However, when he thought about the sound, he suddenly felt that he was familiar with it!

Isn't that Li Ziqian's voice?

Xu Ling immediately turned to see, it was her!

"What's the matter with you? Don't know me Xu Ling's eyes haven't recovered from the shock just now, so in Li Ziqian's eyes, it's like she doesn't know herself.

"You... Where did you come from?" Xu Ling is very sure that there is no problem with her eyes. In the alley just now, there is absolutely no other person except her own!

"From there," Li Ziqian naturally pointed to the top, and then said, "I just saw that there were no people around, so I came out."

Following the direction Li Ziqian pointed out, Xu Ling saw a hemp rope running down the window on the second floor and went straight to the ground beside the garbage can.

It is conceivable that Li Ziqian came down from that place. Maybe Xu Ling was too absorbed in exploring the situation in the garbage can at that time, so he didn't pay attention to Li Ziqian who climbed down.

Looking back at the place where she was waiting for Li Ziqian, and then looking up at the place where Li Ziqian came down, Xu Ling understood why she was able to have such a cross time dialogue with her partner just now.

This alley is straight from a close view, but from a long view, it is actually slightly tortuous.

The place where she stood was sunken at the door. If Li Ziqian looked down from above, she couldn't see herself. In addition, the window was just above the garbage can, which explains why Xu Ling could hear the sound.

"I thought you..." want to understand this matter, Xu Ling immediately some wry smile, will give Li Ziqian to explain.

However, Li Ziqian is obviously not interested in what Xu Ling wants to explain. She comes forward and pushes Xu Ling aside, and then searches in the garbage can.

In that way, Xu Ling didn't feel that Li Ziqian's idea of getting into the garbage can was wrong!

"Ha, I found it!" About a minute later, Li Ziqian suddenly gave out a joyful voice, and then saw a bunch of keys on her hand.

Looking at the key, it's the car key.

"You were chased for stealing your car keys?" Looking at the car key in Li Ziqian's hand, Xu Ling immediately thought clearly.

"Well, almost! Anyway, they didn't catch me. It's OK. Let's go! " Li Ziqian thought about it, then nodded.

That casual appearance, I feel that she is not stealing the car, but taking her own car.

But for seeing so many people looking for Li Ziqian, Xu Ling would have confirmed this idea.

"Hey! What's the matter with you? Let's go In the middle of Li Ziqian's walk towards the entrance of the lane, she suddenly finds that Xu Ling behind her doesn't keep up with her, but is still standing in the same place. She immediately urges her.

Was called a return to God, Xu Ling quickly followed up.

Even so, Xu Ling still has a dilemma in his heart. Just after Li Ziqian came to the underground parking lot, he pressed the unlock key on the car key all the way and followed the alarm sound of the car to find the Mercedes Benz. Xu Ling's heart was no longer tense!

Looking at Li Ziqian who has opened the car door and is about to sit in, Xu Ling can't help asking.

"Isn't it good for you to just drive other people's cars away?"

"It doesn't matter. There are a lot of cars for that man, and this one is not bad." Li Ziqian didn't like it at all. She naturally got in and started the car. Then she said to Xu Ling, "get on the bus, let's go back first."

"Won't the owner of this car call the police?" Xu Ling still has some lingering fear. If he is regarded as an accomplice by the police, he will die unjustly!

"No, no! How can you be as fussy as a woman? Get in the car quickly. If you don't, I'll leave alone! " Xu Ling has been asking these questions, but she doesn't move. This will directly annoy Li Ziqian and immediately scold her.

Being said to be a woman by a suckling girl, Xu Ling couldn't say her grievance in her heart.

A don't do two endlessly, Xu Ling simply also directly to the co pilot, open the door to drill in!

"That's what I'm talking about!" Looking at Xu Ling's appearance, Li Ziqian smiles and immediately starts the car and runs out.

Driving smoothly on the road, the situation is just like Li Ziqian said, no police came.

Even, there was no news of the hotel losing its car. This fact gradually changed Xu Ling from nervous to confused.

He turned his head and looked at Li Ziqian, who was relaxed and even comfortable. Finally, Xu Ling could not help but ask, "Li Ziqian! Shouldn't you explain to me what's going on? "

"What's the matter with you! Why remind so many times or can't change? You should call me... "Li Ziqian didn't mean to answer Xu Ling's question. Instead, she wanted to correct his appellation.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you now!" At this time, Xu Ling's face was serious, without the kind of joking attitude before, "so many people are chasing you, but you can steal other people's car and run, and there is no news about the police. Shouldn't you explain these completely abnormal things to me?"

"Are you... Angry?" Li Ziqian is a little stunned. I didn't expect that Xu Ling would have such a big reaction.

"I'm angry!" Xu Ling said without concealment, "you ask me to tell you all the secrets, but you, I don't even know who you are!"

This is what Xu Ling always wanted to say. At this moment, it finally broke out!

I can't help it. Today's incident has a great impact on him, especially seeing the people in black who are looking for Li Ziqian all over the hotel. It's like watching an agent movie.

Xu Ling's angry tone has no cover up at all, so he threw it on Li Ziqian's face.

This makes Li Ziqian, who has always been tolerated by Xu Ling, feel a little aggrieved.

But then, she looked serious, opened her mouth and said to Xu Ling word by word, "Xu Ling, believe me, I won't do you any harm, but I really can't tell you my identity!"

"Now you have to keep it from me?" Xu Ling was puzzled, which made him feel more and more angry.

Maybe Xu Ling's expression is too serious, or this kind of aggressiveness makes her feel at a loss. Li Ziqian, who is driving, suddenly starts to cry.

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