"We have to know how he got himself back to normal the last time." Seeing that Chen Yunxi seemed to be a little confused, Li Mengling immediately explained it in more detail.

To keep normal, Xu Ling really did it perfectly. If it wasn't for his own words, I'm afraid no one would have seen that this person was in a state of amnesia.

And chenyunxi she had little contact with Xuling, want to detect that is more difficult.

Even her understanding of Xu Ling is not as much as that of Li Mengling. At least the latter once broke a secret of Xu Ling.

Unable to get information from Chen Yunxi, Li Mengling can't help but turn his mind to the secret he once ran into.

That is a scene that is hard to forget for both doctors and ordinary people.

So a seriously injured body was cured in an instant. I'm afraid only Xu Ling can do it all over the world.

Xu Ling can help others, but he can't help himself at this time. When he forgets everything, what can he do to remind him of the means to restore his memory.

Although he didn't know the truth, Li Mengling was sure that Xu Ling must have such a method.

"Mengling, can I ask you something?" While Li Mengling is still analyzing this aspect carefully, Chen Yunxi's voice suddenly interrupts her thinking.

"If you have anything to do with our relationship, just talk to me." Looking at Chen Yunxi's tangled face, Li Mengling said it immediately.

"I want you to bring Xu Ling to the hospital," Chen Yunxi said with firm eyes. "I think it's possible for me to let him remember the past."

Everyone worked hard for an afternoon, but it didn't work out, just because they could react to a TV play. Now Chen Yunxi's words are reasonable.

Maybe Chen Yunxi can really restore Xu Ling's memory

"I see. I'll arrange it as soon as possible. I'll let you know when it's done." As a doctor, this matter should not be rare for Li Mengling, so she immediately said with a guarantee.

Then, he suddenly remembered something and said to Chen Yunxi again, "where's Yu Wenwen? Does she know what's going on with her brother? "

"I don't know. She's still abroad attending the ceremony, and she doesn't know anything about it." Chen Yunqian said immediately.

"Or, that girl can also promote Xu Ling's memory recovery." Although he knew that it was not the right time, Li Mengling still mentioned it.

Without Chen Yunxi's explanation, you can also know that Yu Wenwen is in the blowout stage of her career, but at this time, things happened to Xu Ling one by one.

"I know, but I'd better wait for the end of her hand, and then tell her," Chen Yunxi said with a little helplessness after pondering for a moment, "or maybe the problem of Xu Ling had been solved at that time."

"I hope so!" Li Mengling also carries a moment of good wishes.

"Well, Mengling, please. I'll go back to the company first. If it's done, I'll let you know as soon as possible." Finish saying the present situation, Chen Yunqian finally gave Li Mengling an instruction, then got up and left.

Seeing Chen Yunxi leave, Li Mengling is filled with emotion. She didn't tell Chen Yunxi just now.

Although Chen Yunxi has always said that Xu Ling does not know when her character has changed, in Li Mengling's eyes, Chen Yunxi herself does not know when she has changed!

As a friend growing up with her, Li Mengling can't be more sensitive to such things.


At the same time, in the Research Institute, the work of reporting is also in progress. As for its recipient, it is naturally the initiator of this research - Liu feiran!

"What? How did this happen? " After listening to the old man's explanation, he exclaimed in surprise. Looking at Gu Jianping, he felt a sense of blame!

After all, as the chief project manager, such a situation will happen, which is closely related to Gu Jianping. In addition, Xu Ling is Liu feiran's only hope now, so he has such a response.

In the face of Liu feiran's doubts, Gu Jianping is only ashamed and has nothing to say to Liu feiran.

"There's no way. Although the ancient method can solve Xu Ling's situation of being endangered at any time, it will always produce some side effects." At this time, Dr. Wei said something to help Gu Jianping.

"What do you mean..." Liu feiran's mind turned quickly and guessed immediately.

"Yes, if we can restore Xu Ling's memory now, he must be the same as before. Of course, his system can also be restored!" Doctor Wei's tone is very firm to know Liu feiran.

"Good! How wonderful! Ha ha... "Dr. Wei said this, which directly reversed the atmosphere on the court. As soon as he heard that the system could recover, Liu feiran directly seemed to be a different person, laughing happily.

However, when Liu feiran was happy, Gu Jianping was suffering.

Although Dr. Wei's words are plausible, Gu Jianping himself does not know whether it has any effect. The process of the experiment has deviated from the direction he calculated. Naturally, he is not sure about the result.

"By the way, where is Xu Ling now?" Excited, Liu feiran immediately mentioned such a main.

"Amnesia is a kind of thing that we need to contact with the familiar things before we can recover better, so we sent it back home." Doctor Wei continues to let Liu feirantong know.

"Well... That's fine." Liu feiran nodded his head.

"By the way, Mr. Liu, do you know After reporting the situation with Liu feiran, Gu Jianping suddenly thought of another thing and immediately said, "Xu Ling suddenly said this this afternoon, but I checked all the information, and I don't know what it means. Mr. Liu, you are well-informed, and I don't know if you have heard it."

"Oh, of course I know." Liu feiran smiles and nods naturally. As a person like Xu Ling, how can he not know his name?

"Great!" With Liu feiran's affirmative answer, Gu Jianping immediately exclaimed in surprise.

He had been holding a try mentality to ask, did not expect to really ask the results.

"Mr. Liu, what is this place? Xu Ling doesn't even remember his closest friends, but he can only remember this... "After a pause, Gu Jianping repeated the situation at that time.

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