Of course, in addition to this reason, there is also the need to find out the situation before sister Mei goes out, otherwise the woman will be arrested when she goes out, which is not good.

Fortunately, as Xu Ling expected, the mobile phone counter can block most of the line of sight, so as long as you are careful when opening the door, you will never be found.

After finding out the safety of the situation, Xu Ling waved behind her, indicating that sister Mei could come.

Mei Jie, the supremacy of women's rights, suddenly acted without permission because Xu Ling didn't discuss with her. She was quite angry at this time, and even gave Xu Ling a white look when she passed by.

Xu Ling was helpless, but he didn't say anything. After letting Mei Jie go out, he walked away in the opposite direction.

The robbers over there are still seriously sweeping the mobile phones in the counter, completely unaware that there are two people quietly implementing measures to deal with them where they have not noticed.

While paying attention to Mei's movements, Xu Ling quickly distanced herself from the latter.

To avoid the sight of the robbers, the distance between the emergency exit and the front desk telephone was only ten meters, but it took Mei five minutes to get there.

As Xu Ling watched, she could not help admiring Mei Jie's prudence. She felt that she was very unusual from her previous situation of unifying herself!

Everything is the same as planned, except for the moment when sister Mei is about to get the phone

"Ding Ling Ling..."

A burst of harsh sound, in this silent environment is particularly abrupt!

Unfortunately, the phone suddenly rang at this time.

"Damn it Xu Ling can't help but scold. He is really afraid of anything. Whether his mobile phone or his current phone, Xu Ling wants to smash them directly.

At this time, Mei Jie was scared by the sudden change. Even a strong woman like her was not prepared for the current situation.

Besides, in Mei Jie's position, there is only a hiding place around the reception desk. If the robber is attracted by the phone call, she will be in a situation of no escape.

The ring of the telephone naturally alerted the robbers. The man with the gun immediately waved his head to the one behind him and signaled him to check.

The telephone is located in the inner part of the reception table, so if people come from the front, they can't get the phone at all. If they want to answer the phone, they can only answer it from the inside.

It's a natural disaster. If the robber is allowed to see sister Mei!

The situation is urgent. Xu Ling can't think about it any more. When the robber was about to walk behind the reception desk, Xu Ling clenched his teeth and broke the counter glass in front of him!


The sound of broken glass is obviously more harsh than the ringing of a telephone, and also more attractive

"Who is there?" The head of the robber with the gun immediately pointed the gun at the place where the glass broke and roared.

Naturally, Xu Ling couldn't be so stupid as to jump out and be a target for the other party. At the moment of breaking the glass, he quickly moved the place.

"Prick, leave the phone alone. Go and see what's going on!" Waiting for a moment, there was no other situation except the broken glass. The pistol said to the robber who was coming to the phone.

The robber, who is called the assassin, is also very obedient. After hearing the words, he immediately walked to Xu Ling, regardless of the still ringing phone.

"Do you have anyone else here? Didn't I ask you to bring everyone here? You dare not listen to me The pistol man didn't wait for his younger brother to bring back the situation there. Instead, he burst into a rage and pointed the pistol at the manager who had led Xu Ling to them.

"Big brother, I don't..." looking at the black muzzle of the pistol pointing at himself, the manager was so nervous that he went out in a cold sweat. At the same time, he eagerly waved his hand to explain that he didn't know.


However, the crazy robber leader didn't give him any chance to explain. He knelt down to the manager and pulled the trigger.

"Ah, ah

At the moment of being shot, the manager screamed bitterly, then rolled violently on the ground with his leg in his arms.

I'm afraid he lived to this day and never thought that he would be hit by a pistol one day.

"Big brother..." even the little brother beside the robber's leader didn't seem to think that his boss would shoot. At this time, he still had some doubts.

The pistol man didn't say much. He glanced at the younger brother before, and the latter didn't dare to speak any more.

After the pistol man calmed down his younger brother, he continued to point the gun at another hostage and yelled in the air, "that hidden friend, if you don't want anyone to hurt you again, please come out by yourself, otherwise, I'm not sure where my next shot will be!"

The other party's voice is very loud. Xu Ling naturally listens to it. She can't help but scold herself for being mean and force herself out in this way.

However, if you just go out like this, according to the guy's appearance just now, you must have a gun. Although Xu Ling knows that he is good at hiding bullets, who has the bottom of his mind?

"No, I'll come out!" However, when Xu Ling was struggling in her heart, Mei Jie, who was hiding under the reception table, suddenly stood up, raised her hands and said calmly.


This situation can't help but let Xu Ling scream. Even if she knew Mei Jie's character, she was shocked at this time.

The other side has a pistol! Should say this Mei elder sister is really in danger not disorderly, still don't know reason, so stand up, if get a gun, that's afraid to lose life!

Can this woman sacrifice herself to save others?

Think of here, Xu Ling can't help but feel ashamed. In the face of this situation, he has no such courage.

"Oh, ha ha, is it a beautiful woman? Where are you and what are you doing? " Pistol man saw someone willing to stand out, his face suddenly hung a sad smile, and then pointed the muzzle of the gun at sister Mei, and asked.


Almost as soon as the male voice of the pistol fell, his fingers pulled the trigger without hesitation. A crisp sound came, and the muzzle of the gun spewed fire. One by one, he shot at Mei Jie.

Worthy of being a crazy robber, even a woman was not spared at this time!

On the other hand, sister Mei closed her eyes as if she had accepted her fate. Before, she still wanted to use her own explanation to delay time. But who ever thought that the robber didn't want to listen to her own explanation at all.

Raise your hand and shoot yourself to death!

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