"Well... You don't and don't know?" Xu Ling was questioned like this, and immediately asked in horror.

"Ha ha, you're nervous. Don't worry. I'm sure I know where it is." Xu Ling's frightened appearance made the two girls in the back seat laugh, which made Xu Ling feel a little upset. She felt as if she had been teased.

At this time, the second daughter is still laughing. Xu Ling can't help but remind her, "can you stop laughing and tell me the specific place?"

In this way, Yu Wenwen immediately stopped smiling and gave Xu Ling a dry smile.

After seven turns and eight turns, the car comes to the front of Binhai TV station. Yu Wenwen informs Xu Ling that she has arrived at her destination.

"Oh, the TV program!" Looking at the imposing gate, Xu Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

"Yes, because the last concert was quite successful, the local TV station wanted to give me an exclusive interview." Yu Wenwen nodded and explained to Xu Ling the purpose of her coming here.

"Is this the interview that scares you away?" Listen to Yu Wenwen's words, Xu Ling is a little strange. According to reason, Yu Wenwen should have been used to this situation.

"It can't be said that she was scared away," Yu Wenwen said in a low voice. "She was very nervous and felt a lot of pressure."

"Don't you often attend press conferences and make advertisements? Are you still nervous about this? " Xu Ling can't help but ask the doubts in her heart.

"Brother, you don't know that although the interview program of Binhai TV station is a local station, it is broadcast all over the country," Yu Wenwen immediately corrected Xu Ling's words, "and it is also a program representing the entertainment wind vane, which has a great influence on an artist!"

If it wasn't for Yu Wenwen, Xu Ling really didn't know that there was something else.

I didn't expect that the TV station in Binhai city still has such a powerful position. No wonder the buildings in front of me are so gorgeous!

"Wenwen, you know, it's getting closer and closer to your dream come true now. Since you can be in this kind of national broadcast program, you should not be nervous any more." Xu Linglang's voice comforts Yu Wenwen and calms her mood.

"I know all this, but I'm still afraid that I'll make mistakes. If I make a fool of myself in front of people watching this show all over the country, I really don't know how to continue my career as an artist." Yu Wenwen nodded, very understand the meaning of Xu Ling said, but the tone, or some trembling.

Yu Wenwen's appearance, although she has made up her mind to come back, is still a little scared in her heart.

In this case, Xu Ling wants to continue to comfort, but his mobile phone rings.

Take out a look, or chenyunxi number.

"Chen Yunxi's call. You can answer it yourself." Looking at the number, Xu Ling didn't pick it up directly. Instead, she handed the mobile phone to Yu Wenwen.

There is nothing more to explain this matter than my answer.

The three words "Chen Yunxi" on the mobile phone screen made Yu Wenwen feel a little stunned. After a few seconds of silence, she bit her lip and made up her mind to pick up the phone and press the answer button.

"Xu Ling, did Wen Wen bring it here? The program will start soon. Can you come again? "

On the phone, Chen Yunxi's tone was very mixed, and there was a lot of noise in the background, like preparing for the program.

"Sister in law, i... I have arrived," Yu Wenwen whispered to Chen Yunxi.

"Wenwen?" Chen Yunxi didn't expect that it was Yu Wenwen who answered the phone. She immediately asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry to worry you, sister-in-law." Yu Wenwen continued to make a weak apology.

"It's really Wenwen. It's OK. Just come back. Come to the studio quickly. Your visit will begin soon." Listening to Yu Wenwen's trembling tone, Chen Yunxi said immediately.

Between the lines is already forgiving Yu Wenwen's behavior.

Yu Wenwen was moved by the fact that she was not scolded by Chen Yunxi for such an ignorant behavior, but was comforted by the other party.

Endure the impulse of tears, should chenyunxi a, then hang up the phone.

"Brother, I'm going to be interviewed. Are you going?" After returning the mobile phone to Xu Ling, Yu Wenwen changed her mood and said it to Xu Ling with a smile.

"Forget it, we people who don't know how to do things at work don't give you any trouble at that time. If it's true, I can't forgive myself," Xu Ling waved and refused Yu Wenwen's invitation. "I'd better wait for your program to come out and see your excellent performance."

"Well, I'll do well!" Xu Ling does not go, Yu Wenwen also does not have the strong request, then guarantees to Xu Ling, also seems to give oneself to cheer up generally.

With that, Yu Wenwen finally said hello to Li Ziqian and Xu Ling, got out of the car and trotted to the TV station.

Watching Yu Wenwen's back disappear in her eyes, Li Ziqian, sitting behind her, says quietly, "why don't you follow sister Wenwen? She seems to be quite dependent on you. If you go, it may make him a little relaxed."

"Qianqian, you're wrong. Wenwen's road to fame has always been with my help. If I look at her in the past, it won't make her relaxed. On the contrary, it will make her more nervous." Xu Ling shook his head and denied Li Ziqian's statement.

"Oh, so it is." Li Ziqian nodded, as if to learn a new thing, thoughtfully initiated Leng.

"What's the matter? Are you homesick, too? " Looking at Li Ziqian, looking at the place where Yu Wenwen disappeared, Xu Ling thought of this and asked.

"Ah? How is that possible? I'll never miss my broken family Xu Ling's words immediately attracted Li Ziqian's disgust. He put his hands in his waist and began to speak angrily.

"Ha ha, I'm just joking. Don't be angry!" Li Ziqian's present appearance is what Xu Ling is most afraid of, so Xu Ling immediately starts to talk about it.

Then, quickly changed the topic, "by the way, we have already come to Binhai city. Let's take back your car by the way."

"Yes! If you don't say that I almost forgot the car, it's settled. Let's get there quickly. " Li Ziqian listened to Xu Ling's suggestion and even reacted for a while before she began to speak.

One sentence made Xu Ling cough twice.

If she hadn't driven the 911 herself, listening to Li Ziqian's voice, Xu Lingzhen felt that she was talking about a toy.

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