"Get ready!" Seeing them coming in, he Jianhua raised his hand and told the people around him to get up.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" All of them were very cooperative. When he Jianhua was in rhythm together, they were full of joy and cried out.

"Ha ha, Xiao Lian, you can go back to the column group, everyone is very happy!" In the crowd's welcome, he Jianhua quickly came to Wu Qinglian and said sincerely.

"Thank you! Thank you Feeling everyone's enthusiasm, Wu Qinglian was also quite excited, even when she responded with a smile on her face.

"Xiao Lian, don't be in a hurry. Thank you! I'll show you another good thing! " He Jianhua continued to smile and then said something mysterious.

"Good thing?" Wu Qinglian was slightly stunned. She couldn't help looking at Xu Ling, as if she was asking why she didn't tell her in advance.

For this point, Xu Ling also shrugged helplessly, saying that he was also very muddled.

These guys, preparing surprise for sister Wu, don't tell me first, they don't treat me as their own! Xu Ling couldn't help thinking.

"Come with me and you'll know when you get there." He Jianhua is still very mysterious. He turns around and takes the road in front of him and goes out.

Wu Qinglian is full of curiosity and follows he Jianhua all the way to the door of the deputy editor's office.

"Push the door yourself and go in!" Standing at the door, he Jianhua said to Wu Qinglian with a smile.

Before Li Qijun's incident, the room was still in the stage of arrangement. Wu Qinglian and he Jianhua shared an office.

What's more, the chaos of the room at that time would have been bad for a while!

This is also why Xu Ling came to the door and was slightly surprised.

When I came to work the day before yesterday, I didn't seem to see anyone clean up the room?

Of course, these ideas are meaningless. As Wu Qinglian slowly pushes the door open, a clean, bright and luxurious office comes to Xu Ling's eyes.

See this arrangement, Xu Ling directly put no one to clean up the room to the idea to throw out of the sky! Can this call no one? This room needs a lot of people to decorate, right!

Even he Jianhua's room is as luxurious as it is. Besides, all kinds of decorations in it are in line with Wu Qinglian's preference!

Because when Xu Ling was at Wu Qinglian's house, he saw some similar arrangements.

"Clang, clang, clang!" With the door being opened, the river and mountain on one side are matched with a music to express the present surprise.

Roududu's face with his happy smile makes people feel happy.

People around were all amused by the coming of Jiangshan. Naturally, Wu Qinglian was no exception.

"What's up, Xiao Lian? This room looks pretty good, right? I was thinking about your preference. Are you satisfied? " See also see, he Jianhua at this time carefully asked.

He must be the most nervous person on the scene at this time. After all, this is the first time that he has formally prepared a gift for Wu Qinglian. Naturally, he attaches great importance to each other's views.

As for Wu Qinglian herself, she was very cooperative in her performance. She looked at the room and nodded with satisfaction! I love it

Although we may have known for a long time that we would get such a result, we are still very excited and cheered - to get my affirmation is the biggest support for them to do so much work!

After expressing her attitude, Wu Qinglian was surrounded by people and entered the room. With the fragrance of flowers around her, she sat behind her desk.

It's the first time for Wu Qinglian to be watched and seated by so many people. But she also knows that it's all sorted out by people, so she didn't stop it.

This evening's experience made Wu Qinglian almost get to know the program group again. Although she didn't come for a long time, at this moment, the enthusiasm shown by the staff made her deeply moved.

With Wu Qinglian sitting in her office, the whole welcome ceremony was over.

Under the direction of he Jianhua, everyone was busy with their own affairs. In a flash, the office was overcrowded and there were only three people left.

In addition to the two leaders he Jianhua and Wu Qinglian, the only one left is naturally Xu Ling, who is still muddled.

First of all, he Jianhua urged him to come here, but as soon as he came to the radio station, he was always carrying out a ceremony to welcome Wu Qinglian.

Of course, Xu Ling is also very happy to have such a link, but now that the ceremony is over, Xu Ling looks at he Jianhua again, but the latter still doesn't say anything to himself, talks happily with Wu Qinglian, and even gives a hint of "why don't you leave" in her feedback expression!

In this way, after Xu Ling thought slightly, he immediately understood the reason.

No wonder after listening to Wu Qinglian, he Jianhua called her because he couldn't find himself. However, he didn't find any phone reminders after he turned on the phone. It turns out that these are all the excuses he Jianhua used to contact Wu Qinglian!

He Jianhua was very quick to understand what Xu Ling had taught him that night!

This kind of excuse work, in fact, is a means to strengthen contact. He is so skillful. Xu Ling, who wants to understand, is a little relieved. At the same time, he can't help thinking that he Jianhua will have to find himself frequently in the future.

After thinking about these things, Xu Ling also quietly left the office, leaving he Jianhua and the two of them in the world to cultivate their feelings.

After that, until Xu Ling finished the program, he Jianhua didn't come out of Wu Qinglian's office.

It seems that the progress is quite smooth! Every time I think of such a situation, Xu Ling can't help laughing. He Jianhua is also quite distracted in this matter.

Wu Qinglian never showed up, and Xu Ling left alone. After finishing the program, he honestly stayed at his desk and wrote a manuscript.

This is a few hours to write, Xu Ling has finished the manuscript, Wu Qinglian has not come out!

Xu Ling doesn't expect he Jianhua to spend so much time with Wu Qinglian, but he hasn't come out for such a long time, which makes people suspicious!

After finishing his task, Xu Ling, who has nothing to do, can't help but feel a touch of curiosity in his heart. He secretly wants to eavesdrop on Wu Qinglian's office door.

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