Although praised so much, Xu Ling will not forget himself. When it's time to be modest, he should be modest.

If it starts to expand, it will be really embarrassing if the task is not finished.

"Well, in that case, you should take action without delay. If you solve these problems earlier, I will be less worried." Chen Hong eagerly gives Xu lingphen instructions.

"Is there anything else bothering Aunt Chen?" Xu Ling immediately recognized the potential meaning of Chen Hong's words.

Reasonably speaking, now that all departments are installing equipment, and Xu Ling is going to win over everyone's support, the whole plan is booming. How can it be so troubled.

"The internal affairs of our radio station have been solved, but we still have to face the predicament outside. The director and I have been discussing this all these days." Chen Hong sighed and explained Zhu Xu.

"You mean Xu Ling also knew something about the plan, so she immediately asked.

As if to agree with Xu Ling's guess, Zhu Xu immediately nodded, "yes, it's those external platforms. They won't easily agree with things that they haven't heard before."

Xu Ling can understand this very well. No matter in this world or in her original place, she doesn't pay much attention to the broadcasting industry.

Especially here, broadcasting still stays on a single platform, which is even more difficult for the expansion plan.

Who would be willing to take risks with local radio stations?

Although, it will not have much loss for them, but the time lost is inevitable.

If you sweep the snow in front of your own house, who cares about the frost on others' tiles?

"Shall I help you?" Xu Ling thought of this thing, but also become very worried, quickly suggested.

"No, I've already given you such an important task. How can I let you do it?" Chen Hong waved her hand and said.

Of course, she believes that Xu Ling will have such ability, but after all, she put forward the plan herself. How can she leave everything to others?

This is Chen Hong's self-consciousness as a director. She will always set an example. She will never give things to others once they are finished.

"Yes, Xu Ling, we'll take care of it. Don't worry, just finish what you're doing!" Zhu Xu also nodded and said that his opinion was very consistent with Chen Hong.

I don't know if it's because of standing on the same boat. However, Xu Ling is a little satisfied with Zhu Xu. Compared with the feeling before, it's just very different.

It can be said that it's nature. When Xu Ling thought of this fact, she couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Who ever thought that one day he would have such a big intersection with Zhu Xu.

At that time, when he was asked to help him find employees, Xu Ling thought that it was the latest time for her to have a relationship with Zhu Xu, but now it seems that it is too superficial.

From the enemy to the comrades in arms, it's just a moment.

"Well, in that case, let's wish the plan a perfect success!" Two people so refuse, Xu Ling is not good, and then put everything to their own to deal with, and then stretched out a hand, said with a smile.

See Xu Ling stretched out a hand, the other two people all look at each other a smile, have stretched out a hand on Xu Ling's hand.

"Come on

Coincidentally, the three men called out at the same time.

At this moment, the alliance was formally established. Unlike Xu Ling who was forced to join the alliance with Xu Qianyang, the situation here was all based on his own future.

After encouraging himself, Xu Ling left the office. His next goal is naturally he Jianhua!

As the deputy director of the radio station, Xu Ling also respects him very much. He is now Xu Ling's primary target.

However, just left the office, not out of the radio, met a girl head-on.

At first, Xu Ling didn't react, but after the other party was a little closer, he suddenly recognized it.

This is Xia Xinyu!

Since Xu Ling went to the late night column group, she has hardly seen her. The only time she met was when she came to persuade her to go back to the storytelling column group.

When you think about it, she is still your elder martial sister!

It's just that he hasn't appeared in the literature club for a long time, which makes Xu Ling forget his identity.

Xia Xinyu looks very anxious. She doesn't pay attention to any other places in her eyes. She just goes forward.

Almost all of them passed by Xu Ling, and they didn't want to say hello.

Or Xu Ling quickly yelled, just put the elder sister's steps to stop.

"Summer rain!"

Xia Xinyu is not deaf because her name is so loud that she can't hear it.

She looked in the direction of the voice, and immediately saw who it was.

Xia Xinyu's expression changed from bewilderment to doubt to shock, and finally he cried out excitedly, "Xu Ling!"

"Xu Ling, is it really you? Have you recovered? How can you come to the radio station... "Without waiting for Xu Ling to respond, Xia Xinyu immediately grabs Xu Ling's hand, and the question in her mouth is like a machine gun hitting Xu Ling in the face.

"Well, I'm almost ready. It's not because I heard something happened on the radio that I came here to see what happened." Although there are many questions, Xu Ling sums them up and gives Xia Xinyu a reply.

"Great, great, seeing that you're OK, my heart is down." Xia Xinyu is also a good friend of Xu lingting. During her hospitalization, she visited Xu Ling more than once. At this time, she was very happy to see Xu Ling standing in front of her normally.

"By the way, Xia Xinyu, what are you doing in such a hurry? If I hadn't stopped you, I'm afraid we would have missed it." Xu Ling didn't want to stop talking about himself, so she immediately asked Xia Xinyu.

This problem is obviously more dignified, Xia Xinyu a listen, the excitement on the face can't help but dim down, "you also know now in the radio rectification things?"

Xu Ling nodded naturally. Even if she had not been to the director's office, she should know when she saw all kinds of equipment installation staff.

"What do you think of the rectification?" Seeing that Xu Ling's expression doesn't change, Xia Xinyu suddenly asks him with great interest.

This question let Xu Ling not from ground a burst of emotion, just don't know how to say this matter with Xia Xinyu, didn't expect her to put forward first.

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