Jin Jianguo didn't get angry with Xu Ling. "You young man, how can you look very serious and talk nonsense. Just, I don't care. You can do whatever you like. "

After that, Jin Jianguo turned around and left, unwilling to talk nonsense with Xu Ling.

Xu Ling has a helpless smile on her face.

Nowadays, how can no one believe the truth?

Is it the breakdown of personality or the decline of morality? Please follow today's program

"Hey, people are bullying you. Why don't you look like a nobody?"

Xia Xinyu's discontented words interrupt Xu Ling's more and more nonsense thoughts.

Xu Ling had no choice but to smile, "I don't think it's because he's old, let him?"

Jin Jianguo, who has not yet gone far, immediately falters at his feet when he hears this. Fortunately, the disciples who follow him are quick sighted, so they quickly reach out to hold him, otherwise they may fall on the horse.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Jin Jianguo was so angry that he pointed his finger at Xu Ling's nose. His shoulder trembled violently from time to time, reflecting his emotional excitement. For a long time, he was not calm.

"I'm just telling the truth. I'm not lying to you, really."

Xu Ling blinked, his face full of innocent color.

"Good... You're good... Cough!"

Jin Jianguo was choked by Xu Ling's innocent expression. After a few severe coughs, he quickly walked up to Xu Ling and said: "boy, you are an adult, and you have to be responsible for your own words and deeds."

"No problem." Xu Ling shrugged fearlessly, "how do you want me to be responsible for buying you an accident insurance and signing my name?"


Hearing this, Xia Xinyu laughed and said, "Xu Ling, Xu Ling, your mouth is too damaged. Our uncle Jin is only in his sixties this year. He has three or four years to live. You can't curse him to die early

Jin Jianguo, who had been so angry by Xu Ling that he couldn't speak, felt a little relieved at first hearing Xia Xinyu's words. It was Xia's girl who would love her.

But on second thought, No.

Uncle Jin, I'm just over 60 years old. How come I only have three or four years to live?

What's the difference between this and Xu's cursing me to die early?

Damn it, two smart kids. If you don't care about the presence of other people, I will clean you up.

However, it is obvious that Mr. Jin is optimistic.

Even without the presence of these people, where can he beat Xu Ling, a strong young man, with his old arms and legs?

"You two little guys, I don't want to worry about it. I don't need to be told that I'm bullying the little ones." Jin Jianguo can only comfort himself with the spirit of Ah Q, "however, Xu boy, you said before let me, this is a bit too much?"

"Too much, I don't think." Xu Ling shrugged, a face of disapproval.

"I know you're born with a good mouth, but I can't tell you." Jin Jianguo resisted the rising and falling anger again in his chest and said bitterly, "let's talk with poetry. You say you let me, ha ha, I'm not so bad as to need you to let me be a suckling boy. Let's all watch here. If you do a poem better than me, I won't care with you. If you can't do it, hum, You have to be fed up. "

Xu Ling thought about it and nodded seriously, "I choose the second one."

"What do you mean?" Jin Jianguo didn't respond for a moment.

Xu Ling explained with a smile: "I'm a senior eater, so it's a good choice for me if I can't get away with it."


Jin Jianguo's hand trembled and pointed to Xu Ling for a while. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word. Then his eyes turned and he fainted.

"No, Vice President Kim has fainted."

I do not know who called, the original noisy crowd suddenly for a quiet, and then eat melon like a wave of people to the scene.

"Don't panic, vice president Jin should be guilty of high blood pressure."

Liu Jinchuan, the host of the birthday party, stood up for the first time when all the people were in a mess, just watching the play, even taking pictures and talking about the circle of friends.

"Let me pass. Vice president Jin, this is an old problem. There should be emergency pills in his pocket."

Liu Jinchuan squeezed through the crowd, squatted down and groped in Jin Jianguo's pocket for a while. He found a small white medicine bottle. After reading the instructions, he poured out two small pills and told the people around him: "take a cup of cold white, hurry up, life is at stake."

Someone answered and went away. He hurriedly took a cup of boiled water and took pills to Jin Jianguo.

After waiting for a long time, Jin Jianguo finally slowly opened his eyes and woke up from the coma under the eager gaze of the people.

"I, what's the matter with me?"

When Jin Jianguo opened his eyes, he saw the crowd around him. His eyes were like searchlights, and he was still a little flustered.

"You are dizzy by Xu Ling. I found the first aid pill in your pocket and saved you."

When Liu Jinchuan spoke, his eyes swam to Xu Ling not far away. He didn't know it. He was angry and jumped.

This guy, who is not easy to worry about, is sitting at a leisurely distance like a man who has nothing to do with it. He is crossing his legs and eating melon seeds while humming a happy ditty, as if celebrating something.

Jin Jianguo followed Liu Jinchuan's eyes and saw a relaxed and complacent Xu Ling. Suddenly, he was angry again, but he was not lucky enough to faint. He just gasped heavily.

"Hey, how on earth did you do that? In a word, you can make old man Jin faint?"

Xia Xinyu sat beside Xu Ling and asked with a smile.

She and Xu Ling think the same, don't feel dizzy, Jin Jianguo has any improper place.

After all, this disrespectful old man is not only too thick skinned, but also extremely capable of death.

What they say makes people listen to them. They have an impulse to beat people.

Xu Ling light a smile, way: "I casually choke him a few words, is his psychological ability to bear too bad, can't blame others."

Xia Xinyu chuckled and said, "ha ha, now I know why you are not popular in the youth group. With this poisonous mouth, few people can stand it."

"... can we have a good chat?"

At this time, Xu Ling suddenly felt cold on his back and looked back. He saw that Jin Jianguo, who was half lying on the ground, was staring at him with a murderous look.

Xu Ling does not care to smile, "Yo, wake up, I just regret it, did not buy you an insurance earlier. It seems that it's not too late to buy it later. "

Jin Jianguo's face turned white with a Shua. His throat rolled and squeezed out a word between his lips and teeth.

"Go away!"

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