"Don't worry, didn't the other party give us some time to consider?" Xu Ling waved his hand and naturally asked.

"Ha ha, it's funny to say that they think their demands are too big, so they give us half a month to think about it." Speaking of this, Yun Zhongjie couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, they have no fear. If they drag on, it will only do us harm. This is a threat to us!" Xu Ling's mouth is also hanging a sneer.

"What shall we do?" Naturally, Yun Zhongjie also understood this truth. When he was behind Xu Ling, he gradually moved closer to the backbone of the radio station.

"They think we are afraid of procrastination, so let's show it to them and give them a response on the last day before they ask!" Xu Ling maintained a sneer, the implementation of the plan to this stage, has not been so threatened.

Originally, it can achieve a win-win situation, but the other party just wants to be fat, so Xu Ling is not afraid, no one can make money!

"Do you want to report this to the director?" Having got Xu Ling's order, Yun Zhongjie nodded and then asked for instructions in a low voice.

"Don't worry about this. Take half the terms of this contract and go to forest network!" In fact, even if you don't need Yun Zhongjie to report, the station director can also know about this situation. Moreover, as far as Xu Ling knows about Aunt Chen, her performance must be much more irritable than herself. After all, this radio station still belongs to her in name.

So, for the moment, it's better to let yunzhongjie do other tasks.

"This half? For radio stations, isn't it expensive? " Yun Zhongjie said anxiously.

The radio station can't afford to cut half, which shows how excessive the conditions proposed by Superman are.

"The forest is also a hard bone to chew. I can't bear to see where their bottom line is because the children can't cover the wolf." Xu Ling then explained her plan.

"OK, I see. I'm going to ask the financial department to draft the contract." Since the implementation of the plan, Xu Ling's various performances have proved his ability in negotiation, so at this time, Yun Zhongjie also quite believes Xu Ling's words, and then turns around and leaves.

Watching Yun Zhongjie leave the office, Xu Ling first sits on the chair with his head in his arms for a rest, then stretches and goes out again.

Xu Ling left for no other purpose, just because his program was about to start.

At the beginning of the program, the editor in chief is still required to host the program in person. Who let Xu Ling, the whole program group, have only three employees?

Sun Jiaman and Yun Zhongjie are also sent out to perform tasks. There is another old Wu who is just in the learning stage and has no way to conduct anchor activities. At most, he is only a telephone editor.

Although there are few people, there is only one program in the whole column group. Otherwise, it's too busy.

"Yo, chief editor Xu, the program is about to start?" On the way, I happened to meet Xia Xinyu, who is also going to broadcast the program. Because Xu Ling is back in the daytime, they have more opportunities to meet.

"Yes, it's about to pass!" Because it's a new column group suddenly opened, and there is only one program, so there is no supporting broadcasting room. Now Xu Ling can only live in an extra broadcasting room in the storytelling column group.

This is why although I am in two column groups, I can meet Xia Xinyu.

"How about the tasks the director gave you? Has it been settled yet? " While walking to the broadcasting room, Xia Xinyu is concerned about this aspect.

Of course, she was very determined to join the plan when she was persuaded by Xu Ling. For this reason, when she even followed Xu Ling to persuade the elders, she almost got into a deadlock with them.

There are several old friends of her grandfather!

Since asked by the other side, Xu Ling had no choice but to shake his head, "not yet, the heads of those companies are too iron, full of disbelief in us."

"Ai ~" listening to Xu Ling's helpless tone, Xia Xinyu sighed, and then quickly changed her expression to comfort Xu Ling, "but there's no way. They've never cooperated with the radio station. It's natural for them to have some doubts."

In this regard, Xu Ling can only reluctantly nod to agree.

But the reason is the reason after all. It's a knot if we don't talk about it well one day.

As the saying goes: some things it does not solve, it will always be something!

Feeling Xu Ling's dejected look, Xia Xinyu then encouraged him, "don't worry, with your ability, it's not just a matter of time to solve those small companies. You know, you can easily negotiate with big companies like Lianhe!"

In the face of Xia Xinyu's encouragement, Xu Ling can't cry any more, even if she nods her head with a smile.

But when Xia Xinyu talks about the United Company, Xu Ling's heart is full of bitterness.

Because we only know that it took Xu Ling only three days to negotiate with the largest network company in China and agree to join the radio station, but we don't know what Xu Ling is facing.

In fact, the biggest shareholder behind the United Network Company is Hengda, of which more than 60% of the shares are owned by Hengda. In other words, although the United Network Company is an independent company, in fact, it has already belonged to Hengda.

It's just that only people in the industry know this fact. In the eyes of outsiders, they don't know that there is such a situation in the United Nations.

However, for Hengda, Xu Ling is really reluctant to face it, because the big boss behind the scenes of the company

It's Liu feiran!

This is what Xu Ling learned when she went to negotiate with the United Network Company.

And when we know this, it's too late. It's said that the radio station will send Xu Ling there. It's Liu feiran who is waiting for Xu Ling there.

At that time, the real situation was that Liu feiran agreed to Xu Ling's request at the first time, and even offered more favorable conditions than those brought by Xu Ling.

Of course, in exchange, Xu Ling's situation can be imagined.

At the beginning, of course, Xu Ling refused, but on one hand, the development of the whole radio station demanded that it must form an alliance with the United Nations, and on the other hand, it was her own safety.

Under such a choice, Xu Ling had no choice but to choose the former after thinking for a few days. This is what happened in those three days, which is far more complicated than what people on the radio saw

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