As long as Wu Qinglian begins to preach, she can't stop. Starting from Xu Ling's attitude towards her sister, she says that Xu Ling doesn't know how to love girls.

Then spread to Xu Ling EQ problem, finally came to the most important problem - find the object!

"Sister Wu, please don't worry about the problem of finding my partner any more! Anyway, there will be one at that time! " Xu Ling can only reluctantly reply.

"When will it be? When you reach your elder sister's age, you will know that you are worried! Now don't hurry up! " After all, Wu Qinglian went back to the topic.

Xu Ling was very depressed in her heart. She had to bear to tell her that she had been married several times.

"Forget it, some of you young people, ah ~" Wu Qinglian looked at Xu Ling's helpless face, and simply sighed and stopped talking.

In contrast, Xu Ling is also relieved, he finally survived a while preaching.

However, when Wu Qinglian said these words, Xu Ling thought wildly in her heart and suddenly thought of a problem.

That's what Yu Wenwen said before. She didn't pay attention at that time. Now in retrospect, it seems that something is not right.

It was when Li Ziqian said that she was almost hiding from others that Yu Wenwen said!

Her meaning is now carefully felt, like something happened, just let her run to Xu Ling here.

"Sister Wu, I'll go out first!" At this time, the bowl is almost washed, Xu Ling see nothing to help, so and Wu Qinglian said and left the kitchen.

All the way to the living room, the two girls are still chatting happily. On the surface, they can't see that Yu Wenwen has any problems.

However, just in case, Xu Ling asked, "Wenwen, is there anything wrong with your coming this time?"

The conversation between the two girls was interrupted, and they turned to look at Xu Ling one after another, while Yu Wenwen showed a very strange expression, "no? I'm here on vacation. "

There's no exception!

Do you think too much? Looking at Yu Wenwen's normal appearance, Xu Ling doubts her own ideas.

Nodded, in two women are strange to watch, Xu Ling is ready to leave, suddenly the phone rang.

During the break time, there are only a few people who can call Xu Ling. There are also people like Shen Wenzhi who invite themselves to do something.

However, when Xu Ling picked up her mobile phone and looked at the number, she was surprised.

Because this number appears on my mobile phone screen, I can't remember how long ago it was!

This makes Xu Ling with a mobile phone slightly stunned, and then quickly went to one side, picked up the phone, "Hello, Yunxi, what's the matter?"


"Brother, he's so strange. He's surprised to come here!" After Xu Ling left, Li Ziqian looked at Xu Ling's back and told Yu Wenwen.

After Xu Ling asked the question without warning, Yu Wenwen was quite normal at that time.

But after Xu Ling left, she became a little anxious. She would hear Li Ziqian's words. She was slightly stunned for a while and then replied, "yes... Yes, it's very strange!"

"Wenwen, are you ok? Was it infected by Xu Ling? It's getting weird. " Yu Wenwen's sudden change naturally attracted Li Ziqian's attention.

"No? I am OK! Where were we just talking about? " Yu Wenwen explained quickly, then changed the topic.

"No! Wenwen, how can I feel you nervous? " Li Ziqian is a very inquisitive person. At this time, she doesn't accept Yu Wenwen's change of topic and continues to ask.

Looking at Li Ziqian's face and trying to find out her details, Yu Wenwen said again, "I really didn't..."


However, Yu Wenwen's words did not finish, from one side came a stern cry.

Follow the sound to see, shout the Xu Ling of this one directly quickly walked to come over!

Without waiting for the second daughter to respond, he stares at Yu Wenwen directly with a serious expression and asks, "do you know who called me just now?"

Feeling Xu Ling's harsh eyes, Yu Wenwen seemed to dodge. But after a while, she said very strongly, "how can I know if I call you?"

"I said, why did you come here all of a sudden and complain all the time? That's what happened!" Looking at Yu Wenwen's nervous face, Xu Ling also knows that she doesn't need to tell the caller clearly.

Sure enough, after Xu Ling said these words, Yu Wenwen bowed her head and said nothing, just like a child who was caught at the scene after making a mistake.

"What are you... Talking about?" Sitting on one side, Li Ziqian was completely confused by the way they chatted in riddles. At this time, she couldn't help asking.

"Chen Yunxi, let me take you quickly!" Xu Ling didn't say much about Yu Wenwen. In this case, it's better for Yu Wenwen to decide whether to let others know.

"Ah ~" looking at Li Ziqian's puzzled eyes, coupled with Xu Ling's aggressive tone, Yu Wenwen finally sighed and said, "Qianqian, actually... Actually I escaped."

"What's the matter? Just run away!" Li Ziqian didn't care about it at all. She just said it.

For Yu Wenwen, who does the same thing as Li Ziqian, she certainly treats her with the same eyes.

"Chen Yunxi said that the company is crazy to look for you, because they invested a lot in this afternoon's performance. You should know all these things, right?" Xu Ling continued to look at Yu Wenwen and asked.

Yu Wenwen nodded gently, but she didn't know how to respond.

"Are you going or not?" Instead of taking a tough attitude, Xu Ling said to Yu Wenwen in a consultative tone, "if you don't go this time, you should be able to get rid of that life completely, but relatively, you will lose something."

Yu Wenwen's expression has been changing, and she seems to be thinking intensely.

"It's about an hour's drive from here to Binhai city. The program starts at three o'clock. You still have 15 minutes to think. If it's over, it means you won't go." Xu Ling took a look at the clock hanging on the wall and told Yu Wenwen.

Xu Ling can't make a decision about this kind of thing, and it's not good to give Yu Wenwen advice. Otherwise, if yu Wenwen regrets this decision later, Xu Ling will also blame himself very much.

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