"I don't know what brother Xu wanted to say when he was so anxious to find me out." In a box of Jiudu coffee shop, Liu feiran, dressed in a suit and shoes, asked Xu Ling with his steady and elegant smile.

On the other hand, Xu Ling's condition is a bit miserable. He is still wearing a blue and white hospital uniform, and his face is full of vicissitudes because he hasn't cleaned up for a long time.

Of course, Xu Ling did not want to be reduced to such a situation, but Li Mengling gave an order in the hospital, clearly stipulating that Xu Ling could not be discharged.

When he went to ask for the nurse's clothes, he was refused.

Helpless, Xu Ling had to borrow the name of the toilet, secretly ran out of the hospital.

"I want to know, brother Liu, that your research on the system has reached various levels!" Although he was very embarrassed, it still didn't affect Xu Ling's serious attitude. He would stare at Liu feiran and directly express his doubts.

"How can brother Xu suddenly care about this?" Liu feiran was actually very satisfied with Xu Ling's ability to ask such a question, but out of a cautious attitude, he asked a rhetorical question.

You know, before Xu Ling, there were all kinds of excuses to avoid talking about this matter. Liu feiran thought that if he wanted to talk about it again, it would be five months later.

In this case, Xu Ling also expected that it was really strange that he suddenly asked about it. However, in view of this situation, Xu Ling was ready to speak.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with my body!" Xu linglue said something worried to Liu feiran.

This is not exaggeration. Now Xu Ling's state is really weird. It's appropriate to consult Liu feiran here.

Finish saying, Xu Ling still thinks Liu feiran won't pay attention to, added next, "it is the condition that has Xiaoya!"

Sure enough, when Xu Ling talked about the previous sentence, Liu feiran didn't have any reaction. After all, Xu Ling was in hospital. If she wasn't in good health, no one would have gone to the hospital.

But after hearing what he said, he couldn't keep calm. You know, now Xu Ling is the only one who has known the system.

In other words, Xu Ling is Liu feiran's only hope now. If anything goes wrong again, his dream of developing systems may really be shattered.

"What's wrong?" In such a terrible situation, Liu feiran couldn't help but stand up and stare at Xu Lingzhi.

"I don't know why, Xiaoya will fall into a dormant state from time to time. During this period, how to call it doesn't respond." Xu Ling doesn't hide this. After all, Liu feiran is also a senior who owns the system.

Besides, this is also the problem Xu Ling urgently wants to know.

"About how long does a sleep last?" Liu feiran also frowned and thought about it. After a while, he asked again.

Looking at each other's appearance, Xu Ling is slightly disappointed. I think Liu feiran has never experienced such a situation, otherwise he will not fall into thinking.

"It's not very clear. I'll let you know as soon as this happens." Although there should be no way to solve his own problem, Xu Ling immediately continued to carry out the plan to investigate Liu feiran.

Xu Ling said this, on the one hand, to show his impatience, on the other hand, that is to imply that he treats Liu feiran as his own person.

Otherwise, it is impossible to talk to Liu feiran about such an important matter at the first time.

"Well, you told me in time!" Liu feiran also affirmed Xu Ling's practice.

But after the praise is also in confusion, "you said this situation, I really did not encounter."

"Is there no research on this kind of thing in your project?" Xu Ling continued to ask, still very urgent.

Speaking of this, Liu feiran couldn't help pondering. After a moment, his eyes suddenly brightened. "There are researches on improving system stability, but they are all in the conception stage, because there are no examples of this."

"Is there one like me?" Xu Ling asked quickly.

"What you said is too ambiguous. I'm not sure if it is." Liu feiran explained helplessly.

Xu Ling didn't know how to say that she wanted to go to Liu feiran research base, but she didn't expect that the other side would give her a chance.

In this case, he naturally could not let it go. He said directly, "it's just right that my example is here!"

Liu feiran obviously didn't find Xu Ling to say that. He immediately said, "do you... Do you want to be the research object?"

After all, it's a mouse's job. It's definitely not a good job, so Liu feiran didn't want to talk to Xu Ling about it.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it can only be so." Xu Ling frowned and thought about it for a while, then finally seemed to make up her mind.

"Great! Brother Xu, you have finally figured it out! " Liu feiran was overjoyed by Xu Ling's personal recognition. He wanted Xu Ling to help him study the system, but Xu Ling was so far away.

As a last resort, he used the means of coercion, but now, Liu feiran is not happy to hear that Xu Ling is willing to help himself.

"I don't think so. I'm ashamed. It's also for myself." Xu Ling embarrassed smile, some embarrassed to explain.

Although it's pretending, Xu Ling still has such selfish feelings in her heart. If it wasn't for her own problems, I'm afraid she would never have thought of finding Liu feiran.

"We are all the same kind of people. You are for yourself, just for me! Ha ha... "Liu feiran is now completely immersed in joy, it doesn't matter who Xu Ling is for. To cooperate with him is to let him have the greatest satisfaction.

Liu feiran this appearance, is lets Xu Ling's in the heart some feel sorry.

If you think about it carefully, the purpose of this guy has always been very clear, that is, he wanted to revive the system he owned, and he didn't do anything wrong

This idea suddenly flashed out of his mind. Xu Ling quickly shook his head to get rid of it. Although Liu feiran had this goal, it was still very terrible.

After all, the reason why his system disappeared is still a mystery, and Xu Ling doesn't want to repeat it.

"Well, since it's settled, it shouldn't be too late. Brother Xu, let's go to the research base with me." Liu feiran can't wait for this, and Xu Ling is really ill now, which makes it impossible for him to be suspected at all.

Then he got up and wanted to pull Xu Ling out of the coffee shop.

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