to show her agreement. In her heart, she never thought that something would make her sad.

Getting a positive answer from the other party, Xu Ling pushes open the door of the bar and walks in with Wu Qinglian.

After entering, Xu Ling found that although the name of the bar is similar to that of a nightclub, it is surrounded by noisy music.

Coupled with the blinding lights, it's really difficult to find a person in such a place!

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