"What is this place?" As if the last sentence is not enough to make people confused, Xu Ling then asked.

Doctor Wei looked at Xu Ling carefully and found that the other side's face was exactly the same as ordinary people's, but now he was at a loss, but he didn't pretend.

"Don't you know who we are?" Xu Linggang's words naturally let Gu Jianping hear, he immediately ran over and asked in surprise.

Smell speech, Xu Ling's eyes back and forth in Gu Jianping and doctor Wei's body circulation many times, but finally or face helplessly shook his head.

"Xu Ling, you... You lost your memory?" Gu Jianping still has some doubts about the current situation.

However, Xu Ling's performance has to let Gu Jianping admit the fact.

After hearing his words, Xu Ling's eyes were even more puzzled. He opened his mouth and said, "Xu Ling? Is that my name? "

I forgot my name!

"Dr. Wei, how could this happen?" At this time, Gu Jianping could not help but panic.

He also knows something about amnesia. The severity of amnesia varies from the weakest in memory to the deepest and gradually forgets.

But my name, which is called by people every day, is the most deeply rooted thing in my memory. I forgot it at this time!

"I don't know. I never thought that would happen!" Doctor Wei also showed a blank look, staring at Xu Ling for a moment, but also did not know what to do.

"Well... Where is this, please? Who are you When both of them were surprised, Xu Ling made a sound again. Now he was puzzled about the things in front of him, and his tone was naturally very uneasy.

This is also normal. Now Xu Ling's mind is blank, and his fear of the unknown is directly filled in his heart. It's good that he doesn't cry out.

"Listen, Xu Ling, you are amnesia now. I'm Dr. Wei. He's Gu Jianping. This is the research institute! We are all your friends. " The best way to calm the mood of a person with amnesia is to let him quickly understand the situation in front of him, so doctor Wei immediately replied after feeling Xu linglue's panic tone.

"Amnesia?" In Xu Ling's present state, he will not know exactly how, but he can be a little calmer after knowing the general situation. "You are Dr. Wei, you are Gu Jianping, this is the Research Institute... What's the business here?"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Xu Ling identified them according to what doctor Wei said. Finally, he asked a strange question.

It's really a long time to answer this question, but in order to restore Xu Ling's memory, Gu Jianping only picked up the things after Xu Ling came.

But it is obvious that this information does not have any impact on Xu Ling's current situation at all. He just nods, but does not have any expression.

Without facial feedback, it can only show that Xu Ling is passively receiving information, not through her own recollection.

"Xu Ling's stay here is too short to recall any of his memories." Dr. Wei immediately judged that his expression became very serious at the same time. "He is in a critical condition now. The longer he drags on with amnesia, the harder it is to remember the past. We must help him recover his memory as soon as possible."

"Having said that, how can we help?" Gu Jianping was also in a mess. One by one, he was beyond his expectation, which made him feel at a loss.

"Don't worry. According to the information, isn't there anyone else in Xu Ling's home? I think it's helpful for Xu Ling to get along with them day and night. " To treat patients, Dr. Wei's thinking is very clear, which will immediately decide a good solution.

"Is that all right?" Gu Jianping is very upset. He has already lost his memory. If he is allowed to go back directly, will there be any danger.

"At least this is the only feasible way now," Dr. Wei shrugged and said helplessly. "Send someone to send Xu Ling home now and explain the situation to his family."

At this time, Xu Ling has got up from the experimental platform and stood on the ground, his expression is still as blank.

Looking at Xu Ling's state, Gu Jianping really couldn't think of any feasible way, so at this time he had to nod his head, then turned to face Xu Ling, "do you remember where your home is?"

In such doubt, Gu Jianping didn't want to get information from Xu Ling, but wanted to try to see if he still had some memory in his brain.

"Home? Where is my home? " However, the fact is always cruel, Xu Ling is still unknown, so asked.

"It's no use. There's no specific scene. Literally, he can't remember anything." At this time, doctor Wei also reminded him.

He shook his head in recognition of his fate. Gu Jianping also fully understood the current situation.

"Come on, I'll take you home!" In addition, there is no other way, Gu Jianping will pull Xu Ling, said to him.

With no idea, no purpose, and even disordered thinking, Xu Ling just nodded like a puppet and left behind Gu Jianping.

Xu Ling, who has no memory, is obviously not suitable to leave the laboratory alone. Moreover, his current situation needs to be explained to his family. So this time, Gu Jianping directly drove Xu Ling's car and sent him home.

Along the way, Gu Jianping kept explaining to Xu Ling the various places of Luo city, but these had no effect on Xu Ling at all.

To say is the normal state of Xu Ling for these places are very strange, let alone now he is also amnesia.

Gu Jianping has been concentrating on his research all the year round, staying at home. It's very difficult for him to tell us where he passed along the way.

But before long, another more difficult thing was placed in front of him. When Xu Ling looked at a woman coming out of his house and asked, "who are you?" When Gu Jianping described Xu Ling's current situation in the simplest words and explained the solution.

Almost in half an hour, an endless stream of people came to Xu Ling's family from outside. All of them were very worried and began to ask about Xu Ling's condition.

Xu Ling, however, still did not have any reaction, but when almost all the people arrived, he asked, "who are you?"

In a word, the scene exploded in an instant. You should know that the relationship between everyone and Xu Ling before was the best. Now Xu Ling doesn't know himself.

Who can accept that?

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