Good guy, no wonder Mr. Shen didn't let me pass this week. Because of my class, he made such a big reaction in Qingbei University! Xu Ling couldn't help sighing in her heart.

If Shen Wenzhi doesn't remind Xu Ling that he will go tomorrow, he will have to be torn by those students who are crazy to find himself.

Now in the school, Xu Ling has been sick and on vacation as the reason to calm the students' mood.

Obviously, I want to wait for time to dilute the students' memory of this matter, so that Xu Ling can go back to the campus to take a part-time job.

However, Xu Ling was brought to Qingbei University by Shen Wenzhi in his own name. Now there is such a problem. Shen Wenzhi must be particularly distressed.

Think of here, Xu Ling in the heart can not help showing the mood of remorse, of course, Xu Ling can do is limited to this.

Shen Wenzhi made a special call to ask him not to go there. It must be because Xu Ling couldn't help him in the past, or even made the situation worse.

"Here you are, Xu Ling!" Just when Xu Ling was still daydreaming, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Xu Ling, who was still thinking, was startled. He quickly turned around and saw Li Shengxian greeting himself with red eyes in the seat behind him.

Xu Ling clearly remembers that when she came from the seat behind her just now, there was no one there, so the appearance of Li Shengxian surprised Xu Ling a little.

"Ang, I've been here for a while. By the way, Li Shengxian, where were you just now? Why didn't I see you? " Xu Ling couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I've been sitting in my seat, Xu Ling, you..." Li Shengxian, still sad, replied. Then he opened his mouth again, as if to ask Xu Ling some questions, but after thinking about it, he shut up again.

"You... What's the matter with you?" Looking at Li Shengxian's face, which had just cried, and his way of speaking, Xu Ling couldn't help asking.

"Ai ~" under Xu Ling's questioning, Li Shengxian sighed leisurely, looked up as if he had made up his mind and asked, "Xu Ling, do you think my program can be saved?"

In a word, Xu Ling asked slightly confused. He remembered that he should have given some excellent live entertainment programs to Li Shengxian.

Now that the methods have been mastered, Xu Ling really does not know how to answer this question.

"How's your listening rate now?" Xu Ling, who didn't know why, had to ask about the situation first.

"Yesterday's is 0.5% higher than last week. I don't know today's," Li Shengxian said to Xu Ling, frowning. "This is the last day. How can I improve the remaining 0.5%

His tone was filled with despair.

Listening to this data, Xu Ling also felt a little dignified. I didn't expect that the growth rate of Li Shengxian's program was so low!

However, it is no wonder that the general audience of entertainment news like this is young people, and broadcasting media can not integrate into young people at all. This is the most fatal problem

"It doesn't matter, Li Shengxian. You've done your best. Editor in chief he must have seen it. Even if you really can't increase by 1%, you won't be punished!" After realizing this fact, Xu Ling also had to gently comfort the other party not to be so sad.

"Well, in fact, it doesn't matter if it's just punishing me," Li Shengxian said, shaking his head after listening to Xu Ling's words. "I'm just afraid that because of my program, the whole column group will be delayed. If the whole column group fails to achieve its goal, I'll simply be guilty!"

Li Shengxian said that he clenched his fists and said that he was very sad. This kind of words full of collective consciousness made Xu Ling's ears murmur.

I didn't expect that this seemingly careless young man had such a collective honor! So sad look, but worried about the whole column group.

"If... If this really happens, I think I can only take the blame and resign!" Li Shengxian then reproached himself and even thought about the consequences.

"Li Shengxian, what are you talking about?" Hearing this, Xu Ling gave a roar for no reason, which frightened Li Shengxian.

After seeing that Li Shengxian's attention was on himself, Xu Ling then said calmly, "we are brothers in the whole column group! All sisters! What is resignation? I'm Xu Ling, the first to disagree! "

"Yes! Sheng Xian, do you still think our project team is at home? "

"It's not a matter of one person to share happiness and difficulties. You can't blame yourself. I support Xu Ling and don't agree with you!"


Maybe it was Xu Ling's roar that was a little loud at the beginning, which attracted everyone's attention.

After listening to what Xu Ling said, they could roughly guess what the reason was and what the attitude of Li Shengxian, who was persuaded by Xu Ling, was.

Unexpectedly, no one agreed to Li Shengxian leave alone, even his own year-end bonus is not!

Seeing this scene, not only Li Shengxian was moved, but also Xu Ling burst into tears.

That's the cohesion! Xu Ling sighed that he really did not read it wrong. This is what he saw in the late night column group! The power of this column group!

With the trend of twisting into a rope, this column group, no matter it is replaced by any column group in half a day, will definitely rush to the top position of the radio station. Even the sports column group can also compete!

"Everyone..." probably from the strong moved back to God, Li Shengxian face with two lines of tears, looked around a circle of brothers and sisters working together, trembling to say, "thank you! Thank you

Men have tears, but not to sad place! But now, Li Shengxian's feelings are not sad, but moved.

"What, what? What a mess Just when everyone was sincerely comforting Li Shengxian, the door of the office was suddenly opened. He Jianhua stood at the door and looked at the people inside, frowning and scolding.

Maybe he heard the voice at the door and didn't understand the cause and effect. That's why he had such an attitude.

If he could see his staff have such awareness, he would be very happy!

What a leader is most willing to see is that his staff are united as one, and the intrigue among the staff is absolutely the most lethal poison that can destroy a column group or even a company.

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