Yun Zhongjie agreed to do this, and then looked at Sun Jiaman again, "Jiaman, please guide me to talk show."

"Well, all right!" Seeing that Yun Zhongjie has changed this bad habit, sun Jiaman also relaxes her mood and nods to speak.

"You see, that's good. This is a happy column group!" Xu Ling is very happy to see that they are back together.

Instead of worrying about things here, he turned his attention directly to the advertising, and the talk show was handed over to sun Jiaman.

"Have you settled the matter here? Let's have a meal first." As soon as the matter was settled, the door of the study was suddenly opened. Wu Qinglian came in and said.

Not to mention that it's OK, Xu Ling really feels a little hungry, but Sun Jiaman is more exaggerated, and the sound of "Goo Goo Goo" comes directly from his stomach.

"OK, sister Wu, we'll go right away!" Sun Jiaman is in this situation. It's really hard for her not to eat any more. Xu lingdang even nodded to Wu Qinglian.

Yun Zhongjie was just about to concentrate on Sun Jiaman's guidance, but he was interrupted by the meal. He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Zhongjie, it doesn't matter. I'll tell you more carefully later. Let's eat first. Didn't you have lunch?" Xu Ling captured the subtle expression of Yun Zhongjie very delicately and said it with a smile.

Then, led by Xu Ling, the three came to the restaurant.

It's a coincidence that sun Jiaman stopped talking. Yun Zhongjie came here twice to catch up with the meal

This time is different from the last time. Yun Zhongjie didn't eat in advance, and he really had a busy morning running around with Xu Lingdong. Now, although he was interrupted when he was seeking knowledge, he still enjoyed his meal when he sat down at the dinner table.

A few people to solve a table of food is also very powerful, in a moment, the meal is over.

"Well, you can go to work again. Just give it to me here!" After dinner, sun Jiaman is about to help Wu Qinglian clean up, but Wu Qinglian immediately refuses.

Now Wu Qinglian also got the order from the station director that everything should focus on Xu Ling and his program!

And just when she went to eat, she obviously saw that several people were busy, so she didn't want to delay a few people's time.

Yun Zhongjie is also looking forward to sun Jiaman's continuing to popularize this knowledge to him, so he also wants to help Wu Qinglian to clean up the table quickly.

This leads to Wu Qinglian's words just finished, and the table has been cleaned up. For this, Xu Ling also shrugs helplessly to Wu Qinglian. Who makes his staff so diligent.

When Wu Qinglian's work was finished, the three men got into the study again and began their study in the afternoon, while Xu Ling was absorbed in the advertising production.

Working time is like running water, Xu Ling didn't feel it. By the time he finished the advertisement, it had been nearly five hours.

Looking back at Sun Jiaman, I don't know when, she has stopped her guidance to Yun Zhongjie, and sat idly playing with her mobile phone. Yun Zhongjie, on the other hand, is lying on the table, contemplating and staring at a small book in front of her.

Presumably, what is recorded above is what sun Jiaman just said to him.

Seeing sun Jiaman playing with his mobile phone, Xu Ling suddenly remembers the reward he said yesterday. In retrospect, it seems that he hasn't put it into practice, has he?

"Jiaman, didn't you lose your cell phone? Why are you still playing with your cell phone? "

"Ah? Mr. Xu Ling, are you busy already? " Sun Jiaman, like a student caught playing with a mobile phone in class, quickly put his hand behind him and asked nervously.

Looking at Sun Jiaman's appearance, Xu Ling thought it funny to himself, but he still pretended to be very strict. "What do you want to know, Jiaman? Where does the mobile phone come from?"

"Yes... It's Zhongjie's. He wants to study by himself for a while, so I borrow his mobile phone to play." Sun Jiaman's performance is now more and more like a child who has made a mistake, and he explains it repeatedly.

"By the way, I remember I was going to buy you a mobile phone yesterday. Now we are free, let's go!" Xu Ling pretended that she had planned this thing for a long time, and said it to sun Jiaman.

"Yes, yes, let's go now." It seems that sun Jiaman has been waiting for this thing for a long time. Xu Ling says that he agrees without thinking about it.

"Zhongjie, come with me! Just go out to relax, this thing is not a two can learn Xu Ling also looks at Yun Zhongjie at this meeting, and persuades him with a smile.

He really can't stand it. Yun Zhongjie frowns and thinks that the child is working too hard.

After Xu Ling said that he had forgotten for a long time, Yun Zhongjie finally raised his head. Although he looked puzzled, he nodded after all.

"Well, it shouldn't be too late. Let's go now." Xu Ling stands up happily, greets them and goes to the center of the city.

There are not so many mobile phones in this world. Besides a few large stores, there are few stores that can compete with them. Xu Ling is also happy to see this situation.


With the sweet voice of the female Usher, the three walked into the biggest mobile phone store within a few miles.

It is worthy to have such a grand store. Once inside, Xu Ling was shocked by the magnificent decoration.

No wonder when she just took sun Jiaman inside, the girl also showed a kind of push off. She must have never come here to have a look.

"Hello, do you need an introduction?" After a while, a young man in suit and shoes came up from the side and asked respectfully to Xu Ling.

Probably also see Xu Ling sent out a strong aura, so the manager in the speech is also very deliberately and Xu Ling look at each other.

"So... Do you have any cell phones for girls?" In the face of each other so polite, Xu Ling no way, can only casually asked.

"Oh, for this beautiful lady? Come here, this way, please The manager then looked at Sun Jiaman, the only woman among the three, and invited her.

After all, it's the service staff here. For Xu Ling, who is in Xiaobai, this kind of help is also appropriate. So he didn't refuse and nodded to keep up with the pace of the manager.

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