"Do you know why I have so many strange situations?" Xu Ling is very concerned about this topic now.

"It's still the problem of too high blood activity. The previous unexplained bleeding and now unexplained coma are all due to this, but it's not like it was born to be so. It seems that it was caused by taking certain drugs." Doctor Wei said to Xu Ling in a deep voice.

It's normal to say that the problem of blood activity can be detected, but Xu lingpo was surprised to see what happened the day after tomorrow.

"How can you tell that it was made after tomorrow?" Xu Ling can't help but question this meeting.

"I have compared the blood in your body with the blood that just came out, and found that your blood activity is obviously lower!" Doctor Wei solemnly informed Xu Ling.

"Because of this?" If Xu Ling doesn't attack this area, he naturally doesn't understand what it stands for.

Wei medicine physiology of course nodded, "blood activity in the body will not change at any time, your blood activity is too high only exists in a part of the blood, that part of the pass away, the new activity tends to be normal, this must be caused by the influence of the day after tomorrow!"

"Then if all the active blood disappears, can I return to normal?" Xu Ling probably understood the reason. Then she asked in a loud voice, with concern in her voice.

If this is the case, it can make Xu Ling feel relieved. Although the body who has taken the medicine is more severe than ordinary people, the side effects can't be sustained.

Interest comes with risk. Xu Ling understood this sentence first. It's impossible to get any benefit for nothing.

However, doctor Wei shakes his head decisively, which interrupts Xu Ling's fluke mentality.

"Your body has been used to such high blood activity now. If your blood activity tends to be normal now, it will not be able to meet the nutrients needed by body organs," Dr. Wei's expression is more dignified. "In other words, if one day, you will die of massive organ failure!"

Hearing the diagnosis in Xu Ling's ear, it was exactly the same as hearing the death notice. He looked at Dr. Wei in a daze and couldn't say a word.

According to Dr. Wei, if you continue to live in such a strange physical condition, you will surely die?


Xu Ling can't help but scold secretly in the heart, early know so, don't so quick use these medicaments that small Ya gives.

Although benefits and risks coexist, the risk is too great.

It's a gamble on my life!

"But you don't have to worry about it. If it really comes to that day, I still have medicine here to help you recuperate." It seems to see the panic in Xu Ling's heart, and doctor Wei immediately comforted him.

"Really? Is there any medicine that can help me in this situation? " Xu Ling almost didn't believe his ears, so he stared at doctor Wei and asked.

"You forget? Didn't I just give you this blood enhancing drug? " Doctor Wei immediately took out a bottle of pills, which he just threw into Xu Ling's mouth.

The mountains and rivers are heavy, and there is no way out. There is another village with hidden willows and bright flowers!

Being reminded by doctor Wei, Xu Ling also instantly remembered the effectiveness of this small pill, and quickly reached for the bottle in the other party's hand.

"In the future, if you suddenly feel dizzy again, take one pill, which should be helpful for relieving symptoms." With that, doctor Wei took out several bottles from the cabinet and put them on the side of Xu Ling.

"So much?" Xu linglue was a little surprised. What he thought was that the amount that doctor Wei took was almost what he needed.

So many bottles together, how to get 50 or 60 Tablets!

"I didn't let you eat them all again!" Doctor Wei said strangely, "these are just for you to deal with unexpected needs."

"Oh, oh." Hearing this, Xu Ling was relieved.

"Of course, if you can carry it on your own, don't eat it, and you can't rely on it. The most important thing is that you can only eat one pill at a time!" Doctor Wei then emphasized Xu Ling very seriously.

"I understand that. I'm sure I'll control it." It's a drug with three poisons. Besides, it's a kind of medicine specially used to stimulate body function.

It's like adrenaline. Although it can improve various body functions in a short time, after the effect is over, the rest is the damage to various organs.

"Dr. Wei, how is Xu Ling now? Are you out of danger? " Just when Xu Linggang wanted to ask if he was safe, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a more urgent voice helped Xu Ling ask first.

It's Gu Jianping who is very worried about Xu Ling's situation. If the person Liu feiran brought over is folded in his hand, he will be guilty.

"Well, almost. There's no big problem now." Doctor Wei responded immediately.

In a word, Gu Jianping's heart was released immediately. He came to Xu Ling's side in three steps, looked left and right, and observed carefully. After confirming that the other party was really no different, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry to worry you." Looking at Gu Jianping's worried expression, such an old man worried about himself, which really made Xu Ling feel embarrassed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Gu Jianping couldn't hide his excitement. He took Xu Ling's hand and began to talk.

"Lao Gu, Xu Ling has just recovered. I'm afraid his body is not very stable. Let him participate in the research slowly." At this time, doctor Wei broke in to remind him.

"I know. I can figure that out." Gu Jianping immediately nodded in response.

After that, he said to Xu Ling, "little friend Xu Ling, let's stop today's research. Come back tomorrow morning. I've already figured out how to solve your problem."

"Really?" Xu lingpo was a little excited, but then he thought about the situation just now. He was afraid and said, "isn't there anything strange going on?"

"Er... Xu Ling, you can rest assured this time. There will never be any more problems!" Gu Jianping immediately patted his chest to make sure.

"Laogu, you've cast a shadow on people's minds. Ha ha ha..." doctor Wei heard Xu Ling's conversation and immediately began to make fun of him.

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