How could the spoiled Xu Kun bear it? He immediately said in a loud voice, "no, I won't let him go. I want him to know what will happen to me. I want him to..."


Xu Kun's vicious words were only half said. Suddenly, Xu Qianyang raised his hand and called on his face.

This time, Xu Kun completely confused, he can hardly distinguish now is a dream or reality!

I was slapped by my father?

The faint pain from his cheek told him it was not a dream.

"Xiao Kun, you really can't provoke Xu Ling. You can't fight him! No, we can't fight him! " After fighting Xu Kun, Xu Qianyang uses a gentle tone to persuade him.

"No, you're not my father. Who are you? Where did you hide my father! " Xu Kun didn't hear Xu Qianyang's words at all. At this time, he pointed to the latter, his eyes full of panic.

"Xiao Kun, don't do that. I'm your father. You may feel that I'm different and start to control you, but all I do is for you. If you continue to provoke Xu Ling, I'm afraid you'll die!" Xu Kun's painful appearance made Xu Qianyang quite uncomfortable, so he didn't get angry at this time, but continued to persuade him.

"Dad, what's going on? Isn't Xu Ling just a little radio anchor? At most, I'll have a little more martial arts. How can you be so afraid of him? " Xu Kun at this time also finally heard Xu Qianyang's words clearly, some puzzled to ask.

Xu Qianyang knows that if he wants to make Xu Kun believe in himself, he must explain the matter clearly.

So Xu Qianyang sighed and asked Xu Kun, "do you know Liu feiran?"

"Of course I know that. The boss of boxing, but he's not your father. Why do you mention him?" Xu Kun nodded to show that he knew, but it was strange.

"Yes, Liu feiran is my eyesore. Do you know why he is my eyesore?"

"Of course, the boy robbed us of our business and refused to cooperate with us." Xu Kun looks very understanding, as if he is showing off. Even though he doesn't seem to care about the world, he knows the things in the company very well.

Sure enough, for Xu Kun's answer, Xu Qianyang nodded in praise, "you're right, that's why."

Xu Kun immediately raised his head

"However, this is only the superficial reason, you can see that I am more gratified," Xu Kun has not been proud for a long time, Xu Qianyang's voice then came over, "but the most important reason is not this."

"The most important reason?" Xu Kun's smile gradually converged and asked repeatedly.

"In fact, if it's just business competition, it won't be called eyesore. It's just that it's developing too fast!" Xu Qianyang said solemnly.

Then he saw that Xu Kun didn't understand very well, and Xu Qianyang continued, "it's very unnatural to be so fast, like there are no twists and turns! Even before we can react, we have developed into a large international enterprise in just a few years

"What's wrong with this..." Xu Kun still doesn't quite understand the reason.

"In the case of Liu feiran, our business alliance naturally won him over and investigated his background on the one hand," Xu Qianyang recalled the situation at that time and told Xu Kun, "in the process, we found a terrible fact!"

Xu Qianyang tone suddenly nervous up, let Xu Kun breathing some shortness of breath, staring at Xu Qianyang, waiting for his words behind.

"Liu feiran... Seems to have a kind of non-human ability, so that he can everything smoothly, indomitable!" Xu Qianyang seems to say a fact, but also like a guess in general.

"Dad, what you mean by this non-human ability is..." For a moment, the dialogue seemed to become supernatural, which made Xu Kun talk a little shaky.

"I can't explain this kind of thing clearly, but the only thing I can know is that there is no entity in that power, and I don't know the rest." Xu Qianyang shook his head, and his tone also revealed his incomprehension.

"But Dad, what does this have to do with Xu Ling?" Although it was mysterious, Xu Kun did not forget his grudge with Xu Ling, and then asked.

"I'm afraid Xu Ling and Liu feiran are the same kind of people!" Xu Qianyang boldly speculates.

"Do you mean Xu Ling also has inhuman power?" Xu Kun immediately understood what Xu Qianyang meant.

"I'm not sure before, but after seeing what you've been going through, I have this idea." Xu Qianyang nodded.

"How could it be..." Xu Kun still didn't believe it.

"When the spectators see clearly, when they hit you before, the car didn't know why there was an accident. Presumably, Xu Ling had already done something to you at that time!" Xu Qianyang looks ugly and continues to speculate.

Don't say haven't thought of, by Xu Qianyang so a mention, Xu Kun instant also thought of such a stubble.

It seems that after being hit by the police station once, I can't imagine my bad luck!

"Dad, we give out public opinion to expose them. If they really want what you say, I don't believe they can fight against the whole country!" Xu Kun has been in the entertainment industry for such a long time. Naturally, he knows this very well. This will be left to Xu Qianyang to suggest immediately.

However, this proposal was directly rejected by Xu Qianyang, "if it was not developed, it might be useful, but now, it's too late. Liu feiran already has his own power. He will no longer be afraid of public opinion. He can completely eliminate it."

"What about Xu Ling? Isn't Xu Ling just a little radio anchor? It must be useful Xu Kun then thought of the place and immediately said it with his eyes shining.

"It's no use. Now Xu Ling has been found by Liu feiran, and they seem to have a deal. In this case, even if Xu Ling is in trouble, Liu feiran will keep it. The police station is the best proof!" Xu Qianyang continued to shake his head, once again denied this statement.

"Then what can we do? We can only bear it so much?" Xu Kun is a bit desperate now.

"Of course not! That's why I went to find Xu Ling. Since we can't break through from the outside, why don't we solve this problem from the inside? " Xu Qianyang smiles and tells Xu Kun.

"Can this really work? Aren't they allies?" Xu Kun is a little worried about it.

"Don't worry, everything is under my control." Xu Qianyang smile, very confident.

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