Back to the original appearance, Xu Ling's work is also quite relaxed. Unconsciously, he has finished the content of the next three days.

But after such a long time, it's already dark. Xu Ling, who came into the study in broad daylight, didn't even turn on the light. Now there is no other light source in the room except the light from the computer screen.

After standing up from his seat and stretching a lot, Xu Ling was about to turn on the light when a voice came from outside.

"So late, teacher Xu Ling hasn't come back yet?" This voice can be distinguished by Xu Ling. It's sun Jiaman.

"Radio rectification is such a big matter, how can we say that we can handle it well? Mr. Xu Ling should still be struggling for it." Another voice is Yun Zhongjie, with helplessness in his words.

"Well, Mr. Xu Ling has just been discharged from hospital. It's really hard for him to let him take part in this matter." Sun Jiaman is worried to say, in her view, Xu Ling is still a patient.

When Xu Ling heard that his two senior disciples cared about him so much, he could not help feeling warm in his heart. He was deeply touched by the feeling like his family.

What is family? Family is the people who care about you when you are suffering outside.

"Jiaman, it happens that Mr. Xu Ling hasn't come back yet. We..."

"Ah? No, what if he comes back suddenly? No, no, no

"No, Jiaman, don't worry! And it won't take long. "

"Well... Well, just a moment, no more!"

"Don't worry, Jiaman, you don't believe me!"


The two people outside the study, after caring about Xu Ling's affairs, suddenly changed the conversation and began to talk about a more private topic.

It's hard for Xu Ling. He planned to show up when they had just finished talking about themselves. By the way, he could praise them well.

But just a little hesitation, but it came to such a bad situation.

Now, it's not good for Xu Ling to go out or not. What's more, he can't help his curiosity. He lies on the door carefully listening to what's going on outside.

They are both young, and Yun Zhongjie is quite honest. He doesn't do anything out of line. Xu Ling's embarrassing situation lasted only a short time, and then he heard them talking again.

"Well, don't you have another show tonight? Hurry up and get ready. Mr. Xu Ling has given you so much trust that you can't let him down. " Sun Jiaman reminds Yun Zhongjie seriously at this time.

"How can I live up to Xu Ling's expectations? For this reason, I have been thinking about how to broadcast tonight's program!" Yun Zhongjie is also confident to guarantee this.

Such a dialogue is quite gratifying for Xu Ling, who is listening in the dark. At least, when he is away, they still think about work.

However, before Xu Ling was happy for long, Yun Zhongjie's next sentence scared him.

"First, I'll go to Mr. Xu Ling's study and print out the manuscript I want to use today. I have to mark it."

"We should pay attention to Mr. Xu Ling's words, but we haven't printed the manuscript yet?" Sun Jiaman smell speech, immediately some ridicule like said.

Of course, she knows that yunzhongjie doesn't care about anything. Even if it's not printed out, it can be read on the mobile platform.

In the conversation between two people outside the door, Xu Ling clearly hears that Yun Zhongjie's steps are getting closer and closer to him.

The situation is urgent. If these two people know that their teacher Xu Ling will come out and hide in the room to eavesdrop on others, then Xu Ling's face doesn't know where to put it.

Although this is not what Xu Ling wants to eavesdrop on, it's really because the other party's arrival is too untimely for him to respond. In this case, Xu Ling grabs his feet and prepares his posture in the remaining time, so that he can concentrate on his work in front of the computer.


With the sound of the door of the study being turned open, Yun Zhongjie comes in

"Mr. Xu Ling!" As expected, Yun Zhongjie saw that the computer screen was on in the dark study, and there was a person sitting in front of him. Without thinking about it, he blurted out.

"Well?" Xu Ling pretended to be scared, and quickly turned to look over, "Zhongjie, are you back?"

"Xu... Mr. Xu Ling, when did you come back? Why didn't you turn on the light at home?" Of course, Yun Zhongjie is very clear about what he has done. But at that time, he thought that no one in the room would do that. Now he finds that Xu Ling has been there all the time, so he naturally feels nervous.

After all, Xu lingcai has just told them the rules, and Yun Zhongjie is actually a shy person.

"Oh, I've been writing for a long time, and I didn't notice that it was dark. If you hadn't come back and called me, I wouldn't have known it was dark." Xu Ling quickly stretched a stretch to explain, the tone is full of lazy.

At first glance, he was addicted to work and didn't care about the world, which also made Yun Zhongjie feel relieved.

"What? Mr. Xu Ling has come back? " At this meeting, sun Jiaman also heard the news and rushed over. Her face was full of panic.

"What's the matter with you? Is it strange that I'm at home? " Although she knows what kind of situation it is, Xu Ling can't say it. Instead, she asks the past to prove that she doesn't know what they did just now.

From this point of view, the two sides are now surprisingly consistent

So after Xu Ling asked this question, sun Jiaman and Yun Zhongjie shook their heads like a rattle, and then responded with one voice, "no! Not at all

If Xu Ling didn't know about it, he could see that there was a ghost in their heart.

But it happened that Xu Ling knew about it, so even if the two people showed such a ghost in front of him, he could only show a clear expression and nodded.

"By the way, Mr. Xu Ling, you must be hungry after working so long. It happens that Jiaman and I are going to have dinner. Let's go together." There is a ghost in his heart. Naturally, Yun Zhongjie doesn't want to stay on this topic any more. He will directly invite Xu Ling.

"Well, that's good. I'm really hungry." Xu Ling immediately nodded and agreed with Yun Zhongjie's proposal.

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