I don't know why, after hearing the news of going to the hospital, Xu Ling felt a sense of crisis, as if something big was going to happen.

But Xu Ling knew her physical condition, so she didn't tell others about her abnormal emotions. After seeing the concerned eyes of several people, she nodded, "I know. I'll go tomorrow."

"Maybe Dr. Li has found a better way to help you recover your memory." Wu Qinglian has great hope for this.

Of course, all this is because of the worry about Xu Ling. For so many days, Xu Ling's bewilderment about the surrounding things really made Wu Qinglian feel distressed.

As soon as she thought that Xu Ling had helped herself so much, but now Xu Ling was suffering, but she was helpless, Wu Qinglian felt uncomfortable.

So now, as long as she knows something that can make Xu Ling recover, she will certainly try. Besides, this time, she is still Li Mengling, the best doctor.

Since the last time Xu Ling lipstick came up with important information, up to now, there is no important information to look up.

And the last two contents, a "Himalaya", were also heard by everyone, but no news has been found so far.

As for the other, Chen Yunxi, who is totally different from her own status, wants her to visit a person who has lost her memory, which is impossible.

"In a word, you should pay attention to it tomorrow," Wu Qinglian told her. Then she began to say, "when you go out, you should be more careful when you encounter anything..."

"I know, I know, sister Wu. If I'm with you, you'll have a hundred hearts." Seeing Wu Qinglian begin to nag, sun Jiaman cuts in first.

Suddenly interrupted, Wu Qinglian was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Sun Jiaman with satisfaction, "well, it's good! Then Xu Ling will be handed over to you. If anything happens, I'll ask you! "

"Guarantee to finish the task!" Looking at Wu Qinglian issuing orders like a chief, sun Jiaman also joked with his words and directly raised his hand to salute.

"Ha ha ha..."

The two of them sang together, but they made all the people including Xu Ling laugh. The atmosphere on the court was much more relaxed, and Xu Ling's worries were reduced

As time went by, the next day came.

"Well, sister Wu, I'll take Xu Ling there!" Early in the morning, sun Jiaman got up, pulled Xu Ling up and said aloud to Wu Qinglian's room.

She is different from Wu Qinglian. She doesn't need to work late at night, so she went to bed early for Xu Ling's sake. That's why she has so much energy now.

"Jiaman, it's too early for us. Is the hospital open now?" Xu Ling has been trying to recall the past, so she didn't sleep early. Now she is dragged up by sun Jiaman, and his tone is full of resentment.

"Mr. Xu Ling, what are you talking about? How can the hospital close down?" Listening to Xu Ling's words, sun Jiaman looks surprised and immediately breaks Xu Ling's illusion that she doesn't want to go.

After all, Xu Ling had no excuse to refute, and followed sun Jiaman.

Originally, Xu Ling thought he had to take a taxi, but Sun Jiaman went straight out of the gate to the parking lot, and then drove into Xu Ling's car.

"You... You can drive?" Asked by sun Jiaman to get on the bus, Xu Ling asked.

"Of course, I got my driver's license when I was an adult, didn't I?" Sun Jiaman was very upset about Xu Ling's query, and immediately said it with pride,

"You are just an adult." These days, I have been chatting with sun Jiaman, and Xu Ling naturally knows her age.

"Hey, hey, I just got my driver's license a few days ago." In a word, sun Jiaman also said with some embarrassment.

"Can you do it?" This news is like a blockbuster. It falls in Xu Ling's ear and frightens him.

"Mr. Xu Ling, don't look down on me. I'm a driver's license with four full marks!" Sun Jiaman held up his proud head and knew with pride.

Then, without waiting for Xu Ling to speak again, she got into a fire and started to operate according to the knowledge learned in the driving school.

Xu Ling is no longer able to drive, so she can only watch quietly.

After a fierce operation, sun Jiaman put a smile on his mouth. After stepping on the accelerator, the car went smoothly

It's off!

"Well... Are you sure you can do it?" Xu Ling couldn't help but ask again on the side.

Sun Jiaman is also quite worried about the sudden mistakes. At this time, he is not calm at the beginning. He starts to reset everything in a hurry and start over again.

However, it turns out that there is a big difference between the real car and the driving school car.

After sun Jiaman turned off Xu Ling's car n times, they finally faced the reality in front of them.

"Master, go to Luoyang central hospital." When he got to the intersection and took a taxi, sun Jiaman said to the driver helplessly.

Less than half an hour later, they arrived at the hospital. They had already agreed. Just after getting off the bus, Li Mengling came to meet them.

"Dr. Li, I'm here with Mr. Xu Ling." Sun Jiaman said to Li Mengling very cleverly.

"Hello Xu Ling also said politely.

Looking at Xu Ling like this, Li Mengling inexplicably felt a pain in the heart, you know, before Xu Ling and himself are also a very good friend.

"Come on, it's all ready inside." Li Mengling nodded and told them.

With that, he turned around and took them to the hospital, all the way to his office.

"Doctor Li, isn't it a physical examination? There is no equipment here Came to the room, sun Jiaman then asked without grounding.

"We have found a way to cure Xu Ling's illness." Li Mengling poured a glass of water for both of them and said solemnly.

"What? Can you cure me now? " On hearing the news, Xu Ling stood up directly and excitedly.

Although he appears to be casual on the surface, in fact, he doesn't want to return to normal in his heart. This kind of muddleheaded appearance makes him toss and turn every night.

"It's... Like this." I do not know why, Li Mengling a little pause, should nod down.

"Great, sister Wu is right. You really have a way." Sun Jiaman is also quite surprised. These days, she is doing her best to treat Xu Ling,

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