Although she came to the radio station for the second time, Li Ziqian didn't need Xu Ling to direct her way this time, so she drove to the parking lot of the radio station.

To Xu Ling's surprise, when parking, he found Xia Xinyu's Audi!

Is it still on the radio so late? It's abnormal! Xu Ling couldn't help but feel that Xia Xinyu is still on the radio, not in the storytelling column group, but probably in the late night column group.

Because the entire radio building, or only the late night program group is still shining, the rest of the Department has long been empty.

"Here, I'm still your sister! Come on, let's have a try After getting out of the car, Li Ziqian ran to the side of Xu Ling and arranged a role for herself.

"Sister... Sister!" Xu Ling felt vaguely that this girl was specially for her own, but she had no choice. Now that the role had become stereotyped, Xu Ling had no choice but to cry.

"Well, not bad. Let's go up quickly." Hearing Xu Ling's tone of acceptance, Li Ziqian seemed quite satisfied. She nodded, called Xu Ling and went to the elevator.

That familiar look, which seems to have just come to the second time?

When I came to the column group, before I got to the office, I was attracted by several people lying in the corridor at the door of editor he's office eavesdropping.

"What are you doing?" Xu Ling went over and asked first.

All of a sudden, a sound obviously startled several people around the door of the chief editor's office, especially Jiangshan, who almost didn't lie on the ground like the last time.

The people who came back to their senses saw that the person was Xu Ling. Even though they didn't care about the things inside the door, they turned to Xu Ling and asked, "Hello, Lao Xu, do you know who is in chief editor he's office?"

"It's teacher Xia Xinyu of storytelling section." Xu Ling just guessed at random. Since her car hasn't driven away and there is no one in the storytelling column group, Xu Ling can roughly guess that.

Other people didn't think as much as Xu Ling, but they all gave Xu Ling a thumbs up answer, and Jiang Shan praised it without stint, "Lao Xu, don't mention it, I'll tell you right, but now I'm a deputy editor in chief!"

With Xia Xinyu's knowledge and working experience, it should be easy to get promoted, so Xu Ling is not so surprised that she became deputy editor.

"The two leaders are talking in the office. Why are you all around?" Xu Ling then asked some strange questions.

Speaking of this topic, the fat man Jiang Shan directly came over, took Xu Ling's shoulder and whispered, "Lao Xu, don't mention that brother didn't remind you, but the deputy editor in chief Xia came directly to you! Because I didn't wait for you, I went to the office with editor he! "

Xu Ling slightly a burst of bitter smile, sure enough, his feeling is right, Xia Xinyu this time is still on the radio, mostly because of their own relationship.

On the first day when I came to the late night column group, Xia Xinyu promised Xu Ling that he would get Xu Ling back in a week. Now it's more than half the time, and I really want to take action.

In fact, Xia Xinyu's anxiety to get Xu Ling back also stems from her own sense of guilt.

After all, Xu Ling has helped her a lot. As a result, people say that she will be transferred. However, Xia Xinyu is always a little uncomfortable.

However, Xu Ling thinks it doesn't matter. He always remembers the wisdom that gold always shines.

Xu Ling came just in time. Before long, he was informed that his program was about to start.

After finishing up the manuscript, Xu Ling and Li Ziqian came to the studio again.

Qin Yan was still a little surprised to see this "elder sister" again, but she still said hello, and at the same time, she quietly made up her mind not to be distracted.

At least, the audience's calls must be answered by her!

With the beginning of Xu Ling's program, at this time in he Jianhua's office, the conversation has also reached a white hot stage.

"The matter of transfer has always been under the guidance of the human resources department. I'm afraid it's still impossible to transfer people if you say so." He Jianhua's righteous words are completely in line with his traditional image.

"When Xu Ling was transferred over, didn't he go through the audit of human resources?" Xia Xinyu a professional suit, expression some indignant explanation.

"This is because the deputy director himself gave the order, which is also a special case!" He Jianhua sips his tea and shakes his head. He still can't agree with Xia Xinyu.

After a long silence, Xia Xinyu sighed. She also understood the principle of calling people in the radio station, so she didn't want to use any forced method.

"However, Xu Ling has done a good job here. She has directly brought the dying programs to life. Now she is almost surpassing the programs with the highest listening rate!" See Xia Xinyu bitter face also don't speak, he Jianhua immediately changed the topic, vigorously praise Xu Ling as up.

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Xinyu didn't speak, he Jianhua's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call." In this case, he usually hung up the phone directly, but after looking at the number, he gave up the idea.

Because the number was called by the person who talked about a lot of high technology to he Jianhua last time.

Xu Ling is now in the middle of the program to plug in the advertisement of the gold owner.

"Hello," the phone was connected, but there was no voice from the opposite side. He Jianhua had to speak first to remind him.

A word, a word, so lasted for nearly a minute, there was a voice.

After listening to the voice, it was Liu feiran who called he Jianhua that night!

"Editor in chief he, take Xu Ling out to get together this Friday night." Liu feiran, as usual, never beat around the Bush in his speech. He said his purpose in the first sentence.

Eating is fake, talking is true. I remember what Liu feiran said on the phone last time. He Jianhua immediately answered, "yes, where is the place?"

"Ha ha, editor in chief he is as straightforward as ever! Don't panic. The address will be sent to you at that time. I just came to remind you today. " Liu feiran laughed on the phone and said.

After finishing his business, Liu feiran exchanged greetings with he Jianhua on the phone for a while, and then hung up.

After these two negotiations, he Jianhua increasingly found that the opposite Liu feiran seemed to have great interest in Xu Ling. No matter what topic he talked about, he could turn around Xu Ling.

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