After finishing his mood, Xu Qianyang kept a serious attitude and came to the reception hall.

In the face of Liu feiran, he doesn't want to give a good face at all, unless the boy admits his mistake in front of him with sincerity.

But obviously this is not going to happen

"Ouch, old dog Xu, you can figure it out. You've been waiting for a long time. You're too big!" See Xu Qianyang out, Liu feiran immediately break out, full of discontent to say out.

This sentence almost didn't scare the only old Wu who followed Liu feiran to death.

Originally, I thought Liu feiran was just addressing others in secret, but who ever thought that when he saw him face to face, he still called such insulting names directly. Lao Wu was afraid that he would be beaten!

"Liu feiran! Pay attention to the way you speak Naturally, Xu Qianyang is furious at Liu feiran's words. If he had changed his position before, he might have done it directly, but now that his identity is there, it's not appropriate to make radical moves.

"Xu Laogou, I come here this time to ask, do you know all about Xu Ling's amnesia?" Liu feiran didn't want to let go, he was still aggressive.

"Pay attention to what you say to me!" This time, Xu Qianyang's assistant rebuked him coldly.

"It's OK. The dog bites you. Do you want to bite back? Just let him bark. " For this matter, Xu Qianyang is slightly angry, then returned to normal, at this time also changed the way to damage Liu feiran.

After admonishing his subordinates, Xu Qianyang then turns to Liu feiran and answers, "who is Xu Ling? I don't know! "

"Haha, old dog Xu is very generous, but if you can talk to all kinds of dogs like us, aren't you..." half way through, Liu feiran looked around and then began to laugh.

People know the meaning of the following words.

"You Although Xu Qianyang has been exercising his tolerance for many years, he can't stand Liu feiran's teasing. He suddenly glares at him and points at the other side, then he will swear.

"Xu Laogou, do you want to connect Xu Ling to bring me down? You think too much! The relationship between brother Xu and me is totally beyond the imagination of people like you who don't know anything, so you'd better save in this respect! " Not waiting for Xu Qianyang to respond, Liu feiran then said very impolitely.

Xu Qianyang, who was still a little angry, calmed down a lot after hearing Liu feiran's next words. He stared at Liu feiran quietly for a while, and then said, "Liu feiran, I don't understand what you're saying? If you come here today for this, please come back

"Well, I'm here to inform you of this." Liu feiran accepted Xu Qianyang's order and stood up to leave. Before he left, he turned around and added, "by the way, old dog Xu, don't think that I can't see your little moves. Remember! If you don't do it to me, I won't do it to you! "

With that, he left without looking back with a laugh.

"Asshole!" After Liu feiran left, Xu Qianyang looked at the direction of his departure for a long time, then kicked the table in front of him and scolded.

"Mr. Xu, why didn't you just let people blow them out? That boy is too arrogant!" The assistant beside Xu Qianyang is quite puzzled.

"Hum, that boy can't come to me unprepared. If I hit him, I'm sure I'll hit him!" Xu Qianyang vented a little and calmed down a lot, so he explained to the assistant.

"However, when he came here to talk about it, he made a fool of himself." After calming down, Xu Qianyang's thoughts are also clear.

"Mr. Xu, what are we going to do next?" Seeing Xu Qianyang's expression, the assistant knew that he had something to do.

"Liu feiran attaches so much importance to Xu Ling, which shows that Xu Ling is of great significance to him. Now that Xu Ling is amnesia, we have to cut the mess quickly and turn Xu Ling into a person on our side!" Xu Qianyang then carefully analyzed the current situation.

"I see. I'll do it now!" As Xu Qianyang's most effective cadre, the assistant immediately understood the meaning of the words.

"This time, you don't have to do it. Go and shout Xu Kun to me." Xu Qianyang then left it to his assistant.

"Mr. Xu, the situation is different now. I'm afraid it's wrong to hand over important things to Mr. Xu at this time." Assistant slightly some euphemism said, which means, beyond words.

"I'm his own son, the successor of the company. If my father doesn't give me important things, will he give them to you? Or do you want to take over as chairman? " As soon as the assistant's voice fell, a voice of anger came from the door.

It was Xu Kun who didn't know when he was coming!

"I don't mean that. I just don't think you need to trouble Mr. Xu for such a trifle." Seeing the person coming, the assistant said quickly.

"No, I'm dedicated to the company. The company's business is my business. No matter how troublesome it is, I'm willing to do it!" Xu Kun stepped forward, looked at the assistant coldly and said word by word.

In the face of this young master, the only son of the chairman, the assistant naturally did not dare to say a word more, and left here even after asking for instructions.

The assistant followed Xu Qianyang when he was young. At that time, he didn't even have Xu Kun. How could he have thought about the position of the chairman of the company.

The reason why he said that was because he knew that Xu Kun would never be able to do it well, and if he was allowed to mess around, he would destroy the company sooner or later.

However, such a dandy is the legal successor of the company.

How could the assistant who worked with Xu Qianyang all the way not feel sad and indignant?

"Ouch, assistant Liao, are you enjoying the cool here?" Not long after the assistant came out, Xu Kun also came out. When he saw the other party, he seemed to be very proud and said hello.

But the tone is full of irony.

Then, without waiting for assistant Liao to respond, Xu Kun quickly came to him and whispered in assistant Liao's ear, "remember! This company's surname is Xu. If you are a servant who can't fight with eight strokes, you don't want to get involved. "

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu is joking. I have been serving the Xu family all the time. Now and in the future, how can I want to get involved in the industry of the Xu family? Mr. Xu is really worried." Assistant Liao explained anxiously.

"That's good. I hope it's true as you said," Xu Kun patted assistant Liao's shoulder with satisfaction, then his face changed again and said, "just be a dog!"

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