"Uncle Chen is so old, so don't disturb him so late. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. I'll send you back. Xu Ling is in good health and doesn't need to be taken care of." It's OK to have Chen Yunxi, but let Li Mengling stay with Xu Ling alone. To be honest, she can't get along with her normally.

At least not yet

"I need to be taken care of now. You don't have to worry about me." Naturally, Xu Ling understood what Li Mengling thought in his heart. To be more exact, he and Li Mengling thought the same, and they didn't want to be alone.

"Go, go! You see, Wenwen is so sleepy that she almost stands up and falls asleep. " Without waiting for Chen Yunxi to react, Li Mengling directly pulls her out of the ward.

"Well, Xu Ling, take care of yourself." Although this situation makes Chen Yunxi feel very strange, but also stubborn but Li Mengling, only finally gave Xu Ling an instruction, then followed Li Mengling to leave.

Since the beauty is away, only the bright moon and the breeze are still half of Xu Ling. By midnight, the surroundings are even more lonely. Only the occasional chirp of insects coming from nowhere is still proving the sound of this world.

During the day, Xu Ling was told to have a rest, but he was absorbed in studying Xiaoya's problems, but he didn't catch his eyes. Now to tell the truth, if yu Wenwen didn't want to leave, I'm afraid he would have to mention it first.

Besides, the heart knot about Xiaoya is over, and Xu Ling is more confident now. This kind of sureness is different from the feeling of not worrying about anything when she loses her memory, and the feeling of being able to control her own destiny makes Xu Ling very stable when she sleeps.

This sleep, can sleep until dawn

Open sleepy eyes, in front of me, there is a beautiful shadow walking back and forth, seems to be busy.

Xu Ling's first reaction was that the hospital sent nurses to take care of his daily life. It was quite embarrassing for him to think about this. Now that he is a normal person, it is really a waste to let nurses take care of his daily life.

However, just as Xu Ling was about to get up and take care of the nurse, he found something strange when his eyes were completely open

Walking back and forth, skipping, where can there be such a lively nurse?

The latter seems to have heard the news from Xu Ling, and immediately turns his face. It's sun Jiaman.

"Mr. Xu Ling, you finally wake up!" At the moment when Xu Ling opens his eyes, sun Jiaman immediately runs over with a shout of excitement.

"It's Jiaman, who came here so early?" Xu Ling immediately changed his mood after seeing the visitor clearly. After all, he didn't want to let people know about the things that restored his memory.

When sun Jiaman got along with sun Jiaman for a long time when he was simply amnesia, his appearance was no different from the normal state in terms of conversation except that he could no longer teach the other party what was on the radio, so it didn't take Xu Ling to make a big change.

"Good morning? Mr. Xu Ling, it's more than 12 o'clock now. I've been waiting for you all morning to wake you up! " Xu Ling's words immediately aroused sun Jiaman's strong retort, and then she asked with a very worried look, "your body doesn't have any other feelings?"

Sun Jiaman's words let Xu Ling slightly surprised, did not expect that this stable, sleep time are greatly improved.

"It's nothing. I just stayed up a little bit last night." To figure out the reason, Xu Ling quickly waved to sun Jiaman to explain.

"Really? Do you want to ask sister Mengling to come and check for you? " For Xu Ling's body, sun Jiaman won't believe in one side of the story now, so even if Xu Ling gave the reason, she added a very worried addition.

"It's really OK. By the way, hasn't Mengling come yet?" Sun Jiaman's tone is full of disbelief, which makes Xu Ling quite helpless, so this meeting can only change the topic first.

"No, I haven't been to Mengling since I've been here," Sun Jiaman nodded and responded to Xu Ling. Then, with a funny expression, "Mr. Xu Ling, you've finally been taught by Mengling to call her Mengling!"

"Cough, what is training? It's respect for Dr. Li. Besides, I used to call it that way, didn't I?" Sun Jiaman's words surprised Xu Ling a little. He almost forgot such a detail. When sun Jiaman was in front of him, he always called Li Mengling as Doctor Li, which would be reflected and explained quickly.

Fortunately, sun Jiaman didn't think much about it. He just thought that Li menglingduo and Xu Ling emphasized the cause of this.

"Mr. Xu Ling, did you get any treatment yesterday? How did you feel like you didn't have any effect?" There's nothing wrong with Xu Ling's performance, and sun Jiaman doesn't even have any doubts.

"Er... It's not something that can be effective in a second. Take your time." Xu Ling is also showing helpless appearance to sun Jiaman such a set of words.

"Well, you might as well stay at home. I have to find sister Mengling. What else can I stay in this hospital?" Sun Jiaman couldn't help complaining when he heard the speech.

With these words, I really want to go out to find Li Mengling.

"Don't, Mengling also said this thing is too urgent, and stay in the hospital can better deal with my sudden situation." In the hospital, it's good to say that if you go back, it's designated to be found that you have recovered, so Xu Ling will quickly stop sun Jiaman's action.

"Well?" Xu Ling's abnormal appearance immediately aroused sun Jiaman's doubts. She directly fixed her eyes on Xu Ling, "Mr. Xu Ling, you are a little strange!"

too bad! Xu Ling screamed in her heart that the situation was urgent. She completely forgot to hide her emotions and didn't consider her behavior habits in the state of amnesia.

If it's amnesia, how can you want to stay in the hospital?

Is it hard to be discovered on the first day? Xu linglue thought despairingly, and his forehead even exuded sweat because of tension.

"Mr. Xu Ling, you don't really like sister Mengling, do you?" However, after staring at Xu Ling for a while, sun Jiaman blurted out such a question.

After asking, he looked carefully behind him, as if he was afraid of the same situation as yesterday.

"Yes... A little bit." Xu Ling now where to consider other what, a listen to sun Jiaman and did not guess is because of their own memory just don't want to go back, immediately follow each other's words to admit down.

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