Although it's a joke, it's true that Xu Ling bothered Li Mengling at that time. That's why he had such a strong reaction.

"Oh, by the way, you said your body was in trouble again, didn't you?" Looking at Xu Ling, it seems that there is no way for her to pass away. Li Mengling has to change the topic first.

Of course, when asked this question, Li Mengling's expression was quite serious.

"For a moment, it may have nothing to do with the previous situation, but I'm still a little scared." Xu Ling nodded, his face also showed a trace of concern.

"Well, you're right to worry about that. Find out early and treat early, so as to avoid any strange situation." Li Mengling nodded. For this, she didn't want to laugh at Xu Ling.

Only after experiencing the situation at that time can we understand Xu Ling.

That's to say, no, No

"But I have a visual inspection. The reason why you feel dizzy is that you haven't had a good rest recently and you don't eat regularly." Then, without waiting for Xu Ling to respond, Li Mengling speculated again.

Seeing, hearing and asking are the four important steps of traditional Chinese medicine. Although Li Mengling studied western medicine and used high technology, she also had a second grandfather who was a great master of traditional Chinese medicine. Living with her second grandfather when she was young, it was natural for her to have some attainments in traditional Chinese medicine.

"Will you also get dizzy?" Xu Ling couldn't help wondering.

Because Li Mengling guessed quite well, with the continuous progress of the radio plan, there are more and more things in front of him.

In addition, Xu Ling knows what the plan looks like after it succeeds. Naturally, she knows more about what to do and what not to do.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Gradually, Xu Ling has become the leader of this plan. Even Chen Hong, the director of the station who proposed the plan at the beginning, would ask Xu Ling a little bit about her opinions when making decisions.

Plus their own programs, website novels and so on.

All kinds of factors add up, so that Xu Ling can't eat and sleep on time, which leads to these situations mentioned by Li Mengling.

"Sure! Irregular rest and diet is the biggest hidden danger of health problems, "Li Mengling nodded and said with certainty. Then, he reminded Xu Ling," of course, these are my guesses. I have to check what it is. If it's really what I say, it's good. "

These problems, such as poor rest and irregular diet, can be adjusted later. However, if we really want to find out the same situation as before, it is necessary to be hospitalized.

Think of here, Xu Ling is also a lot of serious, hurriedly urged Li Mengling began to help himself physical examination.

At such an important juncture, Xu Ling doesn't want to do anything strange.

After receiving Xu Ling's phone call, Li Mengling has already started to prepare this matter, so this meeting Xu Ling put forward, Li Mengling did not hesitate, directly called for a while, then took Xu Ling to the physical examination room.

Then there was a set of flowing operations. From the outside to the inside, they all checked

"Well, it's really like what I guessed." Waiting on the side, Li Mengling checks the last item of blood before she gives it to Xu Lingtong.

Hearing such news, Xu Ling was also relieved.

"It's not like before, is it?" In order to prevent mistakes, Xu Ling also confirmed a question.

"You don't believe me ~" feeling Xu Ling's suspicious attitude, Li Mengling immediately turned a small face, glanced at Xu Ling and asked.

"How could that be? You are the best doctor in Los Angeles. I don't believe you. Who else can you believe? Ha ha ha... "Li Mengling's emotion immediately spread to Xu Ling, who could not help but fight a cold war all over and explained it.

"Cluck, don't worry, there's no problem, but after that you still have to have a good rest. Although work is important, you should also pay attention to your health." Li Mengling also came up with the idea of joking with Xu Ling after learning that Xu Ling was not in any serious trouble. She couldn't help laughing when her goal was achieved, but she finally reminded her.

"Well, I see." The other side's kind reminder, Xu Ling is repeatedly agreed to come down.

"As like as two peas," you can't forget that when you go back to work, you forget that you are just like the same workman. Face to face, Li Mengling can feel Xu Ling's perfunctory attitude.

You don't have to think that this guy will be working like that again after he left the hospital.

"No, no, I'm sure I'll take a rest before I work!" Xu Ling's old face was red when he was stabbed by the other party.

Just after Li Mengling said that his body is not in any serious trouble, Xu Ling's heart has already begun to consider what work to do next.

Which has at the beginning of the dizziness when the kind of tension, worry about their body appearance?

"I'll tell you..."

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Although Xu Ling is still such a guarantee, but Li Mengling still where believe now, just about to continue to remind, suddenly a mobile phone ring to interrupt her.

Different from Xu Ling's, such a serious bell is very suitable for Dr. Li Mengling's serious position.

"I'll take a call. You wait here." Took out the mobile phone to have a look, Li Mengling then said a word to Xu Ling, then took care of oneself to take the mobile phone to go out.

As for Xu Ling, although there is still some work to deal with, Li Mengling has said that, and he has not finished his affirmation, so he has to wait in silence.

Li Mengling didn't make a long call. It took her more than five minutes to push the door in again.

However, after this call, Li Mengling's face showed full doubt.

"Finished?" For this, Li Mengling himself does not say, Xu Ling is not easy to ask, so this will he can only knock on the sidelines, let her continue their side of the matter.

Nodding, Li Mengling did not seem to give Xu Ling to continue to explain the trend of Pathology, but directly talked about what he had just called.

"My second grandfather asked me to bring you a message that I will see you at eight o'clock tomorrow evening, in the old place." When Li Mengling talked about the content of the phone, he was direct and completely omitted the redundant part.

"Ha?" Of course, Xu Ling has no time to think about what the extra part is, because his expression is now completely Li Meng Linghua.

Full of doubts and puzzles

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