He Jianhua also knows that it's not appropriate to say this now, so he shut up after hearing Wu Qinglian's proposal.

"It doesn't matter, sister Wu. Deputy director he is right. What happened this time is really my problem. I didn't think about it carefully, so I got angry and almost lost my life." Xu Ling shook his head and made a detailed analysis of what he had done.

"At that time, the situation was urgent, and there was no way to make any more specific plan. You could do that out of your instinct to protect others. There is nothing wrong with that!" Hear Xu Ling can also face up to their own mistakes, he Jianhua's tone is also slightly relaxed.

"But your mistake is to overestimate your own strength!" He Jianhua's words about education must be said in the end.

As if by the teacher's earnest instruction, Xu Ling nodded, "yes, I understand!"

"Come on, don't listen to teacher he. It's a happy thing. It has to make people so nervous." Wu Qing's pitiful attitude was totally different from that of he Jianhua. At this time, she began to complain about him.

How dare he Jianhua have any tough attitude in front of Wu Qinglian?

Immediately seconds counseled down, "yes, Xiao Lian, you're right, I've made things too serious."

Looking at the two people in front of him, Xu Ling is also quite sad and doesn't know how to respond.

"By the way, Zhongjie, I heard that you were the anchor of my program last night. How do you feel?" Helpless Xu Ling had to lead the topic to other places, lest Wu Qinglian and he Jianhua have any bad impression.

"For the first time, it was the live broadcast of Mr. Xu Ling's program. To tell you the truth, it was very nervous. I think the effect of the program was not as good as that of your teacher." Suddenly speaking of himself, Yun Zhongjie seems a little cramped, scratching the back of his head, quite embarrassed to say.

After all, the one in front of you is the real anchor of that program. You can't help but feel like a teacher in charge when you evaluate the effect of your live broadcast in front of each other.

Speaking of this matter, he Jianhua broke in and said, "Xu Ling, don't mention it. You really found treasure this time. Although Xiao Jie is a new kid, he was better than many old employees in the live broadcast yesterday."

"Ha ha, yes, we were all worried about your program last night. The child offered himself directly and was willing to do the program for you. Originally, we had some doubts, but we really didn't have anyone else to use, so we agreed," Wu Qinglian told Xu Ling with a smile about the situation at that time, Xiao Jie's performance is really good. Although he is a little worse than you, he doesn't look like a novice at all

"Where, where, deputy director he, editor in chief Wu, you all praise me too much. Thank God that I can successfully complete the program." Cloud hero bitter face, quickly waved his hand modestly said.

"Ha ha, Zhongjie, don't be modest. Those two elders seldom praise others." At this time, Xu Ling followed Wu Qinglian's words,

Xu Ling was very happy for the staff he was looking for. For a moment, he felt much less tired.

"I have a lot to learn..." in the face of so many people's praise, Yun Zhongjie also thinks that being modest is conceited. At this time, he scratched his head and went on.

"Well, with an excellent anchor like Mr. Xu Ling with you, I think your grades will not be much worse than him in the future!" He Jianhua nodded and continued to encourage Yun Zhongjie.

Xu Ling is the kind of person who belongs to the idol of yunzhongjie. He Jianhua said that yunzhongjie nodded for sure.

"By the way, Xu Ling, as well as your advertisement, the director said that you can wait until next week to give it to her. You should cultivate your body first!" With Yun Zhongjie, he Jianhua seems to remember something about his work and immediately tells Xu Ling.

"Lao he, don't you mean we don't talk about work today? Why did you bring over the director's words again? " What he Jianhua said immediately aroused Wu Qinglian's strong complaint.

"That's what Xu Lingxian said. I just brought a message." He Jianhua didn't expect that he could also arouse Wu Qinglian's antipathy, so he explained it immediately.

"I'll wait for Xu Ling to get well." Wu Qinglian continued to give advice to he Jianhua.

Although the two have been quarreling, Xu Ling can't help smiling in her eyes.

Their positions are quite different. He Jianhua is the deputy director of the station, which is naturally much higher than Wu Qinglian. However, Wu Qinglian is constantly giving advice to he Jianhua.

This is quite like what two people in love will do. He Jianhua also makes Xu Ling's humble attitude towards the woman incisively and exquisitely.

I'm afraid Wu Qinglian didn't find that her attitude towards he Jianhua was not like that of a boss.

Of course, for Wu Qinglian and Yun Zhongjie who don't know the inside story, this situation is a bit confusing.

"Miss Xu Ling, isn't sister Wu the editor in chief of the column group? How dare you reprimand deputy director he like this? " Sun Jiaman looks at the performance of the two leaders and can't help asking Xu Ling.

They can't tell which one is the deputy director and which one is the chief editor

"Ha ha, it's normal for you kids not to understand. When you get to that age, you'll know." Xu Ling shakes his head and doesn't want to explain it to sun Jiaman.

"Cut to pretend deep, you are not much bigger than me!" Sun Jiaman can't help complaining to Xu Ling.

Wu Qinglian also finished his education for he Jianhua, and then turned her attention to Xu Ling again. She said with a smile.

"Xu Ling, don't think about your work. I've asked you for a long leave on the radio. You'll have a good rest later! Your program can also be given to Xiaojie and Xiaoman to take charge of the class temporarily, just to familiarize them with their work. "

"Long vacation?" Xu lingpo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wu Qinglian to do this for himself.

Of course, his body is the most clear, but for Wu Qinglian said to ask for a long holiday, Xu Ling can't help but explain, "sister Wu, don't bother so much, I feel my body is almost good!"

I have so many things to do. How can I have time for a long vacation? It's a waste of time!

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