"Well, that seems to be the only way." Xu Ling sighed and could only respond.

"But congratulations. I didn't expect that you would be the editor in chief so soon. When I was your age, I was still trying to keep my anchor position." After explaining Xu Ling, he Jianhua began to sigh.

Looking back on what he looked like when he was young, he Jianhua really had some regrets. Xu Ling is the youngest editor in chief of the radio station.

"Editor in chief he, don't make fun of me. I don't know if I can be a good one. To tell you the truth, my mind is blank now." Xu Ling said very reluctantly.

"Well, it's not necessarily. I believe you. After all, it can be put there." He Jianhua is full of confidence in Xu Ling.

Xu Ling can't help but feel that he Jianhua is definitely a big head for Chen Hong's praise!

After calling he Jianhua, Xu lingcai got out of the car and went home. Next, he wanted to inform Wu Qinglian about this.

As a result, Xu Ling suddenly thought that Wu Qinglian was also the editor in chief of the youth group before, and this daytime column might be closer to the column she was going to create!

However, after Xu Ling and Wu Qinglian said this, they didn't get any help. Wu Qinglian's answer is the same as he Jianguo's - let Xu Ling determine the direction of the column group first

"By the way, sister Wu, there's another thing I want to ask you, which is how to recruit people for my column group?" The two chief editors didn't have any suggestions, so Xu Ling put the matter aside. Then he thought of such a thing and asked Wu Qinglian.

"Ah? Recruitment? It's all done by the personnel department! " Wu Qinglian was a little surprised by Xu Ling's question.

"No, sister Wu, when I went to the radio station, you chose it." Xu Ling recalled the situation at that time and immediately told Wu Qinglian.

"That's all for the second interview. At the first interview, it's still up to the personnel department." Wu Qinglian explained to Xu Ling in detail.

"How do you ask this, is it difficult for the director to let you choose the person for the column group?" After answering Xu Ling, Wu Qinglian suddenly thought of such a thing.

With a bitter smile, Xu Ling threw a smile at Wu Qinglian. You really know my expression.

"How did the director leave the recruitment to you this time?" Wu Qinglian knew that she had guessed right, and she was also a little strange about it.

"I think the director is deliberately making trouble for me..." Xu Ling complained weakly again, "it's all my fault that when I left the radio station, I offended the director."

"I don't think so. She's not the one who has to pay back. Besides, it's been a long time since then. If she had resentment, it would have been over." Wu Qinglian shook her head and denied Xu Ling's statement.

"Well, I don't know why, this director should not be familiar with me," Xu Ling continued. "When I met her for the first time, I was appointed editor in chief. What's more, I was still a bare commander."

"It's really strange for you to say that. I thought the director was just looking for you to get to know you and let you work hard," Wu Qinglian guessed, stroking her chin. "I think the director was suggested by others!"

"You mean someone recommended me to the director?" Xu Ling immediately understood Wu Qinglian's meaning.

Wu Qinglian nodded.

"But who is it? You and chief editor he don't know about it either. " Xu Ling first ruled out the two most likely candidates.

"What about Liu Xia and Xia Xinyu?" Wu Qinglian then reminded Xu Ling, "they all appreciate you very much."

Wu Qinglian reminded Xu Ling that it was possible.

Xia Xinyu, in particular, has always felt guilty for being transferred to the late night column group. If Chen Hong comes back to talk about creating a new column group, Xia Xinyu will indeed recommend herself as the editor in chief.

"Well, everything has been settled. The director will never change his decision. You'd better think about how to set up the column." Wu Qinglian finally calmed down Xu Ling'an and said it in a flat voice.

Xu Ling also knows that what Wu Qinglian said is true. Just by the way Chen Hong said those words to herself, she knows that she will not change her mind.

Back to God, Xu Ling will no longer entangle this problem, the ship to the bridge naturally straight, Xu Ling do not believe that they can not solve a small editor in chief of the matter!

After jumping out of the problem of being editor in chief, Xu Ling suddenly finds that there seems to be something missing in the room.

Looking around, Xu Ling immediately asked Wu Qinglian, "ah, sister Wu, what about Qianqian and Xiaobao?"

It's the noise of these two people that is less than usual!

"Oh, they went out. Qianqian said she wanted to take Xiaobao to have fun. She hasn't come back yet." Wu Qinglian explained to Xu Ling immediately.

"Oh, I see," Xu Ling nodded and said casually, but his heart was secretly frightened.

Li Ziqian's current situation is captured by the whole city. I really admire her for having such a big heart, and she dares to wander around in the current situation.

Xu Ling can't help worrying about Li Ziqian

"We're back!" Speaking of Cao Cao, as soon as Xu Ling's voice fell, the door of the apartment was opened, and Li Ziqian's voice came.

Seeing that Li Ziqian could come back safely, to be honest, Xu Ling felt relieved.

Although he had heard Li Mengling's words before and had some doubts about Li Ziqian, after such a long time together, Xu Ling could only treat her as an ordinary girl.

What's more, Xu Ling still enjoys Li Ziqian's address for herself. Just imagine, which man can resist the temptation of having a charming sister at home?

"Brother, you are back, too!" Li Ziqian saw Xu Ling in the house and immediately said hello in surprise.

Xu Ling nodded in favor of this, and then asked with concern, "Qianqian, where have you two gone?"

"There's a new amusement park near here. I took Xiaobao for a walk. It's fun." Li Ziqian is a little bit tired probably, say to collapse to sit on sofa.

"Around here? Why didn't you hear the notice? " Xu lingpo was a little strange.

Although Li Ziqian said relaxed and happy, but Xu Ling thought of a very serious thing.

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