"Ha, ha ha, thank you scar brother, ha ha..." once again, Li Qijun quickly laughed.

"Why don't you roll up and laugh there? It's a damn waste of time, isn't it? " However, as soon as Li Qijun smiles, scar's smile is put away. He raises his face and kicks Li Qijun's belly and yells at him.

"Keke..." Li Qijun suffered such a heavy blow. He was already very weak and almost didn't get up.

But scar had already come to his side. Li Qijun jumped up from the ground as if in retrospect.

"Ha ha, that's right. Let's go. The car is waiting outside." Scar is still very joking looking at Li Qijun, eyes full of enjoyment, as if to torture others so that he can feel full of pleasure.

Li Qijun did not dare to take any more words, but walked quietly in front.

All the way speechless, Li Qijun was taken to the car, his hand and another brother handcuffed together.

This time, Li Qijun's heart directly cooled. It's OK for him to find a chance to run. Now he's tied up with himself. If he wants to run, it's just as difficult as heaven.

Knowing the location, it would be fast to drive there. In just a few minutes, a few people came to the gate of Li Qijun's community.

"Brother scar, this is it." With a strong fear in his heart, Li Qijun spoke to scar in a deep voice.

"Ah Hui, pull over and let's go in! Ah Hu, you are optimistic about Li Qijun. Of course, don't show the handcuffs. " Scar nodded, then left a few people to order.

Then, he looked at Li Qijun again, "as for you, if you dare to say anything that doesn't cooperate, you should know the consequences."

Li Qijun directly started, very decisive.

"Well, let's go." At the first order, several people get out of the car. AHU and Li Qijun stand side by side. Li Qijun wears a coat in front of him, pretending to be supported by AHU.

But it's true that with a Hu beside him, Li Qijun can really move his weight to a Hu's side. In this way, he really has less pressure on his body.

However, he did not dare to rely on too much arrogance. After all, Li Qijun knew ah Hu's temper.

Li Qijun's injuries are all due to ah Hu.

"This is the building, the room on the third floor." Li Qijun pointed to his home, as if he really pointed to Xu Ling's, and told scar.

Forced to a desperate situation, Li Qijun didn't feel nervous at this time. Speaking of panic, he didn't blink.

"There's no light. Did you go to bed so early? Or are you lying to me! " Li Qijun lives alone in that room now. Now Li Qijun has been caught. It's strange if the light is on in the room.

And there is no light so late, it can only prove one thing, there is no one in the room!

Scar immediately cast a pair of sharp eyes on Li Qijun and questioned him, as if if if Li Qijun could not give himself a reasonable explanation, he would die directly!

"Brother scar, as I said before, Xu Ling's job is to work on the radio late at night. Now she's not here. She should go to work." Fortunately, for this problem, Li Qijun thought of a solution early. At this time, as soon as scar's words came out, Li Qijun then answered them.

"Well," scar nodded, remembering the stubble and nodding, then he didn't pursue it again. Then scar kept silent for a while and asked again, "when do you usually get off work?"

"It's going to be early in the morning. It seems to be about three or four o'clock." As for the question of time, Li Qijun could say how late it was, but when he talked about tomorrow morning, he felt it was not reasonable, so he made a compromise and replied.

"So late? Are you stalling with me? " As soon as scar heard this time, he would fight against Li Qijun.

"No, brother scar, how dare I do anything fancy with you now? It's really this point. You can check it if you don't believe it." When Li Qijun saw that scar didn't believe it, he quickly howled and explained.

"Shut up However, as soon as Li Qijun's voice fell, he was slapped in the face by ah Hu around him, "speak well, what's your name?"

Ah Hu's strength is very strong. This slap directly makes Li Qijun's face hot and painful. However, the feeling here is not over yet


Li Qijun's other face was slapped by scar again. "I said before, don't do such strange things. This time it's a warning. If you do it again, it's not as simple as slapping in the face!"

Feeling scar's eyes, Li Qijun quickly nodded and even dared not say anything.

"Boss, what should we do now? Shall we wait here? " After Li Qijun was taught a lesson, another younger brother, ah Hui, asked scar.

"No, if it's on the radio, brother Kun will solve it. We don't have to take so much trouble to catch a small radio anchor." Scar would shake his head casually, smile confidently and say to ah Hui, "since there's no one, let's go and find a restaurant for supper! In the nightclub, I only drink, but I don't eat. I'm really hungry. "

I think I've found my destination. Scar is very relaxed now.

"Well, brother scar, can you let me go now? I've told you all the news. " Looking at scar in a good mood, Li Qijun immediately seized the opportunity and asked in a low voice.

"What did you say?" The sound was too small for scar to hear.

"He said let's let him go!" Li Qijun's AHU really heard it clearly. At this time, he directly repeated what he said to scar.

"That's what you said?" Scar looks at Li Qijun with a smile and asks jokingly.

Li Qijun had no choice but to nod, but he was afraid of making scar unhappy, and then he shook his head.

"You are nodding and shaking your head. I really don't know what you mean," said scar, frowning and pretending to be difficult to do. He asked the two younger brothers, "do you know what he means?"

With these words, the three of them laughed at the same time. Now Li Qijun seems to be a clown who makes fun of them.

"Let's go. Mr. Li's brain seems to be a bit bad. Let's find some pig brain to mend it for him." After laughing, scar didn't mean to let Li Qijun go. He continued to tease and asked several people to go outside the community.

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