For Li Ziqian's appearance, Xu Ling is also quite embarrassed. Sure enough, the girl has a grudge against her behavior of leaving without telling her.

But when I left, she was so fast asleep that I specially called her. How can I say that it was not very good! Xu Ling thought to herself.

"Sister, have you recovered?" Seeing that Li Ziqian didn't pay any attention to himself, Xu Ling couldn't keep the cold war going, so she took the initiative to open her mouth and care.

"All right!" Although the tone is not good, and eyes did not leave the TV screen, but let Xu Ling gratified is, at least Li Ziqian is willing to talk to himself.

It seems that the note left by herself should also be regarded as a bit of room for easing this incident. Otherwise, she would really leave without saying anything. I'm afraid that when Xu Ling enters the door, Li Ziqian will get up and go back to her room.

I don't even want to be in the same space with Xu Ling!

"Oh, that's good, that's good!" Seeing this, Xu Ling responded with a smile.

Then, there was a long silence

"By the way, Xu Ling, have you had dinner? If you don't have any, I'll make some for you. " Wu Qinglian, who just stood up, also felt the obvious estrangement between Xu Ling and Li Ziqian.

Moreover, Wu Qinglian also felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little strange, so she quickly made a voice to ease the atmosphere and asked Xu Ling.

"Well, I've already eaten it! Don't bother you, sister Wu Xu Ling quickly waved his hand and said.

After such a remark, Wu Qinglian didn't know what to say.

This is a personal conflict between Xu Ling and Li Ziqian. Wu Qinglian, who has been busy outside for a long time, doesn't know what's wrong with them, so she doesn't know how to persuade them.

"By the way, sister Wu," one time didn't work, so Xu Ling decided to do it again. After thinking about it for a while, he thought of another thing, and immediately said to Wu Qinglian, "we live together, but we haven't had a good gathering yet. Let's hold a dinner party at home tomorrow to celebrate! Just in time, let's show my cooking skills! "

After talking with Wu Qinglian, Xu Ling put her eyes on Li Ziqian and asked, "do you think it's ok? Sister

"Yo, Xu Ling, can you cook?" Wu Qinglian was quite surprised at Xu Ling's words, so she quickly asked the past.

"Haha, I've learned it before, so the craftsmanship is OK!" Xu Ling scratched his head and said modestly.

He won't say that he has the elixir blessing in his body!

Now it is said that if they are too surprised after they show their skills, there is still something to explain.

Anyway, I said I had learned this technology!

"Well, he must have done a terrible job. If we get together, you'd better cook for us, sister Qinglian." Li Ziqian make complaints about Xu Ling's face, but he still has no television screen.

Obviously, although Li Ziqian is willing to talk to Xu Ling, she is still unwilling to see him.

"Hehe, Qianqian, why don't you have any confidence in your brother? He said he had learned it!" Listening to Li Ziqian's words, Wu Qinglian immediately joked.

She also knows that Li Ziqian is willing to communicate with Xu Ling, so she can't miss it easily.

"Yes, sister, I am so sad that you have no confidence in me! Did you hear my heartbreak Xu Ling, with a depressed face, immediately ran to Li Ziqian and forced her into her field of vision. She covered her chest and complained.

He leaned in front of Li Ziqian, as if he wanted to stick his chest to Li Ziqian's ear.

"Bah! Go, go! Why are you so close to me? Who cares if your heart is broken? " Xu Ling's insincere behavior finally made Li Ziqian raise her eyes and look at Xu Ling, but just for a moment, she left her sight, and then her bare feet kicked Xu Ling in the past, indicating not to get close to her.

Although it is kick, but Li Ziqian also received a lot of strength, just to keep the distance.

"Ouch!" However, even so, Xu Ling is still very boastful to cover his body was hit by Li Ziqian place, crazy rolling up on the ground, "hurt me! Fracture! It's broken! "

"Cluck cluck..." looking at Xu Ling's rolling all over the ground, Li Ziqian's face, which was still cold, suddenly began to laugh. The silver bell like laughter made Xu Ling feel relaxed.

"You don't want to pretend, I'll touch you, and you'll be broken?" After laughing, Li Ziqian put her arms around her chest and immediately broke Xu Ling's acting skills.

"Hey, hey, you found it all." With a smile, Xu Ling got up from the ground and asked Li Ziqian, "are you angry with me?"

"Well, I'll forgive you this time!" From Xu Ling's performance after coming back, Li Ziqian also felt that the other party had been trying to please herself. Besides, Xu Ling did leave a note for herself to explain this time, which was not to say goodbye without saying goodbye

So at this meeting, she also felt that she could not be willful any more, so she told Xu Ling.

But the tone is still a bit arrogant!

"Ha ha, really? Great Xu Ling immediately exclaimed excitedly.

Looking at Xu Ling's satisfied look, Li Ziqian couldn't help but put a smile on her face, which is happy that Xu Ling can care about herself so much.

Finally, Li Ziqian's affairs here have been settled. Xu Ling gently wiped the sweat from her forehead due to the violent action of these times.

Then he wanted to talk about the party tomorrow, but suddenly he felt a burning look coming from behind.

At this time, Li Ziqian is in front of her, so it can't be her.

Xu Ling quickly turned to see, is to see Xiaobao is pouting a small mouth, is looking at himself indignantly.

"Xiaobao, what's the matter with you? Who bullied you? " Looking at Xiaobao's appearance, Xu Ling quickly went up to ask.

Ask words, also want to hold Xiaobao again!

"Uncle Xu Ling is bad!" However, Xu Ling was met by Xiao Bao's angry cry and his strong push.

Then, Xiao Bao ran to Wu Qinglian and held her leg, sobbing in a low voice.

Xiaobao suddenly this let Xu Ling suddenly stunned, and, it seems that the people in the room do not understand Xiaobao this suddenly what is meant.

"What's the matter with you, Xiao Bao? Why do you suddenly say that to Uncle Xu Ling? " Wu Qinglian immediately picked up Xiaobao and asked gently.

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