"You're not nervous at all. Anyway, Liu feiran will see it. I can't help you block it." Xu Ling's sudden mood change made Li Mengling joking.

However, what she said is also true. Liu feiran is a major shareholder of the central hospital. Li Mengling, her father's good friend, can't have such a strained relationship with Liu feiran.

"I'm very grateful that you can help me drag him for so many days. I'll leave the rest to myself." Xu Ling waved to Li Mengling not to care.

Li Mengling doesn't need to help Xu Ling because he doesn't even tell Li Mengling why he has to stay in the hospital, let alone have so many secrets.

Li Mengling, however, is willing to help Xu Ling so much in such a situation that he knows nothing. This kind of trust is enough to make Xu Ling grateful.

"Then you have to pay attention to it. Don't make it like before." Li Mengling is still full of worries about Xu Ling, a frequent visitor of the hospital, who can do unexpected things every time.

"You can rest assured that Liu feiran doesn't dare to do anything to me." Other Xu Ling dare not guarantee, but for this matter, Xu Ling is very relieved.

As long as their own value exists, it is safe in Liu feiran's side.

"Your relationship is really complicated." Although I don't know why Xu Ling can have such affirmation, Li Mengling can only believe what he said.

In fact, Li Mengling is full of doubts about this matter, but she also knows that Xu Ling won't talk to herself, so she doesn't ask. Instead, she calls to take care of her own affairs.

"Wait a minute, Mengling!" Seeing that Li Mengling was going to leave, Xu Ling quickly stopped her.

"Anything else?" As the only person Xu Ling can contact with the outside world, Li Mengling knows that he must have something to do with himself as soon as he hears from the other party.

"Can I transfer Xiao Li away? I'm normal. I don't feel comfortable with such a person to take care of my daily life." Xu Ling finally said what she had always wanted to say in recent days.

"What? Isn't she a good server? " Li Mengling didn't understand Xu Ling's meaning. Even if it's normal, it's extremely comfortable to have such a person to serve.

"No, it's because she's so considerate that I don't feel very comfortable. You see, I'm just a rude man, so I need someone like a maid beside me." Xu Ling quickly waved his hand and explained.

"You really don't know what to do. Xiao Li is so dedicated to taking care of you. At last, you don't want to." Li Mengling immediately criticized Xu Ling.

"I don't want to. It's a bit wasteful for such a good nurse to accompany me." Xu lingpo said with some embarrassment.

"Yes, I can get rid of her for you, but I have to explain to those who come to see you." Looking at the tangled look on Xu Ling's face, Li Mengling finally took this matter down, but he finally gave an order.

Naturally, what she said was that Wu Qinglian and he Jianhua were more worried.

"Well, don't worry about that. Besides, I'm not the kind of person who forgets everything in their eyes now." This matter does not need Li Mengling to remind, Xu Ling knows to do so, and after these days, Xu Ling also shows more and more appearance of memory recovery.

Li Mengling refused to comment on this fact. Then he nodded with a smile and left the ward.

As for Xu Ling's request, Li Mengling probably told Xiao Li when he went out, so Xiao Li didn't come back after people left as before.

After waiting for a long time and confirming that Xiao Li would not come back, Xu Ling finally let go and locked the door, then came back to the bedside to summon Xiao Ya

There is not much time left for Xu Ling, so he has to make full use of the time when no one bothers him too much.

One afternoon, in the process of operating Xiaoya, it passed in a blink of an eye. When Xu Ling regained his consciousness, it was already dark outside.

Looking at the time, Xu Ling couldn't help laughing bitterly. That's why he decided to transfer Xiao Li away from him.

With her here, it's absolutely impossible for Xu Ling to be unconscious all afternoon. If she wants to operate Xiaoya again, it must be in the evening. As a result, it's always in the middle of the night after Xu Ling forces the matter to end.

Looking at the dark sky outside, Xu Ling stretched her limbs and got up to open the locked door.

These days, before dark, Xiao Li will take Xu Ling around the hospital. This habit is unconsciously cultivated by Xu Ling.

Although there is no Xiao Li today, Xu Ling can't help walking towards the outside of the hospital.

The feeling of walking alone is very special. The most important thing is that without Xiao Li chatting on the side, Xu Ling's thinking is far away. Of course, all she wants is her plan after returning to normal life.

So worried to walk, and no one else to lead the way, Xu Ling unconsciously have walked a long distance.

Looking back, the hospital is only a looming outline.

At this time, the street lamp is also on, indicating that the sky has been completely dark, and Xu Ling, who has been walking for such a long time, is also hungry.

With this feeling, Xu Ling was not in a hurry to go back to the hospital. Standing at the intersection, he took a taxi and went to the place to eat.

But this destination, Xu Ling has no reason to think of the shop that Li Mengling took him to before. After all, it's the food made by the first-class chef. Anyway, Xu Ling is still nostalgic.

This time, without the company of Li Mengling, Xu Ling, who came to the store alone, was also very low-key, and just when he felt that he could eat the meal well.

Coincidentally, as soon as I entered the store, I ran into the owner of the store, who was naturally the second grandfather of Li Mengling.

"Ah, isn't this Xu Ling?" Originally, Xu Ling felt that he had only one-sided relationship with such an old man, and he would not remember himself for the high weight of the position. However, a word instantly broke Xu Ling's guess.

"Hello, grandfather, it's me Hear each other call out their own names. Xu Ling can no longer pretend not to see the appearance, quickly made a bow to say hello.

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