It's just two people calm down to chat for a while, how can the surrounding environment become so strange?

Two people look at each other, both from each other's eyes to see full of doubt, and then they nodded at the same time, began to explore the surrounding environment.


However, before Xu Ling took two steps, there was a sudden explosion, which was extremely harsh in the silent environment.

And it sounds familiar

"It's gunfire!"

Yun Zhongjie took the lead in responding and judged directly from Lang Sheng.

Xu Ling was as like as two peas in the movie.

But it's a movie after all. In China, how can there be guns among the people?

"Be honest with me. I'll shoot anyone who moves me!"

After the gunshot came, there was another roar. The voice was fierce and severe. The two people who heard the roar knew what was going on

I have been robbed here!

It's no wonder that no one is here all of a sudden, and the coauthors are all blasted down. However, it's strange that Xu Ling and Yun Zhongjie have no idea that such a big change has taken place!

"Mr. Xu Ling, what should we do?" Yun Zhongjie has never experienced such a thing before. Suddenly, he becomes a bit confused and asks Xu Ling.

"Don't panic. Look at this situation. We have been robbed, but I don't know what happened. It seems that we haven't been found yet." Xu Ling explained the current situation to Yun Zhongjie in a deep voice, which can also play a role of appeasement.

After all, it's such an urgent situation. If there is a calm and calm person on the side, it must be a lot calmer for personal emotions.

"Jiaman is gone, too!" Calm down, Yun Zhongjie will also notice the situation around him, even when he reminds Xu Ling.

"Well, I know." Xu Ling nodded, less personal this situation, he was able to understand.

But now the situation is unknown, we can only be careful step by step, so as not to scare the snake!

"You wait up there. I'll see what's going on." Xu Ling then tells Yun Zhongjie to get up and look at the place where the stairs are, and then he is about to start walking.

"I'll go too!" However, he just started to move, and Yun Zhongjie also spoke in a firm tone.

Looking at the appearance of Yun Zhongjie, Xu Ling thought a little, then nodded, indicating that he would follow.

One more person can take care of many people

Two people walking on the road like walking on thin ice, careful not to make any excessive noise.

Along the stairs all the way down, soon, the situation below has been reflected in the eye.

As expected, the store was robbed

There were three people in the enemy. Except for the first one with a pistol in his hand, the other two only held knives to intimidate the people around them.

It's also true that only with this pistol can we frighten the group that seems to have dozens of people below.

But there was no sun Jiaman in the crowd. I don't know if it was because there were too many people, or the girl was just like herself. Now she didn't know where to hide.

"It doesn't work here. If we go down, we'll be seen. Let's go to other places to see if there is a safety exit or something." Xu Ling looked at the situation for a while, and told Yun Zhongjie.

The situation is clear. Naturally, Yun Zhongjie can see it clearly, so after Xu Ling finished, he nodded in favor of it.

So they went all the way, separated, looking for the exit.

It's impossible for a building of such a large scale to have only one staircase. Otherwise, in case of a fire, it's impossible to evacuate such a large number of people.

Moreover, stairs like this should also be very suggestive. Xu Ling just looked for them a little and found a small sign with the word "emergency exit" and a green light.

After discovering the target, Xu Ling immediately takes out her mobile phone and, as planned, prepares to make a call to yunzhongjie, and then hangs up with a ring, so as to remind her to gather.

However, after Xu Ling found out the number and called it for a long time, he didn't hear the ring.

Full of doubts, Xu Ling had no choice but to take down her mobile phone. She was thinking of calling again when she suddenly noticed the information bar on the top of her mobile phone

There's no signal!

At the critical time, Xu Ling really wants to smash his mobile phone.

The situation is still unknown. Xu Ling can't shout Yun Zhongjie to come here, and sun Jiaman hasn't found him, so he can't just wait here.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Ling decided to go first and made a mark at the stairway to show that she had taken the first step.

After finishing these, Xu Ling pushed the door open and went in.

Generally speaking, as a necessary escape way in case of fire, the emergency exit is generally separated by fire door, and the space behind the door and the interior of the building are two independent spaces.

It's the same with this building, but it's probably the reason why it's not used very much. There's a lot of mildew behind the door, and as the door closes again, Xu Ling's eyes become black and dark, and she can't see her fingers.

All the induction lights in the safe passage are broken!

Xu Ling shook his head helplessly, and secretly make complaints about the shop. What a surprise, this is not a good accident. If this is the cause of the mass casualties, the owner of this shop is a crime.

In such a dark situation, it is impossible to move forward. Xu Ling has to take out her mobile phone and grope forward with the faint light of the screen.

Step by step, Xu Ling walked carefully downstairs. Recalling the place where the three robbers were observed just now, and comparing with the current position of the stairs, Xu Ling's exit from here should be opposite to the robbers.

Because the mobile phone store has a counter, it's very easy to hide, but the robber still has a pistol in his hand, which has become the first problem to be solved.

Xu Ling thought about this and walked down. In a short time, she saw the words marking the exit in front of her.

Seeing this, Xu Lingxian cleared his mind temporarily and rushed to the exit.

However, just as he came down the steps, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back.


This strength came too suddenly. Xu Ling had no preparation at all, so he was pushed forward. His feet were unstable and he fell a dog to chew mud.

Then, before Xu Ling got up to observe what was going on? Suddenly, from the back of the neck, I felt a piercing coolness.

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