"If that's true, I won't bother brother Xu specially. I will pretend that I didn't find you and continue to pursue my dream!" After Xu Ling's words, Liu feiran showed a bitter smile and shook his head to Xu Ling.

Facing Xu Ling's puzzled eyes, Liu feiran added, "because of a car accident, I was in a coma for half a year in the hospital. When I woke up again, although my memory was still there, the system in my brain was gone! No matter how I call it, it never comes out again. "

"The system's gone?" Xu Ling was a little surprised.

At the same time, he also remembered that he once asked Xiaoya this question: if he died, what would he do?

And Xiaoya's answer is that it will find the next host! The answer is very simple, without hesitation!

Does it mean that because Liu feiran was in a coma in the hospital for half a year, his brain system decided that he was dead and left the original host!

If you think about it, there is only one possibility!

But with the same wisdom as Xiaoya, how can we judge the life and death of the wrong host?

This makes Xu Ling doubt again.

"Yes, but fortunately, before the system left me, I had made the company big enough, but I didn't achieve my goal of becoming the strongest company in the world..." Liu feiran confirmed Xu Ling's statement, and then said happily.

However, Liu feiran was interrupted by Xu Ling in the middle of his speech, because Xu Lingshi couldn't help it. He couldn't believe that a person could even think of doing this, "so you want to develop artificial intelligence to replace the position of the system around you?"

"Ha ha, brother Xu really understood me. He understood what I meant in a moment." His speech was suddenly interrupted, Liu feiran is not angry, and after Xu Ling finished, he also laughed.

After laughing for a long time, Liu feiran stopped and mysteriously revealed to Xu Ling, "but to be correct, I was already studying how to copy the system before I lost the system, which is also the reason why I founded boxing industry!"

The company of boxing, which Xu Ling has heard from he Jianhua, is a company specializing in the production of intelligent products. However, this company has a short life. Soon after it was founded, it went bankrupt because of lack of funds.

Now hearing what Liu feiran said, Xu Ling can guess that the reason for the company's bankruptcy is probably related to the disappearance of the system in Liu feiran's mind.

"Of course, shortly after I founded boxing, I suffered a car accident. In this way, I can't get relevant knowledge from the system!" Liu feiran seems very sorry, as if the interruption of this plan is a pity.

Now Xu Ling doesn't want to hear Liu feiran talk about his entrepreneurial history. He is full of horror in his heart!

It's true that there's something out there, and there's someone out there. When I get Xiaoya, I'm still thinking about how to use its power

Liu feiran this guy even thought about how to copy another system!

What kind of people can have such ambition?

Xu Ling feels that Liu feiran's car accident and the disappearance of the system are directly related to his idea of copying the system!

"Brother Xu, what's your reputation now?" Liu feiran thought for a while, then asked again.

"Brother Liu, it seems that I haven't agreed to your request yet?" Listen to each other's questions, Xu Ling said with a cold smile.

Originally, Xu Ling didn't want to participate in this kind of thing. Then he thought about the reason why Liu feiran's system disappeared, and he didn't want to have anything to do with it.

"Brother Xu, don't you want to accomplish this feat? If we can develop this technology, it will change the world! " Liu feiran is very confused about Xu Ling's not participating in his plan. At the same time, he excitedly lures Xu Ling with great achievements.

"And then? Rule the world? " Xu Ling did not have the slightest interest in what Liu feiran said. On the contrary, she said it casually.

"Then we will be remembered by the world! Think about Edison and the Wright brothers. They are all remembered forever after their great achievements? " Liu feiran was more and more excited, and even gave Xu Ling a list of celebrities in the original world.

It's really a pity that he can still remember it after such a long time, but it also reflects his deep obsession with this matter!

"Sorry, I'm not very interested!" Xu Ling shrugged and directly rejected Liu feiran's suggestion.

When he came to this world, he had already set his goal. Himalayan radio is the ultimate goal!

Xu Ling thinks that Xiaoya only chooses herself to come to this world because she has such an idea.

"Xu Ling! Don't you have any dreams? Come to this world, just write two books? A lifetime in the radio? " Liu feiran realized that his great idea had been rejected by Xu Ling. At this time, he was directly angry. He stood up and pointed to Xu Ling's nose and yelled his name directly.

Looking at Liu feiran's exasperation, Xu Ling smiles, gently pushes Liu feiran's hand, and stands up again. "Liu feiran, everyone has his own ambition. What I want to do is different. The establishment of Himalayan radio station is my goal, and I won't mix up all my life. Moreover, Xiaoya has given me this opportunity, and I won't think about copying it, because in my eyes, It's not a tool, it's a partner to live with! "

"Partner?" Listening to Xu Ling's statement, Liu feiran repeated it in a daze. After a moment, he burst into laughter and said, "ha ha ha... Brother Xu, do you want to laugh to death? Return partner, this system without emotion, you call it partner

Liu feiran's tone is full of sarcasm and laughter!

"Shut up Xu Ling looks at Liu feiran's appearance and listens to his words. A touch of anger suddenly rises in her heart. At this time, she is directly waving a punch at Liu feiran's body!


A punch hit Liu feiran's belly, only to hear Liu feiran scream, then covered his stomach and sat back on the sofa.

Obviously, he didn't get any props from the system to strengthen his physique, so he couldn't stand Xu Ling's blow at all.

"Liu feiran, haven't you ever thought about why such a coincidence happened around you? Start a company, want to copy the system, how do you have the courage to treat the system like this! I don't know how the system came into being, but how can you create such a magical thing? " Looking at Liu feiran, who was full and miserable, Xu Ling continued to reprimand him.

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