"But you didn't tell me that when I first came in, I told you that..." Chen Yunxi immediately complained to Xu Ling. When she mentioned this, her face became more red.

Chen Yunxi, who is busy with performing arts every day, never shows her true feelings like this. Just now, she thought Xu Ling was in the middle of amnesia, so she dared to say it.

"Yunxi, are all the things you just said true?" Xu Ling didn't think much of it, and even looked at Chen Yunxi seriously and asked.

"I... I..." in that case, it would be very unreasonable to cheat again, but now Xu Ling is normal. How can Chen Yunxi, who has always been euphemistic about her feelings, say something positive?

"I see, Yunxi, I'm wrong this time. I should tell you what I've recovered from the beginning, but your appearance just now is so beautiful that I can't see it for a while." With a smile on her face, Xu Ling told the truth of the situation.

"How can you do that?" Listening to Xu Ling's explanation, Chen Yunxi immediately frowned and complained, "you were just teasing me!"

Speaking, Chen Yunxi's tone also showed a little anger.

"No, no, no, it's not like that. I'm really stunned because I see you. You... You're so beautiful." Feeling the meaning of Chen Yunxi's words, Xu Ling quickly waved and explained.

"Cluck, cluck..."

Xu Ling was so nervous that her face turned white that she could not help but smile.

"Well, you two want to see me joke together, don't you?" Seeing the appearance of the second daughter, Xu Ling immediately understood the reason.

It's true that she is a professional actor. Chen Yunxi's anger just now is really from the inside out, which makes Xu Ling not believe it. Moreover, Li Mengling really knows how to cooperate. It's clear that neither of them has explained in advance.

"Well, it's a blessing that Xu Ling can return to normal. We should all be happy." Li Mengling laughed for a while, and then announced.

"Well!" Chen Yunqian's face was also full of smiles at this time, and nodded her head in agreement with Li Mengling's words.

The performance of the second daughter made Xu Ling feel a little embarrassed, but he didn't have much to say to break the atmosphere. He just scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.


That is at this time, the door of the ward was suddenly opened with a "bang", and then a loud cry came, with a heartbreaking tone.

That is to say, as soon as the voice came out, a delicate figure rushed to Xu Ling with rain. Almost when the people in the room didn't react, he jumped into Xu Ling's arms and began to cry.

"Wenwen? How did you come here? You're not... "When the visitor stopped in Xu Ling's arms, Chen Yunxi realized who this person was, even though she exclaimed.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted directly by Yu Wenwen, "my brother has become like this. Don't you plan to tell me, sister-in-law? If I hadn't finished everything ahead of time, I would have been kept in the dark! Wuwuwu... "

Yu Wenwen said that she was very sad. After that, she looked at Xu Ling again and asked in a trembling voice with tears in her eyes, "brother, do you still know me? I'm Wen Wen

"Wenwen, don't worry, in fact, your brother..." Chen Yunxi saw that Yu Wenwen's mood was a little out of control, so she wanted to comfort her.

But Yu Wenwen, who still doesn't know the situation, went back to Chen Yunxi with some grief. "Sister in law, I know you care about my star career. But if I lose my brother because of this, what's the meaning of becoming a big star?"

Seeing this, Chen Yunqian also knows that she can't get in her mouth, so she has to look at Xu Ling helplessly and ask him to explain it clearly.

After receiving the meaning from Chen Yunxi's eyes, Xu Ling also felt that she could not be so silent any more. Even when she patted Yu Wenwen on the back, "Wenwen, it's OK. My brother's body has been well, and my memory has recovered. Of course, I also remember my only sister!"

In fact, this scene is a little happy. A girl is staring at the man in front of her with tears in her eyes, while the man is embarrassed to explain the situation.

Yu Wenwen obviously didn't think of such a sudden thing. She was stunned, and her eyes were full of tears.

"Wenwen, you don't have to be so excited. Your brother has recovered." At this time, Chen Yunxi was finally able to say what she had always wanted to say.

"Has... Recovered?" Yu Wenwen finally reflected the current situation. Although her expression was still a little stunned, she still asked a question in her mouth, like confirming the current situation to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling just nodded decidedly

Yu Wenwen slowly released her hand around Xu Ling's neck, and then looked around at the people around her, revealing an incredible feeling in her eyes.

"Wenwen?" The atmosphere became so strange that Li Mengling whispered in a worried voice.

It's no wonder that Yu Wenwen was so shocked when such ups and downs happened first.

"Wow..." after Li Mengling finished, the whole ward became very quiet. Everyone was waiting for Yu Wenwen to make the next reaction. After several minutes of silence, Yu Wenwen suddenly seemed to lose control of her emotions, crying and hugging Xu Ling.

"Brother, you are really worried about me. You are so sick. Why don't you tell me! Wu Wu Wu... "Different from complaining to Chen Yunxi just now, Yu Wenwen is full of opinions on Xu Ling.

"Wenwen, don't worry. I'm fine." Xu Ling repeatedly comforted her. She was quite worried about Yu Wenwen's appearance.

"What if something happened? What if... What if you don't even remember me? What should we do? What do you say to do? " Yu Wenwen didn't let Xu Ling off, but directly asked a set of four questions, which stunned Xu Ling.

"Don't do that, Wenwen. Your brother is also afraid of distracting you and delaying Xinglu. He does it for you!" Chen Yunxi couldn't bear to look at Xu Ling's bitter and astringent appearance. She immediately advised Yu Wenwen with painstaking words.

"Don't say it's for me. You don't even recognize your sister for me? I'm your family This sentence seemed to ignite Yu Wenwen completely, which made him roar in anger in an instant.

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