Xu Ling used to think that being cheated should be far away from high-quality college students, but now what sun Jiaman said surprised Xu Ling.

This girl was not only cheated, but also lost her ID card!

"Then you now..." looking at Sun Jiaman's pitiful appearance, Xu Ling wanted to say nothing.

"Well, Mr. Xu Ling, since the radio station has no accommodation, can I come to your house for two days? I don't need space, just sleep on the sofa! " Sun Jiaman immediately discusses with Xu Ling again.

Li Ziqian has just left, but there is a vacant room in Xu Ling's family. It's just right to accommodate sun Jiaman.

The problem of accommodation is easy to solve, but now sun Jiaman's problem is much more serious than this!

"How can you lose such an important thing as your ID card?" Xu Ling immediately taught sun Jiaman a lesson, and then quickly packed up his own things, went forward to pull up the other party's suitcase, and pulled on Sun Jiaman himself, "go, I'll take you to the police station to report the loss of your ID card."

The reason why Xu Ling is so anxious is that there have been such things around her.

I remember it was his roommate at that time, because I lost my ID card and didn't take care of it. A few weeks later, several policemen came to say that it was his roommate who sold drugs!

That roommate has been staying with Xu Ling all the time. How can he possibly sell drugs? The real situation is that the criminals use the roommate's ID card to carry out criminal activities

Sun Jiaman was severely reprimanded by Xu Ling, who had just spoken to him in a friendly way. He obviously felt very aggrieved. He would be dragged by Xu Ling reluctantly and complained, "but what can people do? That person's deception is so clever!"

"How clever is deception? As the saying goes, if you don't want to be cheated, you will be cheated if you don't want to be cheated As soon as Xu Ling saw that sun Jiaman was still unconvinced, he immediately began to continue his education.

"It's not that the line in front of you is too long. I was waiting in the back and wanted to go to the toilet, so I gave the things to the people behind me to have a look. As a result, when I came back, my wallet was gone..." Sun Jiaman told Xu Ling about the situation with a bitter face.

"Well... You just left it to someone you didn't know?" Xu Ling couldn't help but make complaints about it. Fortunately, he had just known him for a long time. If he changed Yu Wenwen to Sun Jia fan, Xu Ling Fei had to speak with her.

"What can I do? People have three urgent things. At that time, the situation was urgent, and I didn't think about it carefully... "Sun Jiaman continued to complain with a small mouth.

Here, she may finally realize that it's her own problem, and her voice of defense is much lower.

Looking at the innocent cute girl beside him, Xu Ling really didn't know whether to be angry or to smile. He shook his head and didn't speak any more. He went straight to the side of the road.

Because Xu Ling came here with Zhu Xu this time, now that Zhu Xu left ahead of time, he could only recover to the situation of taking a taxi.

Fortunately, it's a talent market. It's a place where people flow in and out frequently. Taxis don't come and go too much, so it's not difficult to take a bus.

After a while, they arrived at Xu Ling's apartment.

Before doing other things, luggage must be a burden. Besides, if you come home to pick up the car first, you can save more time and effort.

"Ha, is this teacher Xu Ling's home? Are you the only one living in such a big place? " Open the door with sun Jiaman into the house, the latter immediately exclaimed.

At this time, Wu Qinglian probably went in and out with Xiaobao, and the room was empty, so sun Jiaman had such doubts.

"Of course not. There is a leader you should respect! But now she seems to be out with her son Xu Ling immediately gave sun Jiaman a warning.

"Lead... Lead? Is it teacher Xu Ling's wife... "I don't know where I got the idea. Sun Jiaman immediately made a bold guess.

But before she finished, she was interrupted by Xu Ling, "Hey, what do you think? That's the real leader, the editor in chief of the column group! I don't know. Don't talk nonsense

"Oh, I see." Looking at Xu Ling's serious appearance, sun Jiaman quickly nods to show her understanding.

But Xu Ling see her that appearance, also know this Ni son should still not clear.

"All right, put your luggage away. Let's go to the police station as soon as possible." Slightly shook his head, Xu Ling also didn't want to explain the relationship in this respect, changed a tone and ordered.

Sun Jiaman is a newcomer, and she has been cheated of everything except a suitcase of clothes. Naturally, she will listen to Xu Lingyan, the only one she can rely on.

After putting down the luggage quickly, he followed Xu Ling obediently and went to the parking lot.

The next thing is to report the loss of all the important items on Sun Jiaman one by one.

From ID card to bank card to mobile card, Xu Ling took sun Jiaman for a walk as long as there was important information.

And because it's almost time for these units to get off work, Xu Ling is not less impressed by them

Until twilight comes, Xu Ling finally takes sun Jiaman to settle all these things.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu Ling!" On the way home, sun Jiaman, sitting on the co pilot's seat, suddenly speaks from the bottom of his heart.

She ran with Xu Ling. Naturally, she saw Xu Ling's hard work, and all this was for her own sake!

Besides, he and Xu lingcai did not know each other for a while. When sun Jiaman thought of this, he was moved.

"You don't have to thank me. You think that if you spend more time on work, you will be most grateful to me!" Xu Ling said to sun Jiaman with a smile.

Hearing what Xu Ling said, sun Jiaman immediately patted her chest as if she had beaten chicken blood. "Don't worry, Mr. Xu Ling, you've helped me so much. I'm sure I can be more involved in my work! I'm sure I can help you achieve your goal or something! "

Although sun Jiaman is confused about other things, when she says these words, her expression is extremely serious.

Nodding, Xu Ling didn't nag about these things any more. Giving space for trust is also what a leader should do.

When they returned to their apartment again, it was already dark, and the light from the room also indicated that Wu Qinglian had come back.

However, Xu Ling did not pay attention to this matter, because from a distance, he seemed to be sitting alone in front of his house!

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