"No one? Those researchers don't go home? " Xu Ling put forward a suggestion of her own. It should not be difficult to find the population information from the Research Institute, and then we just need to wait for the hare?

"Naturally, we have tried your idea, but we can think of Liu feiran. In order to prevent the leakage of secrets, the boy actually moved the researcher's home. When we went to check, all the researchers who had relations with Liu feiran went out of their homes and disappeared." Xu Qianyang shook his head helplessly and explained to Xu Ling.

"Oh Xu Ling can't help but exclaim, Liu feiran, in order to study the system, he is really a big hand!

"Xu Ling Xiaoyou, you are the only one I have ever seen who has friendship with Liu feiran and can move freely. That's why I found you." Having said so much, Xu Qianyang finally returned to the theme and said to Xu Ling sincerely.

"How can you feel that I will help you deal with Liu feiran? Maybe I'm with him?" Xu Ling inquired with great interest.

"Ha ha, Xu Ling is joking. If you don't want to help us, what are you doing with me? You can definitely refuse, cut off my thoughts, and you don't have to come here to listen to my old man Xu Qianyang stroked the beard on his chin and said to Xu Ling.

"Maybe I just want to find out what you know about Liu feiran?" Xu Ling continued to ask.

As for Xu Ling's questions, Xu Qianyang has all the answers, just like his lines. After Xu Ling asked, he seamlessly picked up the conversation, "Liu feiran is arrogant and thinks he is invincible, so he doesn't care to play games with us. Naturally, it's impossible to send a person here to explore the enemy."

Xu Qianyang said that, which made Xu Ling blush. After all, he was still guessing that Liu feiran didn't hear the names of Xu Qianyang's forces because he was afraid.

Through the explanation, we can understand that Liu feiran, together with him, is not even a threat at all.

"In addition," after Xu Ling nodded his understanding, Xu Qianyang continued, "I see that your conversation with Liu feiran seems very unpleasant!"

Xu Ling looked as usual, but when she heard this, she immediately asked, "how do you know that?"

In order to keep his secret, Xu Ling is polite to Liu feiran in front of many people. Moreover, when I went to see Liu feiran today, it seemed that there was no Xu Qianyang around!

"It's no surprise that Xu Ling is a little friend. I just talked about it with you as an ally." Xu Qianyang quickly calmed Xu Ling's mood and then said, "to be honest, I installed a monitor in the director's office and naturally saw the process of you chatting with Liu feiran."

Knowing what the problem was, Xu Ling quickly recalled the situation at that time. After making sure that he didn't say any secrets about himself, he was slightly relieved.

"In the office of the chief of the police station, you're very good at installing monitors." Without worry, Xu Ling immediately began to tease.

"Oh, the position of director is not real. It's not because of our help that Luo Yunfei can sit there. So it's not difficult to install monitors in his office!" Xu Qianyang smiles coldly, revealing his disdain for Luo Yunfei, and then explains.

As the saying goes, politics and business are inseparable, but I didn't expect that the political affairs in Luoshi were so seriously eroded by commercial groups. However, Xu Ling didn't know and didn't want to know the details.

As long as they can make a city more perfect, no matter who is in charge, isn't that the same?

As for Xu Ling, now we need to know another question

"Mr. Xu, it's a deal. If I help you, what can I get?" Xu Ling naturally wants to talk about this condition.

"Ha ha, Xu Ling, don't worry about it. The most important thing is to be trustworthy. If you help us, we won't treat you badly." Xu Qianyang said with a laugh.

"You mean..." Xu Ling understands this kind of empty talk. Although these people are in high positions, they still like to do things that can make people do things in vain.

Xu Qianyang's words, no doubt like a blank check, although it sounds great, but it has no practical significance.

"Come on! Bring it here Probably saw the worry in Xu Ling's heart, Xu Qianyang immediately called again.

As soon as the voice fell, there came a man with a contract in his hand!

"Xiaoyou Xu Ling, do you have a look at the terms above After taking the contract, Xu Qianyang handed it to Xu Ling.

good heavens! Are all the so-called financial tycoons under contract?

Now Xu Qian Yang as like as two peas in Liu Feiran, he shook his head slightly and opened the contract.

It's a guarantee!

However, if it's true, Xu Ling won't compromise this time. It's a big deal to leave and think about how to deal with Liu feiran!

However, after he gave an overview of the contract, his idea changed. It's really a normal transaction that both sides have no control over.

This is the real contract!

"Good! That's it! " After looking at the contents of the contract again, Xu Ling immediately agreed.

"Since Xu Ling is satisfied, let's sign your name at the end of the contract." Xu Qianyang a calm appearance, seems to have guessed that Xu Ling after reading the contract will promise down.

Xu Ling immediately signed his name in the designated area of the contract as required, and then handed back the contract.

Xu Qianyang received the contract, and even did not open it for inspection, so he gave it to the servant behind him.

"Mr. Xu, there is one more thing I want to ask." after signing the contract, Xu Ling suddenly thought of a digression, "your son Xu Kun seems to have a lot of opinions on me, which won't have any impact on our cooperation?"

This is what Xu Ling asked when she remembered that Xu Qianyang was so worried about her children.

If because of this, Xu Qianyang is working on himself openly and secretly, then Xu Ling will suffer to death.

"Ha ha, Xu Ling, you are joking. How can I bring a child's temper to the negotiation table?" Xu Qianyang quickly waved his hand to let Xu Ling down.

"Good! However, Mr. Xu, your good son really needs a good discipline. It's too indulgent! " Xu Ling smiles and nods, then suddenly warns.

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