"Well?" After being reminded by Xu Ling, sun Jiaman focused on the handwriting again. After observing it carefully, she reflected, "it's really not! It's not like the original font. Who wrote it? "

"A gift from your mother." All already like this, Xu Ling also don't want to hide what ye, directly tell the fact to sun Jiaman.

"What? "She wrote it?" It seems to be a very unexpected person, sun Jiaman immediately exclaimed, and then scanned the number on the list and Xu Ling's face back and forth, trembling to say, "you... And aunt, no... no, teacher Xu Ling, you... Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, he was attacked by Xu Ling's powerful brain. "What's in the brain! She is Li Jiaqi's mother. When she saw that her daughter's phone number was left to a strange man, she was not happy, so I delimited the number. Who knows, she wanted to introduce her daughter to me, so she wrote the number again. It's so simple. "

Xu Ling feels that if she doesn't speak any more, the topic will develop in a strange direction.

"Ha? How could she be the mother of a nurse's sister? " Hearing this fact, sun Jiaman exclaimed again, and then, with a dry smile, said awkwardly, "in this case, teacher Xu Ling would not consider the nurse sister first. Maybe there would be a more suitable one."

"Hey, what do you mean, your attitude was not like that at first!" Xu Ling stares at Sun Jiaman with great interest and makes fun of him.

"That aunt has a very strange temper. If her daughter is like her again, I don't want to have such a nun!" Sun Jiaman's expression is one coagulate, very serious analysis way.

"That's not good. I've been introduced by my mother. I can't live up to the kindness of others, and Li Jiaqi is so beautiful. I think it's very good." looking at Sun Jiaman's nervous face, Xu Ling can't help trying to tease her. "Besides, it seems that only a character like an aunt can cure you. If your sister nurse's character is the same as her mother's, That would be great! "

"Don't, Mr. Xu Ling, I'm wrong. I'll listen to you and never be stubborn again!" At the thought of the scene where aunt taught herself just now, sun Jiaman couldn't help but feel scared and quickly asked Xu Ling for mercy.

"Ha ha ha, so you are afraid of people?" Xu Ling is teased by sun Jiaman and can't help laughing.

"I'm not afraid. I respect my elders! Otherwise, if I make her angry, who should be responsible? " Listen to Xu Ling's words, there seems to be a sense of irony, sun Jiaman immediately quite unconvinced to mumble.

"Hey ~" when Xu Ling heard that sun Jiaman was obviously unconvinced, he took out his mobile phone without saying a word, looked at the number behind the test sheet and dialed the number.

"Ah! I'm wrong. I'm wrong, Mr. Xu Ling. I don't have to talk Xu Ling's action immediately frightened sun Jiaman. She wanted to snatch the test sheet from Xu Ling's hand while shouting.

But with Xu Ling's physical fitness, how can sun Jiaman get it?

As a result, the two formed a funny scene of one holding a piece of paper high, and the other bouncing around the former to reach the paper.

"Well, what are you doing?" However, their pleasant atmosphere was soon interrupted by a voice, "I said, why did your physical examination last so long? It turned out that it was a fight!"

Follow the sound to see, Li Mengling is standing not far away, presumably before the situation she also saw in the eyes.

Li Mengling waited in the office for a long time, but they didn't come back. Originally, she planned to help Xu Ling deal with things before going to other things, but Xu Ling didn't come back for a long time, which led to the problems on both sides couldn't be solved, so she came here to see if there was any accident.

I didn't expect to see them in the physical examination room, which really made her angry.

By the other side, Xu Ling could not help but get a long face. He thought of himself as a runner. He was still in the hospital in such a serious place with a little girl.

"Sister Mengling, you are a good friend of Mr. Xu Ling, aren't you?" Sun Jiaman, on the other hand, saw Li Mengling as if he were a savior. She ran to Li Mengling with a smile and asked.

"Yes Sun Jiaman's lovely appearance immediately made Li Meng's aura disappear. At the same time, she responded with a smile.

Hearing Li Mengling's affirmative reply, sun Jiaman's face immediately changed. Otherwise, women's face turned faster than books. In the blink of an eye, she complained to Li Mengling about her grievances.

"Sister Mengling, Mr. Xu Ling, he wants to be a nurse in your hospital. I advise him not to do so, but he still doesn't listen."

Woman's mouth, deceitful ghost!

It was you who had to ask me to find someone else before, but now how can I do it? Xu Ling could not help but make complaints about himself.

However, before he could speak these words out of his mouth, sun Jiaman took advantage of Xu Ling's carelessness and snatched the test sheet from Xu Ling's hand and handed it to Li Mengling.

"You see, this is the phone number of the nurse's sister. Mr. Xu Ling asked for it!"

That expression, it is like a child to the teacher like a tabloid, a face of pride.

"Well?" Li Mengling made a confused voice, took the list, looked at it, and then moved his eyes to Xu Ling, "this is Li Jiaqi's phone number, the most beautiful nurse in our hospital, you have a lot of vision!"

"Wait, wait, I think I need to speak up for myself!" Looking at Li Mengling's eyes, Xu Ling opened her mouth quickly.

"Sister Mengling, don't listen to him. Give him a lesson and let him break that idea." Sun Jiaman, as soon as he saw the excitement, didn't give Xu Ling a chance to explain. He coaxed him.

"Good! Good! It's not bad. Xu Ling didn't even recover her memory. She learned to tease her first. Is she gifted? " I don't know why, hearing this, Li Mengling seems to be a little angry, which will directly grasp Xu Ling's collar and say with a strong tone.

Then, without waiting for Xu Ling to speak, he directly dragged him to the direction of the elevator.

In this way, Xu Ling has no room to explain. She can only maintain her balance and walk behind Li Mengling.

As for sun Jiaman, it seems that he didn't expect that his words made Li Mengling react so much. He didn't dare to speak for a moment and followed him silently.

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