"Mr. Xu Ling, this is..." the man stood at the door, staring at Xu Ling, with a puzzled voice.

This situation is really helpless. Xu Ling did not expect that someone would come at this time. Moreover, when he looked up, the person who came to visit him was Xu Kun!

The guy who was repaired by himself and sent to the hospital would come to see him at this time?

Weasel to chicken new year, no good intentions!

"Oh, it's you? How could you remember to come and see me? " Xu Ling does not have the strength to stand up now. She can only sit on her side for a while, looking under the bed and talking to Xu Kun to avoid the embarrassment caused by kneeling suddenly.

"Look what you said. As soon as I heard that you were ill and came to the hospital, I wanted to come to see you. But the company has always had a task, so I can't get away from it. That's why I came here at this time." Xu Kun's face was sincere and he said it in tears.

He deserves to be an actor. Even though he is opposite Xu Ling's four eyes, Xu Kun can still keep calm and can't see that he is lying at all.

If you were someone else, you might be moved by him. But now it's Xu Ling. He has been fighting with this boy for a long time. Naturally, he knows his urination very well.

"Where did you hear about my illness?" Xu Ling didn't appear to be very useful, but she didn't refuse to ask people thousands of miles away.

In fact, Xu Kun can come to see himself. It's not so strange for Xu lingzai to think about it. First of all, the boy's Lao Tzu asks for himself. But Xu Ling heard that Xu Kun's achievements are closely related to his Lao Tzu.

I think this person should also listen to his Laozi's words. After a while of combing, everything will make sense.

"Of course, it's because I haven't heard your program from Mr. Xu Ling these two days, so I have this guess. After a little inquiry, I got such news." Xu Kun quickly explained, and then people also came to Xu Ling.

Xu Kun's words are in Xu Ling's ears, but she can't help sneering in her heart. Let's not say whether this guy will listen to his own radio program. Just because the radio broadcasts this thing, Xu Ling believes that this guy will never touch it.

"Mr. Xu Ling, what are you looking for on the ground?" Seeing that Xu Ling doesn't speak, Xu Kun thinks that the other party agrees with his own words, which is more like asking.

"Nothing. I've found something. Now my legs are a little numb. Come and help me." When the other party came, Xu Ling wanted to stand up directly, but he couldn't make any effort, so he had to find a way to tell Xu Kun.

Since the boy sent it to the door by himself, it's unnecessary. Anyway, I've been looking at the boy.

"Oh, come on, Mr. Xu Ling, get up quickly." Xu Kun didn't know what happened to Xu Ling, so he came forward obediently and helped Xu Ling up.

Of course, in Xu Kun's heart, he is reluctant to do this, but this is the task assigned by his father, and as long as he can do it well, it can be regarded as a great achievement.

After all, Xu Kun, in the eyes of his Lao Tzu, has always been a dandy with no learning and no skill, and has never thought of doing anything serious.

And now is an opportunity to make a good relationship with Xu Ling, then he will certainly be able to help his family provide Liu feiran's information without worry.

However, how can Xu Kun escape Xu Ling's eyes.

It's no wonder that it's a long time since I promised Xu Qianyang to provide information. Instead of coming over, the old man let Xu Kun come over and talk. It's ridiculous.

Although the purpose of the other party's coming is clear, Xu Ling can't point it out directly. It happens that she doesn't feel sleepy. It's good to find someone to pass the boring time.

What's more, maybe he can get words from Xu Kun. Why not?

"Mr. Xu Ling, what's the matter with you? I feel like I'm very weak. " Xu Ling will be well placed in bed, Xu Kun immediately asked with concern.

"Nothing. I was robbed in the mobile phone store before, and I was shot by the other side." Xu Ling waved his hand and said as if nothing had happened.

"What? Mr. Xu Ling, have you been shot? " Listening to what Xu Ling said, Xu Kun couldn't help but scream.

When he came, he just heard that Xu Ling was injured, but he didn't expect to be shot!

"It's a little thing, it's a little thing. It's no big problem." Xu Ling did not hide this matter. Besides, he also wanted to know what kind of reaction Xu Kun made after he learned this fact.

"Oh, how can this be a trivial matter? They're all shot! " In surprise, Xu Kun's face was more worried and anxious, and he rushed to the place closer to Xu Ling, "is it ok now?"

Looking at each other's appearance, Xu Ling is also laughing to himself. Fortunately, the boy has received a lot of professional training. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be happy to hear what Xu Ling said.

After all, Xu Ling has not forgotten how miserable he was before. As a client, it must be unforgettable in his life.

With such a trial, Xu Ling probably guessed that the boy was instructed by his Laozi. It's impossible to try to find out the other side from that aspect.

Simply Xu Ling no longer left the topic on himself, and asked directly, "little injury, don't mention it, by the way, you come to me so late, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Xu Ling, I said that I came to visit you, but the company..." Xu Kun also wanted to say what he said just now, but he was interrupted by Xu Ling in the middle of it.

"You don't have to say these beautiful words when we're alone. You're here to listen to your Laozi, right?" Xu Ling put away the politeness and asked Xu Kun directly.

Xu Kun didn't expect that Xu Ling would change his face if he changed his face. Although he is proficient in this, he can't stand the other side changing so fast.

"Do you want to ask about Liu feiran?" Seeing that his primary goal had been achieved, Xu Ling then asked in a loud voice.

Such a surprise question, even the movie king, will be confused. After all, the questions he asked are hidden in Xu Kun's heart, and he hasn't had time to say them.

For a moment, Xu Kun didn't know how to respond. He looked at Xu Ling with a look of embarrassment.

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