"You look at the back of the test sheet," Sun Jiaman with a bad smile, very considerate help Xu Ling to turn over the paper in his hand, "you see, is it successful."

When sun Jiaman turns over the test sheet, Xu Ling finally understands what this little girl means.

I don't know when the back of the test sheet has a string of phone numbers.

After coming out of Li Mengling's office, this test sheet only passed through the hands of two people, so there's no need to think about who owns this number.

"Yes, Mr. Xu Ling, even if you are like this now, it's also a leverage to tease girls only by your personal charm!" When Xu Ling is still in a daze, sun Jiaman's voice comes again, praising Xu Ling.

Of course, this sounds like a ridicule to Xu Ling. He says his old face red, and goes on, "go and go, what is the little girl talking about? Maybe this number is printed on it."

"Well, Mr. Xu Ling is wise. The ink is still wet." Sun Jiaman nodded, wiped the number, and even pulled out a black stain.

"Er..." seeing this scene, Xu Ling is also unable to refute, although he knows in his heart that this is the number left by Li Jiaqi.

"I said, Mr. Xu Ling, you just listen to your inner thoughts. It's no good. That sister nurse is very beautiful. It happens that you don't have a girlfriend..." Sun Jiaman even began to persuade her, looking like a matchmaker.

Seeing this girl speak more and more energetically, Xu Ling quickly stopped her, "don't talk, don't talk, your teacher, how can I be such a frivolous person?"

"How can this be called frivolity, Mr. Xu Ling? My sister is willing to be a nurse. I'm willing to be a nurse. It's called empathy. " Sun Jiaman seems not to give up and continues to persuade him.

"It's Li Jiaqi, not sister nurse." By sun Jiaman so good advice, not to mention, Xu Ling really a little heart.

However, Xu Ling can also recognize his identity, quickly and seriously reminded.

"Good, good, Sister Li Jiaqi is not..." Sun Jiaman see what he said seems to be a little sign, and then increase efforts to prepare again.

However, in the middle of the speech, a serious voice interrupted, "you two, do you have a physical examination? Don't block the door without a physical examination. "

Looking at the sound, a doctor's aunt was shouting impatiently at the two men.

"I'm coming. I'm sorry." After being reprimanded by the doctors in the physical examination room, Xu Ling was embarrassed and quickly took sun Jiaman.

"Who will come first, you two?" Fortunately, there was no one else in the examination room, so Xu Ling didn't get in the way of others, but even so, the doctor was still rude to them.

"As for my physical examination, she came with me." Xu Ling said humbly.

"Bang ~" doctor aunt issued a very disdainful voice, "physical examination also need people to accompany, quite a big man?"

"Ma'am, could you be more polite? At least we are the customers of the hospital. No, the customers are God. You haven't heard of them. " Although sun Jiaman didn't feel very good at first, she couldn't help but reply to the doctor's sarcasm.

"Customers? God? Ha ha, I heard for the first time that someone came to the hospital to treat himself as a customer. " Aunt didn't mean to change her attitude at all. Instead, she continued to sneer at Sun Jiaman.

"You..." Sun Jiaman's temper came up, and he was ready to roll up his sleeve and spray with each other. Fortunately, Xu Ling stopped him in time.

"Forget it, we are also delaying people. If there is a mistake in family affairs, don't quarrel."

Xu Ling's words to stop, but also to see that the other side is very old, certainly will not give these two young people to relax, eat soft do not eat hard is sure.

On the other hand, the other party is the one who wants to have a physical examination immediately, so we can't be unhappy with her.

"Well, the young man knows the truth." Sure enough, after hearing Xu Ling's words, she looked at him and nodded with satisfaction.


Sun Jiaman seems to be a little unconvinced, but due to Xu Ling's face, she still holds back the momentum that she wants to continue to argue.

"The little girl goes out and presses her temper, otherwise she will suffer." Aunt naturally heard sun Jiaman's hum, which would teach her a lesson.

"It's up to you!" Sun Jiaman was not happy at all. He would hear the other party's words like education, and he couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, she's worried about my body, so she's in a little mood. Don't take it to heart." Before the two people's atmosphere reached the freezing point, Xu Ling quickly cut in to make it over.

"Oh, stand there." Aunt feels good about Xu Ling, so when Xu Ling says that, she also shakes her head. Instead of talking to sun Jiaman, she tells Xu Ling.

"Jiaman, just wait for me outside." Xu Ling takes this opportunity to instruct sun Jiaman.

If you can't control the situation, who knows what kind of war this young and old will break out!

"Well, I see." Sun Jiaman also knows how to look at the aunt in front of her, so she gladly agrees to Xu Ling's words.

With that, she didn't even look at the doctor. She turned around and left here. She must be so angry.

Hearing that sun Jiaman could listen to her, Xu Ling was also relieved. These days, he probably knew the girl's temper. If he hadn't been her predecessor, I'm afraid he couldn't have stopped her anger.

"Your sister?" After sun Jiaman left, the doctor asked Xu Ling.

"Yes, spoiled since childhood." In fact, Xu Ling is not very comfortable with this aunt, but his years of life experience tells him that more is better than less.

Even if he is amnesia now

According to the doctor's aunt, Xu Ling stood at the designated position. Then she got up and began to take out a series of props from the drawer.

Xu Ling looked at the sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, and needle tube for blood drawing.

"Come on, sit down and give me the list." With a smile on his face, the doctor stretched out his hand and asked Xu Ling for what Li Mengling had given him.

"Oh, here you are." Xu Ling is obedient to hand the paper to the past, but he forgot, at that time in order to see the number given by the nurse, the test sheet is turning.

In this way, the phone number will be exposed in the eyes of the aunt. When Xu Ling wants to turn it back, it's too late.

"Oh, isn't this Li Jiaqi's number? How is it on your test sheet? " What's more embarrassing is that the aunt recognized the number at a glance.

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