Before entering the door, Yu Wenwen also turned back and urged Xu Ling!

"Ah... Ah Jie, have you ever been in this restaurant?" Looking at this magnificent restaurant with many luxury cars at the door, Xu Ling asked ah Jie.

Obviously, this kind of place made him doubt his only two thousand yuan.

"I haven't been in, but I remember my master said that the seafood in this restaurant is very fresh, and the chef is also a professional seafood chef, which is very popular with rich businessmen!" Ah Jie didn't realize Xu Ling's worries. Instead, he kindly introduced the characteristics of the restaurant to him.

Xu Ling feels that his EQ is low enough. Unexpectedly, ah Jie is just a little white in this aspect. No wonder he is so handsome and hasn't found a girlfriend yet. Now Xu Ling finally knows what's going on!

"I mean, do you think I have enough money to have a meal in it?" Xu Ling rolled his eyes and said what he wanted to say.

"Ah?" For the question raised by Xu Ling, ah Jie was very surprised. He was stunned for a while, and he laughed directly, "teacher Xu, you are worried about this, so you can rest assured! Although this restaurant feels very magnificent, the price is definitely close to the people, and many ordinary people often eat in it! "

Hearing ah Jie's explanation, Xu Ling immediately let go of her heart. With a slight sigh of relief, she changed into a smile again. With a wave of her hand, she called ah Jie into the restaurant.

And the fact is exactly the same as what ah Jie described. The restaurant really didn't ask for exorbitant prices. Four people in Xu Ling ate less than 500 yuan!

It is said that restaurants in coastal cities are easy to kill customers, but Xu Ling, the only one, doubts this.

It has to be said that the social atmosphere of the world is indeed much better. No wonder, after all, China has become a powerful country here. When the economy develops to a certain extent, the next step is to improve the overall quality of the country.

"Ha ha, it's delicious! Sure enough, I didn't read this shop wrong! " Yu Wenwen, who came out, patted her round tummy and was very satisfied with it.

This girl, looking at thin and weak, ate something, it was like changing a person, that plate of emperor crab, he ate a whole one alone, you know, one of the crab's claws has Xu Ling's arm long!

But contrary to Yu Wenwen, Li Ziqian is quite different. Her food intake today is not one fifth of that night!

After the seafood came up, she ate it and sat there in a daze. During that time, Yu Wenwen asked her many times, and she answered that she was losing weight and had no appetite!

Only Xu Ling knows that this girl is the same as Yu Wenwen in eating!

The scene in the snack street that day seems to be still fresh in my mind!

After dinner, it was getting dark. Yu Wenwen, because she had a press conference to attend, exchanged greetings with Xu Ling for a while before she was willing to leave.

Ah Jie followed, because he wanted to give feedback to his company, so he left.

In an instant, the team of four returned to the ranks of two.

"Brother, where did you get the money?" After the two left, Li Ziqian also said the questions she always wanted to ask during the whole meal.

However, her address did not seem to change back, followed Yu Wenwen shouting for a long time brother, now is finally unable to change the mouth.

For this, Xu Ling did not refuse, nothing so was a little girl so shouting, feel quite useful.

"Just borrowed it. Now it's ready. We can take a taxi back!" Receive to receive, Xu Ling or first explain why he is rich.

"Really? Ha ha, you are quite quick! " This news for Li Ziqian at this time, is excellent news, she immediately happy, to Xu Ling vigorously praise up.

"Well, you'd better leave your car here first. We'll get it next time." Xu Ling shrugged. He didn't feel proud of it. He had been out all day and didn't finish the work at hand. The key point is that Wu Qinglian, who came to live with her yesterday, disappeared all night and lost contact. Anyway, it was strange.

Now that they have money, it's not difficult to go home. They took a car by the side of the road and they set foot on their way home.

Of course, the cross city taxi, the fare is also leverage, directly spent nearly half of Xuling meal money! But the only advantage is that it can be delivered to the door, which makes Xu Ling feel more or less comforted.

All the way speechless, after returning home, they were naturally interrogated by Wu Qinglian. Of course, in Wu Qinglian's eyes, Xu Ling could see the meaning of ridicule clearly.

Anyway, she said that she was going to see her sister Yu Wenwen's concert, but Wu Qinglian still thought that he was taking his "cousin" to date.

A phone call made two people who had been away for a day blush. Even Li Ziqian, who had always seen thick skinned, was said to run aside and play with Xiaobao.

Xu Ling is left to face Wu Qinglian, who has begun to care about the marriage affairs of the people around her.

Although Xu Ling announced that he had been married, he didn't dare!

It's not that he doesn't trust Wu Qinglian. The main thing is that this kind of thing is too important. What he fears most is that walls have ears. If people hear it, it's extremely shocking news for the whole entertainment industry!

This kind of dangerous relationship reminds Xu Ling of her decision to divorce Chen Yunxi.

For such a long time, it seems that I almost forget about it.

no way! We have to face this matter squarely! XuLing Heart Belly Fei, at the same time mouth to find an excuse to work, slip away from the side of Wu Qinglian.

The next time is Xu Ling's personal working hours. Because of the urgency of time, he directly locked his study, closed any equipment that might disturb him, and immersed himself in his own creative world.

With the help of Xiaoya, the creation of these things is fast, and with Xu Ling's immersion, it's not difficult to finish them before going to work.

Finally, after looking at the live draft and not checking out the mistakes, Xu Ling stretched out for a long time, opened the door and went out.

Outside, there are only Li Ziqian and Xiaobao in the living room, but no Wu Qinglian.

"Qianqian, where's sister Wu?" Xu Ling asked casually.

But a word came out, but ushered in Li Ziqian's murderous eyes.

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