Looking at each other's solemn clothes and solemn manner, Xu Ling roughly guessed that he might be a person of higher status.

But unexpectedly, standing in front of their own is actually the director!

"Oh, director, Hello!" Xu Ling said hello with a smile.

"Director?" Gu Dafei on the ground also responded at this time. Even if he stopped struggling, he turned around and looked at Luo Yunfei in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, you'll make a big mistake!" Luo Yunfei, who hates iron but does not make steel, scolds Gu Dafei.

"Ah? No... sorry, I just want to compete with Xu Ling. I don't want to let him go. After the competition, we'll come back! " Gu Dafei has been struggling just now. He didn't hear the conversation between Luo Yunfei and Xu Ling.

At this time, I heard Luo Yunfei blame himself and thought it was because he intended to take Xu Ling out, so I immediately explained it.


As soon as Gu Dafei's voice fell, Luo Yunfei's big hands fell on his face? What can we learn from each other? If you hurt Mr. Xu, can you bear the responsibility? Get out of the way, you're in the way

Gu Dafei seems to be more afraid of Luo Yunfei. After being slapped in the face, a big man is not angry at all. Instead, he covers his face wrongly and retreats to one side.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm surprised." After scolding Gu Dafei, Luo Yunfei then said to Xu Ling with a smile on his face. At the same time, he extended an invitation, "come on, let's go to the office."

Xu Ling nodded and motioned to the other side to lead the way.

After all, it's the director who speaks, and Xu Ling can't lose face. Anyway, now that she's sure she's safe, it's no big problem to stay here a little longer.

"Come on, this way. Mr. Liu is waiting for you there." Luo Yunfei finished this last sentence, then turned to take the road.

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had a heart. After hearing this, Xu Ling was stunned and then asked, "Mr. Liu? You mean Liu feiran? "

"Yes Luo Yunfei doesn't understand why Xu Ling has such a reaction. Aren't these two friends?

"How did he come here?" Xu Ling continued to ask.

"This... I don't know very well," Luo Yunfei was slightly embarrassed. He remembered that he had handled his business well. Suddenly, Liu feiran pushed the door in and told him to get Xu Ling out.

Luo Yunfei doesn't know why.

Even at that time, even Xu Ling didn't know who he was

"Anyway, Mr. Liu is in the office. Just ask him face to face." Luo Yun Feigan said with a smile.

In fact, when Xu Ling heard that there was Liu feiran in the office, he didn't want to go immediately.

For this person, Xu Ling has always taken a distant attitude, originally expected to meet five months later, but it has not been many days, unexpectedly met again.

And judging from the current situation, I'm afraid that I was rescued by Liu feiran. Who knows, what conditions will that guy put forward with himself because of this?

But now if Xu Ling can't say it, the director is afraid that he will hate himself all his life. Looking at Luo Yunfei's expectant eyes, Xu Ling has to harden her head, nod her head, and then follow him.

Seven twists and turns all the way, finally came to the door of the director's office. Surprisingly, Luo Yun knocked on the door before he flew in.

With this action alone, we can see how high Liu feiran's position here is!

Xu Ling can't imagine how arrogant Liu feiran was when he had that system

"Come in, please A lazy voice came from the room.

When Luo Yunfei heard the sound, he slowly pushed the door in. The house was decorated with luxury, and the leather sofa and mahogany furniture showed his pride.

And do not want to know, these things, must also be given by Liu feiran!

"Well, luoju, your seat is really comfortable. I almost fell asleep on it!" Looking at Luo Yunfei coming in, Liu feiran immediately joked, but his body didn't move at all, and he was still sitting in a chair.

There is no intention of giving way to Luo Yunfei.

In contrast, Luo Yunfei didn't care at all. He just replied with a smile, "Mr. Liu, don't you say you're smiling. Don't you give all the things here? You know best whether you are comfortable or not! "

Liu feiran just waved his hand to show that there was nothing worth mentioning.

Then, he fixed his eyes on Xu Ling, who was standing at the right rear of Luo Yunfei. A surprise smile gradually appeared on his face. He could not help but directly got up and came to Xu Ling. He said in a loud voice, "brother Xu, I haven't seen you for many days, but I didn't expect to see you here again. It's really unpredictable!"

Said, but also selfishly to Xu Ling's hand to pull up to hold.

Looking at Liu feiran who is so enthusiastic in front of him, Xu Lingzhen can't connect with the angry one a few days ago.

"Brother Liu is really safe and sound!" Have already arrived here, Xu Ling also had to put the worry in the heart first, also smile to Liu feiran to say.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills!

Now Xu Ling can only hold back her unhappiness and disgust in her heart, just like meeting her old friend for many years, and greeting Liu feiran.

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Liu, I've brought you here. Let's talk!" After their meeting, Luo Yunfei also put in a word at the right time, said a word to Liu feiran, then led the people to leave, and closed the door.

"Director, Xu Ling is the one that Mr. Xu wants. You take him away like this. How can you explain to Mr. Xu?" Gu Dafei, who has been following, calls Luo Yunfei to really let Xu Ling go, and immediately says it nervously.

"Master Xu! Mr. Xu! You know Mr. Xu! Do you know who is the man sitting in my office? " Luo Yunfei was angry when he heard Gu Dafei's voice, and then he scolded loudly.

Gu Dafei just shook his head blankly. In his eyes, Xu Kun is already the top one.

"He's the king of Los Angeles! Even the mayor has to give him three points! Do you think Xu Kun is important or he is? " Luo Yunfei said directly, with a trace of awe in his eyes.

"So powerful!" This words say from the mouth of the director, that certainly can't be deceitful, Gu Dafei immediately exclaimed.

"You know, this is the one we dare not provoke!" For Gu Dafei's surprise, Luo Yunfei also felt that he should, and then he waved his hand, "Xu Kun, I will go there to say, you go back!"

Although he knows Liu feiran's identity, Gu Dafei is more worried about how to tell Xu Kun about it. When he heard Luo Yunfei's words, he was overjoyed and left with a look of gratitude.

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